
  • 网络family welfare;family benefit;Family-friendly benefits
  1. 这个项目恪守了其改善家庭福利的承诺。

    The program has lived up to its promise to promote family welfare .

  2. 印度卫生和家庭福利部通报世卫组织,到目前为止,没有发现H5N1感染的人间病例。

    The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India has informed WHO that no human cases of H5N1 infection have been detected to date .

  3. 根据2007年的一项研究,美国在家庭福利政策方面,例如带薪育儿假,带薪病假和支持母乳喂养,远远落后于每一个发达国家,以及许多发展中国家。

    The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave , paid sick days and breast-feeding support , according to a 2007 study .

  4. 印度卫生和家庭福利部的联合秘书RajendraS.Shukla说,基于DNA的诊断具有性价比。

    DNA-based diagnosis is cost-effective , says Rajendra S.Shukla , joint secretary of the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare .

  5. 孟加拉人民共和国政府卫生和家庭福利部确认发生了一起新的人感染甲型H5N1禽流感病毒病例。

    The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , Government of the People 's Republic of Bangladesh has confirmed a new case of human infection with avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) virus .

  6. 在Kumuli这样的农村地区,初级卫生保健由“保健助理”提供,计划生育服务由“家庭福利助理”提供。

    In rural areas like Kumuli , primary health care is provided by'health assistants ' , and family planning services are provided by'family welfare assistants ' .

  7. Gupta的评论得到了印度卫生和家庭福利部的联合秘书VineetChawdhry的支持,他告诉该报说,第二波流感流行可能“危害更大”。

    Gupta 's comments were reinforced by Vineet Chawdhry joint secretary in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare who told the newspaper that a second wave of the flu would be " more potent " .

  8. 第四部分论述了里根家庭福利政策改革所带来的双重影响。

    Part IV discusses the dual effect caused by the reform .

  9. 计划生育、保健与家庭福利问题专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on Family Planning , Health and Family Well-Being

  10. 卢旺达家庭福利协会设立国际刑事法庭国际专家会议

    International Meeting of Experts on the Establishment of an International Criminal Tribunal

  11. 实施节育补偿、家庭福利等形式的利益倾斜。

    These will include benefits lean such as bonus for fertility regulation and family welfare .

  12. 经济适用住房对城市中低收入家庭福利状况影响研究

    The Impact of Economical Houses on Family Welfare of Urban Low & Middle Income Class

  13. 这种分工是获得家庭福利目标函数最大化的一种有效途径。

    This kind of division is an effective way to gain the family welfare objective function maximization .

  14. 卫生和家庭福利部今天宣布,将于4月16日开始全国脊髓灰质炎免疫运动。

    The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare today announced that a nation-wide polio immunization campaign will kick-off on16 April .

  15. 完善的住房抵押贷款市场有助于居民家庭福利水平的提高,实现住房消费效用的最大化。

    Perfect housing mortgage loan market is conducive raising the residential household welfare and making the effectiveness of housing consumption maximum .

  16. 结语部分简要概括了本文观点,及为中国家庭福利制度建设所提供的某些借鉴。

    The conclusion briefly summarizes the viewpoint of this paper , and provides some references for Chinese family welfare system construction .

  17. 该会议由卫生和家庭福利部卫生服务总监主持。

    This meeting is chaired by the Director General of Health Services ( DGHS ), Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare .

  18. 家庭福利,包括吃、穿、哺育婴儿直到孩子们的早期教育全部是在家庭内进行的。

    The welfare of the family , from food and clothing to nursing and early education of the children was entirely managed at home .

  19. 妇女也更加意识到她们的能力以及她们日益增长的为家庭福利作出经济贡献的需要。

    Women , too , are more aware of their capabilities and the increasing need to contribute financially to the wellbeing of their families .

  20. 为进一步减少死亡,卫生和家庭福利部于2010年启动了孕产妇死亡审查,追踪引起此类死亡的内在主要因素。

    To further reduce these deaths , the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched the Maternal Death Review in2010 to track key factors underlying such deaths .

  21. 从对等价尺度的初步探讨中发现,等价尺度是家庭福利比较的重要工具,这将对中国社会保障政策的制定有所裨益。

    From the probe to equivalence scale , we find that equivalence scale is important to compare family welfare and beneficial to make social security policy in China .

  22. 其次,总结出农村社会福利的模式主要经历了家庭福利集体福利家庭+现代社会福利制度三个阶段的转换。

    Secondly , the model has experienced three stages model conversion , namely family welfare mode , collective welfare model , family + modern social welfare system welfare model .

  23. 家庭福利政策和养老金制度是社会保障制度中与女性福利、两性平等密切相关的两个方面。

    The family policy and the old pension system are two policies of the social security system , which is close relation with female 's benefit and gender equality .

  24. 个体经济是这一时期农村社会福利的基础,是国家主导下的家庭福利,属于补缺型的福利模式。

    The individual economy is the foundation of rural social welfare in this period , which is the family welfare dominated by the state , belong to selective welfare type .

  25. 尼克松政府上台后,为了克服美国家庭福利制度的弊端,提出了新的改革方案家庭援助计划。

    In order to overcome the welfare crisis in the family welfare system , Nixon 's administration came up with their own reform plan , which was called " Family Assistant Plan " .

  26. 卫生和家庭福利部的一个小组、喀拉拉邦的卫生官员以及世卫组织驻印度办事处和东南亚区域办事处的职员调查了喀拉拉邦的疫情。

    A team from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , health officials from Kerala and staff from the WHO India Office and Regional Office for South-East Asia investigated the outbreak in Kerala .

  27. 正文由四部分组成,第一部分从家庭福利政策危机、新保守主义的发展、家庭福利改革的实践三个方面探讨里根政府福利政策改革的背景。

    It is divided into four parts . Part I introduces the background of the family welfare policy in Reagan administration , including the family welfare policy crisis , the development of Neo-conservatism , the practice of the family welfare reform .

  28. 你把个人愿望放在整个家庭的福利之上。

    You 're putting your own desires before the welfare of your family .

  29. 总的来说,中低收入家庭的福利状况在搬入经济适用住房后均有所提高。

    Generally speaking , the family welfare status of low & middle income class has improved some after moving into the economical houses .

  30. 尤其是贫困家庭或福利院收养的孤儿,将有机会享受各种服务。

    The official says that children with physical disabilities , especially those from impoverished families or orphans adopted by welfare institutions , will have access to services .