
  • 网络pet rabbit
  1. 我有一只宠物兔。我把它照料得很好。

    I have a pet rabbit . I take good care of her .

  2. 一天一个人下班回家,发现他的狗嘴里叼着邻居的宠物兔。

    This guy comes home from work one day to find his dog with the neighbors pet rabbit in his mouth .

  3. 动画片给宠物兔带了的是无限的杯具。

    Cartoons have been hard on the world 's pet rabbits .

  4. 她把家养的母羊沫沫当作朋友对待,训练宠物兔听到号令后立刻赶来,但她不怎么喜欢人。

    She befriended the family ewe , Moumou , and trained the pet rabbit to come when called . She liked people less .

  5. 在阿拉斯加东南部,有一只宠物兔在宅子着火时救了主人的性命,而自己则随后死于吸入浓烟。

    A pet rabbit is being credited for saving its owners from a house fire in south eastern Alaska before it died of smoke inhalation .

  6. 总统任职通告不久,萨科奇就活力十足地绕着他的办公室追逐他的家庭宠物狗和宠物兔,之前他的小儿子路易斯就曾把这些宠物带到这位大使面前过。

    Shortly following that announcement , Sarkozy winds up chasing his family 's pet dog and rabbit around his office after his young son Louis has brought them in to meet the ambassador .