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ɡuān rén
  • official;wife's term of address for husband;gentlemen of Song;minor public servants
官人 [guān rén]
  • (1) [man]∶唐朝称当官的人,宋以后对有一定地位的男子的敬称

  • 剑外官人冷, 关中驿使疎。-- 唐. 杜甫《逢唐兴与刘主簿弟》

  • 女使锦儿叫道:官人寻得我苦,却在这里!--《水浒》七回

  • (2) [husband]∶妻子称呼丈夫(多见于早期白话)

  • 夜坐书院中研墨吮笔,凭纸长吟,中妻不眠,(妻)向氏呼曰:官人夜深何不睡去?--《续传灯录.张商英》

  1. 周代选士制、汉代察举制、魏晋九品官人制是考试制度的起源阶段。

    At its original stage , the system was composed of the bachelor selection in Zhou Dynasty , recommendation and interview in Han Dynasty and Nine Grade Official System in Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  2. 九品官人法建立让步之说之质疑

    Question on the Concession Establishment of " Nine Grades Official Selection System "

  3. 他们不尊重官人也不爱护财物。

    They don 't respect customers or property .

  4. 你们的举止要时时刻刻像官人像君子一样。

    You will behave at all times as officers And-God save the Mark-as gentlemen .

  5. 但是野生动植物园范围很广大,禁止渔猎野生动物监督官人手又很少,偷猎野生动物的猎人们的偷猎决心都很大。

    But the parks are large , the wardens few and the determination of hunters very great .

  6. 当内部已经有了下一任首席执行官人选时,那么你就拥有了一家具备变革意识并准备走上成功之路的公司。

    When you have the next CEO ready within , you have a company alive to change and ready to succeed .

  7. “九品官人法”通常被称为九品中正制,此外还有诸多异名、别称。

    The Rule of Nine Ranks of Officials is commonly referred to as the Just System of Nine Ranks besides other different names .

  8. 遇到荒年灾月,她带领官人吃粗劣的菜饭,以此来体察民间疾苦。

    In time of famine , she led the officials to have coarse meals so as to feel and experience the suffering of her people .

  9. 曹魏时期,陈群制定九品官人法,对后世产生了深远的影响。

    In CaoWei time , Chen Qun constituted " Nine grade of state gentleman " law , has had the profound influence to the later generation .

  10. 他们作为三种不同政治势力的代官人,实际上代表了历史转折时期三种不同的发展趋向。

    As spokesmen of three different political forces , they were , as a matter of fact , representing three different developing trends of thought at the turn of a historical period .

  11. 淡马锡将持有合资企业49%的股份,并掌握该项业务的管理控制权,部分原因是其继续持有中行4.8%股份,而首席执行官人选将由中行决定。

    Temasek is being given a 49 per cent stake and management control of the operation in part because it has held on to its 4.8 per cent stake in BOC , though the Chinese bank will select the chief executive .