
  • 网络Customer Strategy
  1. 既对CRM缺乏系统的认识又没有客户战略,更多的对CRM的认识与实施只是停留在技术层面。

    So most firms have not systematic understanding to CRM and the customer strategy , and only understand and implement CRM on the technical domain .

  2. 从竞争战略、关键客户战略、信息化建设战略、全员营销战略等方面阐述了医疗服务营销中的客户关系管理战略。

    In the aspects of competitive strategy , key customer strategy , information construction strategy , the authors explain the customer relationship management strategy in medical service marketing .

  3. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  4. 研究了基于客户战略的企业信用政策设计。

    The trade credit policy based on enterprise strategy has been designed .

  5. 论现代商业银行的客户战略

    The Study of Customers Strategy of the Commercial Banks

  6. 湖南铁通大客户战略与实施对策研究

    Research on the Strategy and Relevant Countermeasures of Key Account Operation for Hunan CTT

  7. 商业银行的客户战略

    Commercial Banks ' Strategies on Winning Clients

  8. 实施客户战略,维持城市客栈与客户的良好关系。那客店的光景并不好。

    Responsible for actualize the clientele strategic ; maintain the upstanding relationship between the City Inn hotel and the client .

  9. 在微观上,针对我国目前网络银行的弱势方面,各网络银行都应该切实注意技术开发战略、人力资源与客户战略以及市场营销战略。

    From the microcosmic aspects , the all I-banks should pay close attentions to the technological development strategy , human resources and customers strategy , market marketing strategy of I-bank direct against the general weakness of the I-bank at present .

  10. 将整合企业资源,发挥企业独特竞争优势的思路贯穿于整个战略中,主要的战略包括重点客户战略、业务拓展战略、制度改革战略、科技创新战略等方面。

    The soul of the strategy is to integrate the resource and exert the unique competitive advantage of the Development District Bank and it consist of super customers strategy , business development strategy , institution innovation strategy and the technology innovation strategy .

  11. 本文通过对市场竞争环境和W集团全方位的分析,提出了W集团在普通热轧板材市场上应该采取渠道差异化战略,在高附加值高技术含量的专用钢产品上应该采用客户集聚战略。

    I pointed out the competitive strategy of W group through the comprehensive analysis of competition environment and W group and its products .

  12. 本文研究了CD移动公司的集团客户营销战略问题,提出了集团客户市场的营销战略、竞争战略以及实施方案。

    In this paper , I have studied the group client marketing strategy for CD mobile , meanwhile proposed the implementation plan of overall marketing strategy as well as the differentiation competitive strategy point to group client market .

  13. 基于客户营销战略的客户关系管理(CRM)日臻成熟,它帮助企业为客户制订一对一营销策略,提高客户满意度,提升客户忠诚度。

    CRM based on Customer Marketing Strategy shows to be more and more perfect , which helps the venders making the one-to-one marketing tactic for every individual customer in order to promote the Customer Royalty as well as improve the Customer Satisfaction .

  14. 论客户满意度战略在财产保险企业的运用

    On Application of Client Satisfaction Strategy to Property Insurance Companies

  15. 关于商业银行公司客户营销战略的初步思考

    Preliminary Thoughts on Client Marketing Strategies of a Commercial Bank

  16. 深圳电信大客户营销战略研究

    A Study on the Marketing Strategies to the Key Customers In Shenzhen Telecom

  17. 国有商业银行实施低效信贷客户退出战略初探

    Probe into the Lower-efficiency Credit Customers Withdrawing Strategy Carried out by the State-owned Commercial Banks

  18. 第四章就客户关系战略实施的根本途径&客户价值创造展开重点研究。

    Chapter 4 focuses on customer value creation , which is the ultimate approach to implement customer relationship strategy .

  19. 当前,客户忠诚战略已被企业视为获取竞争优势的基本营销战略(Reichheld,1993)。

    Now , the customer loyalty has been taken as the basic business strategy by modern enterprises to gain the competitive priority .

  20. 关键客户管理战略要求我们懂得更多关键客户的需求和行为,以便与他们建立更加牢固的长期关系。

    It 's a strategy to learn more about KA 's needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them .

  21. 伙伴关系:与客户建立战略伙伴关系,取得长线生意,扩大公司的品牌及知名度。

    Fellowship : build up strategic fellowship with customers , obtain long term business , extend the brand and the popularity of company .

  22. 本公司愿与客户建立战略联盟关系,欢迎订购、定制医药化工产品。

    Welcome to order our standard products as well as customized ones of pharmaceutical and chemical category . Also , we would like to develop strategic partnership with our clients .

  23. 通过战略联盟这条途径来实施公司战略,一方面与客户结成战略联盟;另一方面和国际厂商形成合作伙伴。

    According the strategy approach of strategic alliance to carry out company strategy , on the one hand SG company becomes strategic alliance whit clients , and on the other hand becomes cooperation partner with international companies .

  24. 他从一个地区飞到另一个地区,不停地会见企业高层,并试图识别出一些趋势和模式,供这家有着3300多名员工的企业用于向客户提供战略布局建议。

    He flies from region to region , constantly meeting senior corporate leaders , and he seeks to identify trends and patterns that the 3,300-strong firm can use to advise its clients on where to place their strategic bets .

  25. 一是稳定市场,实行大客户、战略伙伴政策,优化消费者结构,提高对重点用户的服务效率;二是迅速选定优势资源,用最快的速度拥有资源。

    One is to stabilize coal market , to carry out big customer and strategy partner policy , optimize the customer structure , and improve serving customer efficiency . The other is to choose advantage resource , and occupy it at once .

  26. 在客户的IT战略中,SOA是按逐个项目的方式实现的。

    Within this client 's IT strategy , SOA is implemented on a project-by-project level .

  27. GL市电信公司实施客户关系管理战略研究

    Research of Customer Relationship Ship Strategy in GL Telecom Company

  28. 去年,沃顿商学院推出了为期8周,需要申请才能入学的在线高管课程,由营销学教授彼得•法德(PeterFader)讲授,课程名为“客户关系的战略价值”(StrategicValueofCustomerRelationships)。

    Wharton last year introduced an eight-week , application-only course for executives taught by Peter Fader , the marketing professor , on the Strategic Value of Customer Relationships .

  29. ROCHE维生素销售运用关键客户管理的战略

    Key Account Management Strategy in ROCHE Vitamin Marketing

  30. 去年,沃顿商学院推出了为期8周,需要申请才能入学的在线高管课程,由营销学教授彼得•法德(PeterFader)讲授,课程名为客户关系的战略价值(StrategicValueofCustomerRelationships)。

    Wharton last year introduced an eight-week , application-only course for executives taught by Peter Fader , the marketing professor , on the Strategic Value of Customer Relationships . The cost is $ 3,700 per student .