
  • 网络Service;custom services;customized service;measured service
  1. 随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的打车软件将可与社交网站和用户日历实现同步,以为乘客提供更加便捷且个人化的定制服务。智能出租车将崛起。

    As taxi apps become smarter , experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers . Here comes the rise of the smart taxi .

  2. 论基于Web用户访问信息挖掘技术的个性化定制服务

    Web-based access Information Mining for individualized Custom Service

  3. 基于Web挖掘的个性化网站定制服务的研究和应用

    The Research and Application of Personalized Recommendation Based on Web Mining

  4. 基于Web服务组合的数字图书馆个性化动态定制服务构建

    The Construction of Personalized Dynamical Customization Service of Digital Library Based on the Web Service Composition

  5. 结合Web数据挖掘技术,PNTM面向学习者提供个性化的推荐服务和个性化的定制服务。

    Combining with Web data mining technology , this model provide student with personal recommendation service and personal customization service .

  6. 实践表明,利用XML技术能够在网上实现方便快捷的服装定制服务。

    Practice indicates , We can Utilize XML technology to realize the convenient and swift custom - tailor service online .

  7. 基于Multi-agent的个人电脑客户定制服务推荐系统

    Intelligent Recommendations System of Made-to-order PC Based on Multi-agent

  8. 探讨一种新的多层次化,可定制服务,满足IP服务控制的带宽管理需求网络运营模式。

    To satisfy the need of traffic manager for the control of ' IP Service ' , an innovational Service Provide Model is proposed .

  9. 实验表明基于原型能够构造出支持传统IP网络应用的主动网,可为网络用户提供定制服务。

    The experiment demonstrates that this prototype can make active network supporting traditional IP network applications , and it may provide some network user customized services .

  10. 为一个Dojo树定制服务提供方程序

    Custom provider for a Dojo tree

  11. 基于RSS的技术基础,结合ASP技术就可以实现教育资源的提供、获取以及定制服务,从而打造出适合用户的教育资源联盟。

    Based on the technology of RSS and ASP technical , we can realize the providing , the getting , the subscription of educational resource .

  12. 基于WEBService的网络协同学习信息RSS聚合器为学习者带来个性化的信息聚合与定制服务,为学习者构建一个聚合、定制学习信息的个性化的学习信息平台。

    Web-based learning information RSS syndicator that based on Web Service brings learners individual services of information syndication and subscription , builds a individual learning information platform for learners to syndicate and subscribe learning information .

  13. 云服务提供商Box的首席执行官阿龙•利维(AaronLevie)表示,Box在考虑依托欧洲的数据中心提供定制服务。

    Aaron Levie , chief executive of Box , said his cloud enterprise company was looking at creating bespoke services built on data centres in Europe .

  14. 总的说来,该基于RSS的网站个性信息定制服务系统可以满足用户对信息的个性化需求,并且RSSFeed的自动分析提取可以方便用户对信息的获取。

    In general , the website personal customize information services can meet the needs of customers , and RSS Feed can be extracted automatically to make users fetch information conveniently .

  15. 采用ETO产品设计一体化技术可以实现设计前的知识准备、设计过程方法的灵活使用和设计过程支持,实现企业的快速设计和客户定制服务。

    This integration technology could provide knowledge preparation before the design , agile use of design methods and support design process .

  16. WebMail个性化定制服务的方式有:有问必答的互动式个性化服务,用户个性化信息的定时发送,图书馆信息资源的小群体服务,图书馆信息发布的群体定制服务。

    In this paper , the authors introduce the patterns of Web Mail customization services , including question answer interactive customization services , customized information delivery , small group services of library information resources , and group customization services of library information release .

  17. 不像系统集成商,ISV可以创建通用目标的解决方案,他们出售这些方案,包括定制服务,为那些喜欢用现成的解决方案的公司定制他们的解决方案。

    Unlike Systems Integrators , ISVs create general purpose business solutions which they resell , along with customization services , to companies who prefer off-the-shelf solutions to custom solutions .

  18. 此外,您也可以使用现有的小部件代码来创建指向LotusQuickr-config文件中所增加的定制服务的链接。

    Alternatively , you can also use the existing widget code to pull links to custom services added to the LotusQuickr-config file .

  19. 运用定制服务方式改进和加强高校图书馆的定题服务

    On Consolidation for SDI Service in University Library with Customized Service

  20. 图书馆网络个性化定制服务发展及其研究

    Development and Research of the Network Personalized Customization Service in Library

  21. 实现了在定制服务接口中声明的方法的类。

    Classes that implement the methods declared in custom service interfaces .

  22. 试探现代远程教育中个性化信息定制服务

    On the Individualized Information Customization Service in the Modern Distance Education

  23. 网络个性化信息定制服务浅析

    Analysis of the Individualized Information Custom Service of the Internet

  24. 网络教育环境下个性化信息定制服务系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Individual Information Customization Service System Based on E-learning

  25. 个性化定制服务:图书馆信息服务的创新

    Personalized Custom - made Service : Innovation in the Library Information Service

  26. 该系统具有良好的集成性和可扩展性,可提供软件功能的个性化可定制服务。

    The system is extensible and can provide individualized customizable software service .

  27. 开放环境下数字图书馆个性化定制服务问题研究

    Research on Personalized Customization Service of Digital Library in an Open Environment

  28. 在网络上提供定制服务的系统和方法。

    System and method for providing a customized service in a network .

  29. 第三方物流企业的定制服务模式研究

    Study on the Customization Model of Service in the Third Party Logistics Corporations

  30. 数字图书馆个性化定制服务相关问题研究

    A Study on Personalized Custom Services in Digital Libraries