
  1. 父亲先是让我去海滩为客户做向导,因为我知道各种鱼在哪里。

    My father sent me out on the beach with clients because I knew where all the fish were .

  2. 为工具键入易懂描述和帮助文字。此文字帮助客户安装向导的用户选择正确的工具。

    Type a friendly description and help text for this tool . This text helps users of the Client Installation wizard choose the correct tool .

  3. 如果供应商部署了Web服务并且您要生成客户程序来使用Web服务,那么Web服务客户程序向导将从WSDL文件开始创建。

    If a vendor deploys a Web service and you would like to create a client to use it , the Web service client wizard does this by starting with the WSDL file .