
  • 网络customer profitability
  1. 客户盈利能力分析是一种创新的管理分析方法,它根据盈利能力不同对客户区别对待。

    Customer profitability analysis is an innovative method of management , which distinguishes customers ? in terms of their different profitability .

  2. 电网经营企业客户盈利能力分析的必要性

    The necessity of customer profitability analysis for the grid operation group

  3. 不是所有组织都有客户盈利能力评估系统。

    Not all organizations have the luxury of estimating profitability at the customer level .

  4. 客户盈利能力分析模块。

    Customer profitability analysis module . 4 .

  5. 对电网企业而言,缺乏对客户盈利能力的分析,没有针对不同客户提供相应服务是原因之一。

    To the grid group , one reason is lacking of customer profitability analysis and correspond service according to different customers .

  6. 客户盈利能力分析不仅能帮助电网经营企业识别不同客户对利润的贡献,还可以帮助企业识别并提高作业效率,从而提高企业整体的盈利水平。

    The analysis can help identify the contribution of customer profitability , identify and improve operation efficiency . Thus it will improve the overall level of profitability .

  7. 本文通过调查并与美国的一项调查结果相比较发现,客户盈利能力分析在我国企业的应用还不广泛,目前只有少数企业开始运用它为企业的经营决策服务。

    By means of a survey in China and a comparison with U.S.A , this paper shows that the customer profitability analysis is applied in decision-making by only a few enterprises in China .

  8. ·通过实地研究,结合某银行个人信贷部的具体情况,具体分析了如何按照银行作业成本计算步骤进行作业成本计算,如何进行产品利润分析,如何进行客户盈利能力分析与差别化营销决策;

    Through investigation , giving a example of activity-based costing for the personal credit department . Author point at how analyzing the profit of products and the profit from customers and personal service .

  9. 矿业项目更容易受冲击,因为很多项目还没有确定客户,其盈利能力取决于价格是否反弹。

    Mining projects are more vulnerable , as many don 't have customers in place and their profitability depends on prices recovering .

  10. 即使苹果在品牌、客户关系和盈利能力方面独占好处,或许依然会有一家大型全球汽车制造商禁不住诱惑,帮助苹果制造汽车。

    A big global carmaker might be tempted to help with the build , even if Apple monopolised the branding , customer relationship and profitability .

  11. 第五,优化客户关系,提高盈利能力。

    Fifthly , optimize customer relationships .

  12. 然后提出了将数据挖掘应用到移动通信企业的CRM中,在这个过程中数据挖掘主要用于客户群体分类、客户盈利能力分析、客户获取和客户保持、客户满意度分析等。

    Then CRM of mobile communication enterprises using data mining was researched , and data mining was mainly used in the classification of customers , customer profitability analysis , customer acquisition and customer retention , customer satisfaction analysis and so on .

  13. 换言之,这个原创而颇具影响力的理论曾将员工满意度、员工忠诚度、生产率、客户满意度、客户忠诚度、盈利能力联系起来,形成直接的因果关系链,而现在这个理论已经支离破碎。

    In other words , the original and influential theory , which linked employee satisfaction to employee loyalty to productivity to customer satisfaction to customer loyalty to profitability in a direct causal chain , now lies in tatters .

  14. 通过建立不同类型的支持向量模型,解决了包括客户群体分类、信用评估、客户盈利能力预测等客户分析领域的众多复杂问题。

    Different support vector classification and regression predict models are constructed and applied to the solution of the customer classification , credit scoring , business prediction and so on .

  15. 知识发现具有分类、聚类、关联分析等功能,迎合了企业多种客户知识挖掘的需求,包括:客户群分类、客户盈利能力、客户满意度、客户忠诚度、客户购买相关性等方面的分析。

    KDD can classify , cluster , association rule mining , etc. This function meets many kinds of demand of enterprise , including : customer group classifying , customer profit ability analyzing , customer satisfaction analyzing , customer loyalty analyzing , customer buy relevance analyzing , etc.

  16. 对此,企业最有效的解决办法就是通过管理客户关系,来提高顾客满意度,赢得较高的客户保留度和客户盈利能力。

    Therefore , the most effective way of proceeding for the firm to handle the intangible assets is to enhance the satisfaction of customers and create higher loyalty to the firm in the customers and achieve higher profitability by customer relation management ( CRM ) .

  17. 拥有客户采购行为的相关详细信息时,企业便有可能计算出单个客户的盈利贡献能力。

    When businesses have detailed information concerning their customers'purchasing behaviors , it is possible to calculate profitability at the individual customer level .

  18. 因此,在每个客户的纪录中,我们有机会通过对最频繁光临分行的客户进行研究来获得客户满意度与盈利能力、客户满意度与员工满意度的相关数据。

    Thus , in every household record we would have access to data relating to profitability , customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction at the branch most frequently visited .