- 网络Utility;Utility category;utility class

Spring was a widely used open source framework . It provides powerful base frame for exploring J2EE platform . Meanwhile , it also provides rich utility classes .
There are also utility classes that make it easy to read and parse a WSDL document , as well as write out the contents of the WSDL4J objects as an XML document .
You also need a utility class for creating appropriate URLs in your feed .
The utility class MetaPropertyElementBuilder is used to build a
Create data classes and a utility class for getting an EntityManager instance .
For an example of the creative use of closures , check out Pawel Turlejski 's utility class , which provides Groovy-like array methods ( see Resources ) .
This article focuses on the importance of communication layers , the designation and implementation are discussed in detail , from the basic coding class to the message class and utility class .
It also hurts the design of your domain classes because this utility class must now sit at the top of your object hierarchy , not allowing you to use inheritance to consolidate common behavior .
A practical CAPP developing tool for rotary parts
The standard utility classes such as Hashtable and Vector also affect Java program performance .
WASv5WSNTExtensions . jar : A JAR file containing the utility classes for subscribers and publishers .
Utility classes are necessary in almost any C + + project of reasonable dimensions , but there is no standard way to approach this requirement .
One extra utility class implements a bit of fuzziness in the checking to get HTML documents to pass ( even without having all the closing tags XML requires ) .
Shared Login modules and utility classes , used by both servers , are deployed in the lib directory of both servers .
Util & Utility classes for such tasks as string manipulation , cookie management , data manipulation , deferred action support , and callback support
The framework provides utility classes that can be used for testing content rendering , navigation and data flow .
WASv5WSAExtensions . jar : A JAR file containing the utility classes that WebSphere Application Server V5.1 needs in order to create and access WS-Addressing message information headers in SOAP messages .
The custom mediation primitive uses a Java utility class called PolicyQueryTest , which encapsulates the registry proxy code explained above
Each service utility class has it own implementation , since the URN name and method name each needs to invoke will be unique .
Now that the plug-in 's core functionality is implemented and tested , you should create a convenience service that exposes the two utility classes in a Grails-friendly way .
For example , a utility class function called NVL would return NVL if the database connection is with Oracle , and COALESCE if the DB connection is with DB2 .
JNDIREFNAMES is a utility class that holds the values of various types of references .
Pay particular attention to these lines in this listing : ( 1 ): The UrlArguments class is a small utility class that parses the URL arguments into a hashtable object .
This method uses GWT JSON utility classes to parse the JSON string , and stores the detailed employee data in an application object EmployeeItemData , which is contained in class member treeItem .
You can find their source files and the other utility classes in the JMSCustomBindingClasses project .
But NLTK provides a set of regularized interfaces that are relied on and utilized at higher levels , in addition to simply providing convenient classes to hold tokenized and tagged texts .
Since they have access to the entire parse tree ( minus the actual method body ), Doclets provide a handy mechanism to compile utility classes or compile reports on the code .
I have included a utility class called EmailSubscriber in the sample code for this article , which abstracts some of the complexity .
If the table doesn 't exist , it invokes the database initialization code , ResourcesDatabaseInitializer , which in this example is a utility class that initializes the database .
After discovering the newly added service , the IDynamicServiceRegistry class can be updated to add an entry for the newly found service and corresponding service utility classes can be coded .