
shí yàn zhě
  • experimenter
  1. 网络虚拟实验就是在WEB中创建出一个可视化的三维环境,实验者可以通过浏览器观察模拟实验过程,通过鼠标的点击以及拖曳动作来操作和控制虚拟的实验过程。

    Net virtual lab is a system that can create a visual three-dimensional environment on the Web , the experimenter can observe the experiment process through the browser , and manipulate and control the virtual experiment through clicking and pulling operating of the mouse .

  2. 实验者在桌子的另一边观察整个实验过程。

    The experimenter watched the proceedings from across the table .

  3. 受实验者一个月后再次接受测试。

    Subjects were retested one month later .

  4. 在这个虚拟实验台架上,异地的实验者可以通过Internet/Intranet远程访问,完成液压系统节流调速实验,基本上达到了远程教学的要求。

    In this virtual experiment , the remote operators can do their experiment through the Internet / Intranet .

  5. 六个右利手被实验者参与了fMRI实验,论文分析了双手运动与单手运动的实验数据。

    Six right-handed subjects are included in the fMRI experiments . Both bi-handed and single-handed movements are analyzed .

  6. 一则研究也曾表明,患有额颞叶型失智症(Fronto-TemporalDementia)的实验者很难听得出讽刺和挖苦。

    It was found in a study that subjects with Fronto-Temporal Dementia had difficulty picking up on sarcasm .

  7. 实验者聆听贝多芬交响曲升高了心率变异性,能明显兴奋交感神经(P0.05),而聆听中国古典音乐虽然也提高了交感神经的兴奋性,但是并不明显。

    The testers when listen the Beethoven ` ssymphony can be improved the HRV and obviously be enhanced the excitability of thesympathetic ( P0.05 ). Chinese classical music also can , but not obviously .

  8. 《食欲》(Appetite)期刊发表的一项让实验者品尝巧克力的新研究表明,人们的食物摄入量会受到无意识下所感知的微妙体重暗示的影响。

    How much food people consume can be influenced by subtle cues about weight that aren 't consciously perceived , according to a novel chocolate-tasting study in the journal Appetite .

  9. 曾做过魔术师并且专门研究幸运的心理学家,理查德·威斯曼(RichardWiseman)设计了一个实验,在实验中,他让实验者把自己标识为幸运和不幸运两种。

    In one experiment designed by Richard Wiseman , a former magician and psychologist who studies luck , he asked people to self identify themselves as lucky or unlucky .

  10. 计算结果表明它符合x-ray的强度计算的要求,减轻了实验者的工作负担,极大地提高了工作效率。

    Many processing results show that the output figues meet the need of criterion which the user want to get . the program is suitable for the application of calculation of x-ray intensity , it can relieve the work of the operator , and improve efficiency greatly .

  11. 而且作为引进美国体育杂志版权的早期实验者,《NBA时空》对于借鉴国外杂志的成功模式并确立自己的杂志品牌,拥有丰富的实践经验。

    As the early experimenters to introduce the copyright of American sports magazine , " NBA SHIKONG " Magazine have a wealth of experience to draw on successful models of foreign magazines and establish its own brand name .

  12. Reshef的实验或许会失败,不过大学毫无疑问需要更多的实验者。

    Mr Reshef 's experiment may fail , but there is no doubt that universities need more experimenters .

  13. 虚拟实验仪器向实验者提供简易的仿真实验环境,并通过DDE向MATLAB发送控制系统仿真命令和仿真参数,由MATLAB进行仿真计算,并将仿真计算结果交给虚拟实验仪器显示以及打印处理。

    The virtual experiment instrument provides a simple and easy used simulation experiment environment . It sends control system simulation command and simulation parameter to Matlab by DDE . Matlab completes the simulation and sends the results back for displaying and printing .

  14. 她例举了一个麻省理工大学做过的项目,在项目中,实验者将iPad送给埃塞俄比亚的文盲儿童,他们就可以在没有老师或课程的指导下,自学如何使用iPad,给它编程序,阅读它的英文版。

    She gives the example of an MIT program that gave iPads to illiterate kids in Ethiopia who then were able to teach themselves how to use it , program it and read it in English without a teacher or curriculum .

  15. 但是,第三队实验者头部碰撞次数只有上述两队的一般,试验结果大不相同。第三队不光训练的少,他们的整个比赛季也更安全:他们遵守PopWarner新规则,严格碰撞次数,罚下最凶悍的选手。

    But the third team got knocked in the noggin only half as often as the others - and the difference was entirely from workouts . That team not only practiced less but their sessions were safer : players followed new Pop Warner rules that restrict the number of contact drills and outlaw the roughest ones .

  16. 凡高对马蒂斯和其他20世纪艺术的实验者们有很大的影响。

    Van Gogh greatly influenced Matisse and other experimenters of20th centwy art .

  17. 实验者喜欢这个理论&我也是。

    This is the theory the authors like-and so do I.

  18. 实验者锚引起被试学习判断偏差达到显著水平。

    The experimenter-provided anchors can cause the significant deviation level .

  19. 自动分析也可因实验者的参与而得到帮助。

    The automatic analysis may be helped by interaction with the experimenter .

  20. 你杀了他为你征集的一个实验者?

    One of the research subjects that he had recruited for you ?

  21. 实验者随后被采访说出他们的期望。

    The subjects were later interviewed about their expectations .

  22. 非寻求刺激性格的实验者则受不了辣味,他们避免食用麻辣食物。

    Non-sensation seekers couldn 't take the heat and eschewed rather than chewed .

  23. 该照度计主要用于实验室的教学实验仪器供实验者使用。

    The illuminometer is used as a laboratory experiment instrument by the experimenter .

  24. 他们是我国双语教学的实验者和探索者,他们边学边干。

    They are our bilingual experimenter and explorer , learn while they dry .

  25. 实验者的平均年龄22.6岁。

    The average age of subjects is about 22 .

  26. 因为它对实验者的影响

    Because of what it did to the subjects they tested it on .

  27. 无论实验者告诉我什么,这个任务始终都是无聊的。

    The task was boring and still is boring whatever the experimenter tells me .

  28. 但又一次,愚蠢的是实验者,而非实验对象。

    But once again , the dumbhead is the experimenter , not the subject .

  29. 科学家让实验者吃巧克力。

    Scientists asked volunteers to eat some chocolate .

  30. 实验者选取浙江机电职业技术学院的学生为实验对象。

    The experiment took students from Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering as subjects .