
  • 网络Conseil constitutionnel;the constitutional council
  1. 莫桑比克宪法委员会将用45天的时间验证投票结果。

    Mozambique 's Constitutional Council has 45-days to validate the results of the vote .

  2. 不只是总统府,连总理府、国民议会、参议院、宪法委员会等有权力的机构都在右派的掌控之下。

    Assembly , the Senate , and the Constitutional Council , are now in the grip of his rightist coalition .

  3. 人大VS宪法委员会:中法宪法监督制度的分析比较&兼谈建立和完善中国的违宪审查制度

    NPC vs. Constitution Committee : Comparison between the French and Chinese Systems of Constitutional Supervision & Discussion on the Establishment and Perfection of China 's Investigating System against Violation of Constitution

  4. 一年前,法国宪法委员会否决了上述税收提案,对奥朗德造成了打击。在2012年成功击败前总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)的大选中,奥朗德将该提案作为一项关键的政策主张提出。

    The council struck down the tax a year ago in a blow to Mr Hollande , who had made it a key proposal in his successful 2012 election campaign against former president Nicolas Sarkozy .

  5. 法国宪法委员会在昨日发布的裁决中表示,修订过的提案符合宪法规定。

    In a ruling published yesterday , the council said the reformulated tax conforms with the constitution .

  6. 法国宪法委员会在昨日发布的裁决中表示,修订过的提案“符合宪法规定”。

    In a ruling published yesterday , the council said the reformulated tax " conforms with the constitution . "

  7. 当博客和互联网用户为宪法委员会昨晚的裁决欢呼时,娱乐界则陷入了苦涩。

    While bloggers and internet users cheered the council decision , announced last night , the affair has left a bad taste in the entertainment world .

  8. 不过,当时法国宪法委员会则认为要切断用户的网络连接之前,必须先对用户实行庭审,因为只有法官才有权利决定是否要对用户进行断网惩罚。

    France s Constitutional Council said that citizens deserved a court hearing , however , as only a judge should have the power to deny a user access to the Internet .

  9. 这绕过了宪法委员会反对该提案的理由,即向个人而非家庭征收所得税是违宪的。法国以家庭为单位征收所得税。

    This got around the constitutional council 's objection that it was unconstitutional to levy it on individuals rather than on households , as is the norm for French income tax .

  10. 第四节阐述了违宪审查活动应遵循的三个基本原则,即宪法委员会独立行使职权原则、接受全国人大监督原则和有限审查原则。

    In the fourth section , the author described three basic principles to be followed by in the constitutional review activities , that is , independent exercise of powers by the constitutional council , the principle of accept the of NPC and the principle of limited review .

  11. 伊朗宪法监护委员会由部分神职人员和法官组成,今天他们将重新统计选票,但是反对党首领MirHosseinMousavi要求重新选举。

    Iran 's Guardian Council made up of clerics and judges agree today to recount some votes but opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi wants a new election instead .

  12. 宪法监护委员会在其最终评选中禁止其参选。

    The Guardian Council barred his candidacy during its final cut .

  13. 立法和宪法事务委员会

    Commission on Legislation and Constitutional Matters

  14. 伊朗宪法监护委员会也批准了内贾德和前任伊朗革命卫队指挥官默森-雷泽的候选资格。

    Iran 's Guardian Council also approved the candidacy of President Ahmadinejad and Mohsen Rezai , former head of the Revolutionary Guards .

  15. 尽管在这场竞选中包括30名女性,但伊朗宪法监护委员会上个月规定女性不能当选为总统。

    Iran 's Guardian Council ruled last month a woman cannot be president even though 30 women sought to be included in the race .

  16. 亚兹迪也是伊朗有影响力的宪法监护委员会的成员。该委员会负责审查候选人资格,也有权否决议会通过的法案。

    The cleric is also a member of Iran 's influential Guardian Council that approves candidates to run in elections and can veto laws passed by the parliament .

  17. 但他表示,这不是舞弊行为所致,可能原因在于伊朗缺乏相应法律,禁止伊朗人在国内任何地方都可以投票。伊朗宪法监护委员会正在调查大选结果。

    But he said this was not the result of any rigging and could be due to the lack of a legal ban on Iranians voting anywhere within the country .

  18. 他补充说,制定埃及新宪法的制宪委员会将会继续工作。

    He adds that a failing constituent assembly tasked with writing Egypt 's constitution will stand .

  19. 建立宪法审判制度,设立全国人大宪法委员会,把人大的个案监督变成宪法诉讼,是解决问题的基本方向。

    It is a basic direction of the solution to establish the constitutional trial system and National People 's Constitutional Committee and turn the supervision of People 's Congress into the constitutional procedure .

  20. 对于法律、地方性法规、行政法规及行政规章违反宪法侵犯公民基本权利的案件,由全国人大设立的宪法委员会进行审查。

    The People 's Congress to form a constitutional law committee to review the laws , their application in the provincial level , administrative rules and regulations , which may violate the basic constitutional rights laws and court cases .

  21. 本文采用比较的方法对我国宪法监督制度进行研究,并以此为基础,得出应增设全国人大宪法监督委员会作为完善我国现行宪法监督体制的最佳措施的结论。

    Then on the basis of this , the author draws the conclusion that the creation of the constitution Oversight Committee of the NPC should be the best measure to perfect our current constitution .