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zhàng mu niáng
  • mother-in-law;wife's mother
丈母娘 [zhàng mǔ niáng]
  • [wifes mother;mother-in-law] 岳母,妻子的母亲。亦称丈母

丈母娘[zhàng mu niáng]
  1. 他总是觉得丈母娘有点烦人,然而她们母女之间的关系却非常亲密。

    He had always found his wife 's mother a bit annoying . The mother-daughter relationship , meanwhile , was close .

  2. 孩子们可以在那儿玩儿沙子,妻子可以在那儿晒太阳,那儿还有鲨鱼,是为丈母娘准备的。

    Sand for the children , sun for the wife , sharks for the wife 's mother .

  3. 我老婆现在看着就跟丈母娘似的,可吓人了。

    My wife now looks like her mother , which appals me .

  4. 他刚结婚和妻子、子和丈母娘住在恩顿北面,房子在城边离m1高速公路入口几步远的地方。

    He had recently married and he lives with his wife , child , and mother-in-law just steps from the M1 motorway entrance in hendon , on the northern edge of the city .

  5. 他的丈母娘主动拨空到农场帮忙。

    His mother-in-law offered to spend some time on his farm .

  6. 不过那时他的丈母娘发狂了。

    But that 's when his mother-in-law just got mad .

  7. 没错,是对他丈母娘的评估。

    That 's right , a review of his mother-in-law .

  8. 把孩子、工作和丈母娘都忘掉。

    And forget about your kids , your job , and your mother-in-law .

  9. 只要我丈母娘不跟我们一起。

    Whenever my mother-in-lawn isn 't staying with us .

  10. 中国的准丈母娘们似乎是不饶人的一群。

    Chinese mothers-in-law to-be , it seems , can be an unforgiving bunch .

  11. 如何讨好你未来的丈母娘。

    How to grease your future mother-in-law .

  12. 丈母娘的队伍没有减员;

    There 's no shrinkage in mother-in-laws ;

  13. 根据朝鲜的传统,新郎们要给未来丈母娘送野生的鹅或鸳鸯;

    According to Korean tradition , grooms once gave their new mother-in-laws wild geese or ducks ;

  14. 几天后,农夫的丈母娘被骡子踢到而伤重不治。

    A few days later , the farmer 's mother-in-law was killed when his mule kicked her .

  15. 而陶为了讨好内斯比特,和她以及丈母娘去了伦敦,并住在不同的酒店。

    While courting Nesbit , Thaw went with her and her mother to London , where they stayed at separate hotels .

  16. 警察:先生,我们跟你录口供的时候,问你有没有什么仇人,你怎么没提到你丈母娘?

    Police : Sir , when we questioned you about any enemies you might have , you didn 't mention your mother-in-law .

  17. 或许中国的丈母娘们不应当再坚持让女婿在结婚前买一套房,而应当要求女婿购买商业医疗险。

    Maybe Chinese mums should stop insisting that their sons-in-law buy a flat before marriage and start insisting they buy private medical insurance .

  18. 赖斯•道森曾经说他丈母娘一来,他能马上察觉到——因为连老鼠都乖乖逃到捕鼠夹里去了。

    Les Dawson once said he knew when his mother-in-law was coming round - because the mice threw themselves on to the traps .

  19. 做一个有钱的年轻人的丈母娘真是好福气&她亲自调查过他的经济状况。

    It was so nice to be the mother-in-law of a rich young man & one whose financial state had borne her personal inspection .

  20. 当看着发现升空的那一刻,她紧紧地搂着丈母娘的左臂,另一只手抓着自己母亲的手。

    She gripped her mother-in-law with her right arm and held her own mother 's hand in her left as she watched Discovery soar .

  21. 不要问你的女友能为你做甚,而要问你能为你的女友和你的老丈人和丈母娘做甚。

    Not ask what your GF can do for u , but ask what you can do for your gf and her daddy and mom .

  22. 格里高利耶茨强忍着得意忘形只可能有一种原因&他的丈母娘死了:结果又猜错了。

    The subdued ecstasy in Gregory yates 's face could mean but one thing & he was a mother-in-law short ; it was another mistake .

  23. 和一位和和我们一起,由于她儿子的疾病感到哀恸的丈母娘住在一块让我的精神压力更大。

    Trying to coexist with a mother-in-law who was staying with us and was also devastated by her son 's illness was adding to the stress .

  24. 镇上几百个听到消息的乡亲参加农夫丈母娘的丧礼,许多人农夫根本不认识。

    Hundreds of people from town who had heard about the death came to the poor lady 's funeral , many that the farmer didn 't even know .

  25. ‘你骂我老巫婆,你敢骂我,你这个骗子,’她悦,‘这五个月来,你该叫我丈母娘才对!’

    " You call me old witch , do ye , you deceiver !" says she ," when ye ought to ha'been calling me mother-law these last five months !"

  26. 后来汤普金斯发现这个发明对他的岳母也很管用&那时他的丈母娘正受到更年期夜间盗汗的困扰,这时他才意识到自己的发明很有市场。

    But it was only after Tompkins saw that it worked for his mother-in-law she suffered from night sweats due to menopause that he began to think there was a market for it .

  27. 它不仅能标出所有必需的信息——比如您丈母娘的名字——还能提供一大张预先填好的事项清单。

    Not only will it keep tabs on all the necessary information -- such as your fianc é e 's mother 's name -- but it also sports a huge pre-populated to-do list .

  28. 如今我的川菜已经“和平演变”成清淡、纯朴、美观的法式中餐,并逐渐为妻子和丈母娘所接受。

    Today my Sichuan food has " pacifically " evolved into a Sino-French food , light , natural , good to look at and it has been accepted by my wife and by my mother-in-law .

  29. 结婚后,他赚钱供养她。一个丈夫对妻子说:“不,我并不讨厌你的亲戚们,事实上,比起我的丈母娘,我更喜欢你的婆婆。”

    After marriage , the " y " becomes silent . A husband said to his wife , " No , I don 't hate your relatives . In fact , I like your mother-in-law better than mine . "

  30. 浪漫的女人们也许会让自己相信她们是男友梦中的主角,但在男友的梦中,她们的位置很可能会被男友的同事或上司取代。26%的男性说他们会梦见同事,甚至会梦见丈母娘。

    While romantic-minded girlfriends might allow themselves to believe they are the subject of their man 's dreams , they are likely to be usurped during nighttime hours by their partner 's colleagues or boss - with 26 percent saying they dream of workmates - or even their mother-in-law .