
  • 网络Official Veterinarian
  1. 经官方兽医许可,经营者可以获得或回收某些禁止食用的肉类产品作为动物饲料。

    Operators may harvest or salvage certain condemned meat products for animal food with the consent of an official veterinarian .

  2. 产品来自处于官方兽医监督下并有正式出口许可证的屠宰场屠宰的牲畜。

    This lot of product derived from animals slaughtered in a slaughter house which is under constant supervision by an official veterinarian and which is officially licensed for export .

  3. 官方兽医组织机构研究

    Study on the Organization of Veterinary Services

  4. 亚运会马术比赛官方兽医安东尼·帕森斯向记者介绍了如何了如何让马儿乖乖听话配合尿检。

    Anthony Parson , the official vet for the Asian Games equestrian competition , recently told reporters how to collect horse urine samples .