
jiā niú
  • ox;bullock;neat
家牛[jiā niú]
  1. 但这里没有足够的草供给家牛和野牛。

    There wasn 't enough grass for cattle and buffalo .

  2. 家牛为我们提供牛奶、牛肉和皮革。

    Domestic cattle provide us with milk , beef , and hides .

  3. 牛是反刍家畜,是指除水牛和牦牛之外的家牛的总称。

    Cattle refer to all domestic cattle except for the buffalo and yak .

  4. 非术语词汇;本质上同延于牛属;家牛;水牛;某些情况下包括捻角羚。

    Term not used technically ; essentially coextensive with genus Bos : cattle ; buffalo ; and sometimes includes kudu .

  5. 和家牛或公羊不同,他们和周围可以闻到的范围内所有发情的母牛或母羊交配,人类的性生活必须双方同意。

    Unlike domestic bulls or rams , which service every receptive female within sniffing distance , mating humans demand some sort of mutual consent .

  6. 1493年,西班牙人将家牛引进美国与英国移民所带来的乳牛杂交后培育出了一个新品种德克萨斯长角牛

    Cattle brought over by the Spanish in 1493 had bred with settlers ' cows from England breeding a new breed , the Texas Longhorn .

  7. 养牛是最重要的一种畜牧业。家牛的品种很多&奶牛用来挤奶,肉牛用来吃肉。

    Raising cattle is the most important kind of livestock farming . Many breeds are kept-dairy cows for their milk and beef cattle for their meat .

  8. 更为重要的是,这个群体将完全是纯种野生基因,而非像美国现存的许多野牛群,是与驯养的家牛杂交的后代。

    Significantly , this herd will be entirely free of cattle genes - unlike most existing buffalo herds in America , which have interbred with domestic cattle .

  9. 在美国官方看来,现在的美洲野牛实际上就是家牛的一种,但是如果盖瑞蒂先生的方法可行,那么有一天,他的野牛将会被官方重新认可为野生野牛。

    Officially , the American buffalo is now a type of livestock . But one day , if Mr Gerrity gets his way , his buffalo will be declared wild animals again .

  10. 科学家正在测试一种可以自我传播的疫苗,作为一种每年导致巨大金钱损失的高度传染性水牛和家牛疾病的一种解决方案。

    [ KUALA LUMPUR ] Scientists are testing a vaccine that spreads by itself as a solution to a highly infectious buffalo and cattle disease that costs millions of dollars a year .

  11. 出血性败血病是非洲、亚洲和中东的许多国家的最重大的水牛和家牛的细菌病之一,每年导致巨大的金钱损失。

    Haemorrhagic septicaemia is one of the most important bacterial diseases in buffalo and cattle in many African , Asian and Middle Eastern countries , causing losses of millions of dollars a year .

  12. 石头墙使农民家的牛不会混入邻居的牛群中去。

    The stone walls keep the farmer 's cows from joining his neighbor 's cows .

  13. 他说在夜里,公园里来的狮子曾经吃过他家的牛。

    He says that at night lions from the park used to eat his family 's cattle .

  14. 随着夏季来临,(一般为6月中旬),农场主将繁杂的仪式铃铛系在自己家的牛身上,然后将它们带到高海拔的一个棚子中。

    With the arrival of summer ( usually mid-June ), the farmer straps elaborate ceremonial bells on his cows and takes them up to a hut at high elevations .

  15. 我没有这种自信而且现在觊觎邻居家的牛或驴也已不再是问题所以我今天将用这几分钟时间提出十条建议

    I don 't have that kind of confidence and , anyway , coveting your neighbor 's ox or donkey is not the problem it used to be so I thought I would use my few minutes today to make Ten Suggestions

  16. 但牛抵达了它们的夏天的家,铃铛牛被挂在屋檐下。

    When the cows arrive at their summer home , the bells are hung under the eaves .

  17. 目前台湾一家名为“牛爸爸牛肉面”的餐馆拥有市场上最昂贵的牛肉面。

    The 688 Beef Bowl restaurant in Taiwan currently has the most expensive beef noodles on the market .

  18. 这部小说通过北京三大家族&姚家、曾家和牛家的故事讲述,描述了从义和团运动到抗日战争期间中国社会发生的巨大变化。

    This novel depicts the profound changes of Chinese society from the Boxers Uprising ( 1900 ) to Anti-Japanese War ( 1937-1945 ) through the description of three large families in Peking & the Yao Family , the Tseng Family and the New Family .

  19. 湘潭城内从前有六家牛肉店,现在倒了五家,剩下一家是杀病牛和废牛的。

    Of the six butcheries in the county town of Hsiangtan , five are now closed and the remaining one slaughters only enfeebled or disabled animals .