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  • family doctor;family physician
  1. 计算机现在是家庭医生非常有用的工具。

    The computer is now an invaluable tool for the family doctor .

  2. 只有你的家庭医生才能把你介绍给外科医生。

    Only your family doctor can refer you to a surgeon .

  3. 新体制扩大了家庭医生的作用。

    The new system expanded the role of family doctors .

  4. 家庭医生安排了名目繁多、收费昂贵的检查,结果没有查出任何健康问题。

    The family doctor ordered numerous , expensive medical tests , which revealed no physical problem .

  5. 这种检查非常简单,家庭医生就可以轻松完成。

    Because of its simplicity , this test could be carried out easily by a family doctor .

  6. 最佳的做法是保持警惕,一旦你的身体状况有任何变化就立即去看家庭医生。

    The best thing is to be watchful and see the family doctor for any change in your normal health

  7. 他不知道如何帮助她,于是向家庭医生打电话咨询。

    Not quite sure how to help her , he called the family doctor to discuss the problem . )

  8. 家庭医生把她的病人交给了皮肤科医生。

    The general practitioner referred her patient to a dermatologist .

  9. 在与DoctorOnDemand的首席执行官亚当o杰克逊交流时,他明确表示:这项服务并不是试图取代你的家庭医生。

    When I spoke with Doctor On Demand 's CEO Adam Jackson , he made it clear that his service isn 't meant to replace your family doctor .

  10. 你应该讨论的好处和风险的HRT与你的家庭医生。

    You should discuss the benefits and risks of HRT with your GP .

  11. 前一天,我去看看我的家庭医生对我的年度健康检查,我做了X射线对我的胸部和我的血液检测的其他项目。

    The day before I went to see my family doctor for my annual health checking , I had done X-ray for my chest and blood test for my other items .

  12. 据美国家庭医生学会(AmericanAcademyofFamilyPhysicians)会长、美国科罗拉多州儿童医院(Children'sHospitalColorado)家庭医学科主任杰弗里?凯恩(JeffreyCain)称,这一危害往往会被忽视。

    This hazard , says Jeffrey Cain , the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and chief of family medicine at Children 's Hospital Colorado , often goes unnoticed .

  13. GustafFoghammare是一名精神病专家和家庭医生。

    Gustaf Foghammare is a psychiatrist and family doctor .

  14. 学生们完成四年的项目后,就要在邻近地区的小社区接受实习培训,Clay诊所就是这样的一个实习地,KerryMurphy是诊所的一名家庭医生。

    Students who complete the four-year program will then do their training in a small community in the surrounding area . One place a resident might work is the Clay Center Clinic , where Dr. Kerry Murphy is a family physician .

  15. 有一些过度的柜台即买药,你可以采取,以帮助治疗的Gord,但如果你的症状是严重的,或如果他们继续相当长的时间,你应该访问你的家庭医生。

    There are some over-the-counter medicines you can take to help treat GORD , but if your symptoms are severe or if they continue for a long time , you should visit your GP .

  16. 美国家庭医生学会(AmericanAcademyofFamilyPhysicians)主席、田纳西州金斯波特(Kingsport)执业家庭医生瑞德・布莱克韦尔德(ReidBlackwelder)说,起泡酒甚至威士忌和可乐等混合饮料中的碳酸“似乎会增加酒精吸收的速度”。

    And the carbonation in sparkling wines or even in mixed drinks like whiskey and Coke ' seems to increase how rapidly alcohol is absorbed , ' says Reid Blackwelder , president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and a practicing family doctor in Kingsport , Tenn.

  17. 关于Stryland的死亡细节问题还在进行调查,那名家庭医生所进行的吸脂手术是否引起她的死亡,还不确定。

    Details surrounding Stryland 's death are still being investigated and it is not clear if actions by the family doctor performing her liposuction contributed to her death .

  18. 看到你的家庭医生,如果你认为你有花粉症。

    See your GP if you think you have hay fever .

  19. 我的家庭医生是Dr.Smith.他很出色。

    My family Doctor is Dr. Smith . He is excellent .

  20. 我的家庭医生诊所离我家不远。

    My doctor 's is not far from my home .

  21. 美国家庭医生学会有更多有关早泄。

    The American Academy of Family Physicians has more about premature ejaculation .

  22. 与灾害相关的身心健康中家庭医生的角色

    Disaster-Related Physical and Mental Health : A Role for the Family Physician

  23. 这种家庭医生,已从美洲全部消失。

    The kind , family physician has all but disappeared from Americana .

  24. 一名家庭医生需要优秀的行政助理和接待人员。

    A family doctor needs good administrators and reception staff .

  25. 结果将被发送到你和你的家庭医生。

    The results will be sent to you and to your GP .

  26. 他已是我的家庭医生多年了。

    Hes been my familys doctor for several years .

  27. 你的家庭医生将能够告诉你。

    Your GP will be able to advise you .

  28. 一般家庭医生看着他说:

    The general practitioner looks at it and says ,

  29. 看到你的家庭医生为治疗脓疱。

    See your GP for treatment for impetigo .

  30. 是的,这是真的。是我们的家庭医生说的!

    Yes , it 's true . I got this from our family doctor .