
  1. 在电视台的实习期

    an internship at a television station

  2. 不过还好,这位朋友的实习期还有几个月,而且毕竟是机构要留他,之后还有回头的机会。

    But fortunately , there are still several months left before the friend ’ s internship ends . And anyway , it was the institution which proposed the job in the first place . So there is still a chance for him to turn back .

  3. 青少年的实习期,大多是在取星巴克(starbucks)订单和被忽视中度过的。

    Many a teenage internship has been spent fetching Starbucks orders and being otherwise ignored .

  4. Illinois一个芝加哥的医生,回忆在他的实习期前,他想在有风险的医疗工作。

    A doctor in Chicago , Illinois , remembers that before his internship , he wanted to work in crisis medicine .

  5. 中护生毕业实习期适应中存在问题及对策研究进展

    Discussion on the problems of secondary nursing students in clinical practice

  6. 你实习期喜欢什么不喜欢什么?

    What did you like and not like about the internship ?

  7. 完成了实习期开始我有这种感觉

    And finished my residency , I 've had that feeling .

  8. 如果你是医生你可以把这四年当成实习期

    If you were a doctor , that would be your residency

  9. 护理学专业本科生实习期心理健康状况调查

    A survey on mental health of nursing undergraduates during clinical rotation training

  10. 实习期口腔医学专业学生的心理健康与应对方式的关系研究

    Relationship between mental health and coping modus of stomatologic students in internship

  11. 不是医学院毕业之后,也不是在实习期之后,而是现在。

    Not after med school , not after residency , right now .

  12. 你在他的实习期结束之前就让他走了。

    You let him go before his probation was up .

  13. 我知道我现在像是个实习期的地质学家,不过我就是喜欢。

    I 'm a geologist by training . But I love that .

  14. 印孚瑟斯的实习期是两到三个月。

    Interns spend two to three months at Infosys .

  15. 线的终点是实习期的结束。

    The finish line at the end of residency .

  16. 实习期体育专业与非体育专业学生心理比较

    The Psychological Health Comparison Between Physical Major and Non - physical Major Students

  17. 软件工程实习期的设计思考

    Reflection on How to Design Software Engineering Internship

  18. 我的实习期会持续一个礼拜。

    And my internship will last 1 week .

  19. 她是教区附属学校来的。现在是她的实习期。

    She was released from parochial school . she 's in her experimental phase .

  20. 实习期为夏天,有酬劳。

    This is paid internship for the summer .

  21. 见习期和实习期内能享受探亲假吗?

    Is novitiate mixed is exercitation period internal energy enjoyed visit one 's family false ?

  22. 有人正在医生实习期!

    Someone else is taking the internship !

  23. 实习期压力源对专科护生护理专业自我概念的影响

    Influence of pressure source during practice on self-concept of nursing specialty students from high medical schools

  24. 实习期,有偿还是无偿?临床实习医师的心理分析及引导

    Internships : paid or not ? Psychoanalysis for clinical intern and the Countermeasures of its issues

  25. 职工在见习期和实习期内都不能享受探亲假。

    The worker is mixed in novitiate cannot enjoy inside exercitation period visit one 's family false .

  26. 现在,当我的住院实习期接近最后一个月,睡觉就已经不成问题了。

    Now , in the last month of my residency , sleeping was no longer a problem .

  27. 你的实习期直接上级

    Your internship will be directly

  28. 对126名护生在实习期的需求和148名带教老师对护生需求的认知及影响因素进行调查研究。

    To study student nurses ' needs in internship , 126 students and 148 teachers were investigated .

  29. 在一次与学生的在线互动问答环节中,李开复说:实习期只有短短两个月,指望用人单位能给学生安排什么实质性的工作,这明显不现实。

    Students on a two-month internship should not expect employers to assign any real work to them .

  30. 高职学生顶岗实习期心理危机干预研究

    A Study on Mental Crisis Intervention of Students in Higher Professional College during the Substituted Post Exercitation Period