
  • 网络Home building materials;Home furnishing materials;THW
  1. 伯克希尔控制着广泛的公司业务,包括铁路巨头伯灵顿北方圣塔菲铁路公司(BurlingtonNorthernSantaFe),以及从家居建材市场获利颇丰的其他公司。

    It owns a wide variety of businesses including railroad giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe and companies that benefit from home construction .

  2. 全球销售额最高的美国家居建材零售商&家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)关闭了其在北京的最后一家门店,这突显出一些西方公司在尝试将外国商业模式移植到中国时所面临的困难。

    Home Depot , the largest US home improvement retailer by sales , has closed its last store in Beijing , highlighting the difficulties that some western companies face when trying to transplant foreign business models into China .

  3. 来自美国的家居建材DIY连锁超市家得宝,多年来一直试图说服中国中产阶级自己动手装修房子,正准备撤出中国。

    Home Depot , an American DIY chain , is retreating from China after trying for years to persuade middle-class Chinese people to decorate their own homes .

  4. 市场调研公司gfk称,英国家居建材市场在截至今年7月份的6个月中经历了严重萎缩。

    The UK home improvement market suffered a sharp contraction in the six months to July , according to GfK , the market research company .

  5. 家居建材商店背景下,情境因素依然对消费者冲动性购买行为产生显著的影响。

    Situation Factors influence the customers ' Impulse Purchase Behavior remarkably .

  6. 近几年,随着房价的上涨,家居建材也备受人们的关注。

    Recently , with the rise in house prices , construction materials is also paid much attention by people .

  7. 而正处在快速发展中的中国家居建材企业,也不应忘记自己肩负的社会责任。

    But in the rapid development of China 's household building enterprise , also should not forget his shoulder social responsibility .

  8. 威尔逊最感兴趣的公司是一家价格多变的公司——美国家得宝在线家居建材用品零售公司(HomeDepot.com)——他们为使用移动设备购物的顾客提供更昂贵的商品。

    But Wilson 's favorite example of variable online pricing was HomeDepot.com - where shoppers on mobile devices tend to be offered much more expensive items .

  9. 很多在中国推行仓储直营模式的西方竞争者都栽了跟头,比如最近的百思买(一家电子产品连锁企业)和家得宝(一家自助式家居建材用品零售商)【注6】。

    Many Western rivals have flopped in China with the big-box strategy ; including , most recently , Best Buy ( an electronics chain ) and Home Depot ( a do-it-yourself shop ) .

  10. O&O模式主要应用在汽车、房屋、家居建材等行业消费品,这些商品一般价值较大,网上付款存在很大的风险性,现场交易则可以有效的降低消费者的感知风险性。

    O & O mode is mainly used in car , house , home building materials industry consumer goods , these goods general value is bigger , online payment existence a lot of risk , the scene the transaction can effectively reduce the consumers ' perceived risk .

  11. 主营行业:家居,建材,手袋。

    Bussiness Industry : Home , building materials , handbags .