
xuān dú
  • reading;read out;read out (in public);read off
宣读 [xuān dú]
  • [read out (in public)]当众朗读

  • 向记者宣读一项声明

宣读[xuān dú]
  1. 她清脆快速地宣读了名单。

    She read out the list in sharp , clipped tones .

  2. 法庭宣读谋杀指控时受害者的亲属在公共旁听席观看。

    Relatives of the victim watched from the public gallery as the murder charge was read out in court .

  3. 你要在大会上宣读论文吗?

    Are you presenting a paper at the conference ?

  4. 议案未经分组表决就宣读通过了。

    The Bill was read without a division .

  5. 警察向他宣读了他的米兰达权利。

    The police read him his Miranda rights .

  6. 判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。

    When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges .

  7. 轮到他大声宣读通知了。

    He 's obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements

  8. 今天庭审休庭之前,律师宣读了她的开庭陈述。

    Before the trial recessed today , the lawyer read her opening statement .

  9. 证据被当庭呆板地宣读了一遍。

    The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone .

  10. 预计这项法案将以绝大多数赞成而通过议会第二次宣读。

    The bill is expected to pass its second reading with a comfortable majority .

  11. 他宣读了一篇关于空气污染的论文。

    He delivered a paper on air pollution .

  12. 法官向犯人宣读判决。

    The bench read the sentence to the prisoner .

  13. 该法案分组表决之后就进行宣读。

    The bill was read after a division .

  14. 会议开始之前,先宣读了上次的会议记录。

    Before the meeting started its work , the minutes of the last meeting were read out .

  15. 书记员宣读了刑事起诉书。

    The clerk to the justices read out the indictment .

  16. 艾瑞里?最后一个声明只是重复宣读美国对台政策。

    The final statement is just a reiteration of U.S. policy on Taiwan .

  17. 法官彼得·卡希尔宣读并与陪审团确认判决结果之后,宣布了之后的技术流程。

    After Judge Peter Cahill read and confirmed the verdict with the jury , he announced technical next steps .

  18. 全日航空将提供现场音乐表演,客舱乘务员将像读飞行广播那样宣读贺词。

    ANA will provide live music performances , and cabin attendants will read out congratulatory messages as if they were making normal in-flight announcements .

  19. 4.principaln.负责人,校长校长宣读优秀生名单。

    The school principal read the honor roll list .

  20. Shelley不能去纽约大学会议宣读你的论文了。

    Shelley can 't make it down to the NYU conference to present your paper .

  21. 在里面,一名演讲者大声宣读了在爆炸中身亡的11人的父亲的声明,其中他指控BP将利益放在安全之上。

    Inside , a campaigner read out a statement by the father of one of the11 men who died in the blast , in which he accused BP of prioritising profits over safety .

  22. MariaAlyokhina的律师帮她宣读一份声明,她在声明中谈到年轻人和俄罗斯政治与宗教领导人之间存在代沟。

    Maria Alyokhina , in a statement read by her lawyer , spoke of a generation gap opening between young people and Russia 's political and religious leaders .

  23. 总干事办公室执行主任BillKean博士向大会宣读了李博士准备的讲话选段。

    Excerpts from a speech prepared by Dr Lee were read out to the Assembly by Dr Bill Kean , Executive Director of the Director-General 's Office .

  24. 法官用无动于衷的评估方式宣读了对案子的裁定,该案的审理吸引了南非举国上下的关注,在世界各地播出,有人还将其比作美国的O·J·辛普森案。

    The judge 's findings were delivered in a clinical appraisal of a case that has riveted South Africa , been broadcast around the globe and has been compared to the O.J. Simpson case in the United States .

  25. 投票之后,英国大使MarkLyallGrant代表各国外交部长宣读了一份声明,称谈判的大门仍将继续敞开。

    After the vote , British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant read a statement on behalf of the group 's foreign ministers , which said the door to continued negotiation would remain open .

  26. 在周二仅持续几分钟的开庭期间,法官、陆军上校丹尼丝林德(DeniseLind)宣读了判决。

    The judge , Denise Lind , an army colonel , delivered the verdict in a hearing on Tuesday that lasted only a few minutes .

  27. 马达尔说,7月份在中国举行的亚太视觉会议(Asia-PacificConferenceonVision)上宣读的一项研究成果显示,GlassesOff的项目改善了对比敏感度等指标――暗示该应用能改善人们完成广泛日常任务的能力。

    A study , presented in July at the Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision in China , found that the GlassesOff program improved performance on measures including contrast sensitivity -- suggesting the improvement will apply to a wide range of daily tasks , Mr. Madar says .

  28. 国际法院院长小和田恒(HisashiOwada)宣读了法院意见。

    Hisashi Owada , president of the International Court of Justice in The Hague , read the opinion .

  29. 该宣言由全球素食者应对气候变化(GVACC)组织的韦恩·高(WayneKao)发起倡议,并首次于素食气候联盟12月13日在哥本哈根举办的气候研讨会上宣读。

    This declaration was initiated and first presented by Wayne Kao from Global Vegetarians Against Climate Change ( GVACC ) at a workshop of the Veg Climate Alliance in Copenhagen on Dec.13th .

  30. 文章介绍了在2003年VRD年会上宣读的论文信息,展示了当前国外虚拟参考服务领域的研究状况。

    The paper introduces the information of papers presented at the annual VRD Conference 2003 and reveals the current status of the study of virtual reference services abroad .