
jiā chǎn
  • family property;household;family estate (possession,property);patrimony
家产 [jiā chǎn]
  • [household;patrimony;family estate (possession,property)] 家庭的全部财产

  • 继承家产

家产[jiā chǎn]
  1. 令尊如其亡故,由你继承家产。

    In the event of your father 's death , you will inherit the family property .

  2. 他把家产都败光了,连饭也吃不上,常常向别人家借米。

    He squandered1 all the family property and couldn 't even afford his own meals , so he often borrowed rice from others .

  3. 他的儿子们为家产如何分配而吵得很凶。

    His sons quarrelled bitterly over the allocation of family resources

  4. 家产柑橘的一大好处是口感极佳。

    The great advantage of home-grown oranges is their magnificent flavour

  5. 他掷了一次骰子便把家产输得精光。

    He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice .

  6. 他垂涎于那份小小家产。

    He was slavering after that small fortune .

  7. 赌光一份家产十分容易。

    It is too easy to gamble away a fortune .

  8. 她拿出全部家产,用作慈善事业,一年只留12镑,以此为生。

    She had given all her estate to charitable purposes , reserving only twelve pounds a year to live on .

  9. 在早先如果有地位的男人同地位低下的女子结了婚,那他就要丢掉自己应得到的那份家产。

    In former times , if a gentleman married beneath himself , he would lose his share of the family fortune .

  10. 你知道我一贫如洗,没有家产。

    You know how hard up I am , with no property of my own .

  11. 美国庄臣集团亿万家产的继承人柯蒂斯•约翰逊(S.CurtisJohnson)今晨对针对他累次对一名儿童实施性侵犯的指控提出无罪辩护。

    S.Curtis Johnson , billionaire heir to the SC Johnson cleaning product fortune , entered a not guilty plea this morning to charges of repeatedly sexually assaulting a child .

  12. 他的第一任妻子伊万娜(Ivana)在离婚时试图分走一半的家产。

    His first wife , Ivana , tried to take half his wealth in their divorce .

  13. 她的死亡引起激烈、备受关注的遗产和女儿抚养权之争。她六岁的女儿Dannielynn有一天可能会成为上百万家产的继承人。

    Her death triggered a bitter and highly publicised legal feud over her remains and the custody of her6-month-old daughter , Dannielynn , who might one day inherit millions .

  14. 过去,这座庄园是简的哥哥爱德华·奥斯汀爵士(EdwardAustenKnight)的家产。他在15岁那年被过继到远亲家,由此成为查顿庄园及其他家产的继承人,简直如同《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中的情节。

    The house itself once belonged to Jane 's brother Edward Austen Knight who , when he was about 15 , in a scene right out of " Downton Abbey , " was adopted by childless distant relatives and became heir to the Chawton estate and other properties .

  15. 在三个子女成长过程中,来自科罗拉多的史蒂夫•盖勒(C.StephenGuyer)喜欢把自己祖父的故事讲给他们听。作为一位银行家,尽管在30年代的经济危机中失去全部家产,盖勒的祖父却没有忘记人生最重要的东西。

    Children Find Meaning In Old Family Tales When C. Stephen Guyer 's three children were growing up , he told them stories about how his grandfather , a banker , lost all in the 1930s , but didn 't lose sight of what he valued most .

  16. 家产属于上述家庭单位的居住空间和财产。

    The living spaces and possessions belonging to such a unit .

  17. 他意外获致了一份家产,真是幸运。

    It 's really lucky for him to inherit family property .

  18. 同时,这些政策、法令的施行,又为家产的遗嘱继承提供了可能,家产预分开始得到人们的重视。

    And the policies and acts made the will succession possible .

  19. 我们家产没了曼哈顿豪宅也没了

    and I 've lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse

  20. 所遗家产,成为兄弟反目,争相抢夺。

    Siblings become enemies , fighting over assets that are left .

  21. 他只散掉了小部分家产。

    He only gave away a small part of his fortune .

  22. 他把庞大的家产全部捐给了一家医院。

    He spent all his large fortune on endowing a hospital .

  23. 家庭继承制度包括家产继承与身份继承两大内容。

    The system of family inheritance includes property accession and identity succession .

  24. 他在一年之内就把家产挥霍掉了。

    He run through the family fortune in a year .

  25. 那个老人年轻时就把家产挥霍掉了。

    The old man got through a fortune when he was young .

  26. 以斯帖派末底改管理哈曼的家产。

    And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman .

  27. 父亲死后财产为其子女所分。这位父亲把大笔家产传给儿子。

    The father passed on the family 's wealth to his son .

  28. 这个独生子继承了家产。

    The only child acceded to the family estate .

  29. 许多人在内战期间被没收了家产。

    A lot ofpeople were dispossessed of their homes during the civil war .

  30. 只要我有家产,你就永远会有一个家。

    You will always have a home as long as I have anything .