
  1. 服务完善程度最低的是基于Internet的服务。

    The lowest service maturity level is Internet-based services .

  2. 在GPS定位中,周跳探测和修复的完善程度直接影响定位结果的精度。

    The cycle slip detection and its reparation perfectness can directly influence the accurancy of GPS positioning .

  3. 固相缩聚的时间和温度都可以使PET/MMT纳米复合材料的结晶完善程度提高。

    Both time and temperature of SSP could make the crystalline structure perfection .

  4. 用X射线衍射和差示扫描量热对纤维的微观结构进行研究表明静电纺丝过程影响PVA超细纤维膜的结晶度和晶形的完善程度。

    Evaluation of microstructure by X-ray diffraction showed poor development of crystalline in electrospun PVA fiber mats .

  5. 电镜扫描(SEM)发现,金属粉末与粘结剂的分散均匀和完善程度的变化规律和型坯密度随着振幅(频率)的变化规律基本一致。

    SEM showed that the change of uniform dispersion and distribution is basically accordant with the change of density with vibration amplitude ( frequency ) .

  6. 有关故障树生成方法的研究已经成为FTA研究中的一个重要分支,它的完善程度将直接影响系统可靠性的定性分析和定量计算。

    And what extent these methods are perfected will directly influence qualitative analysis and quantitive calculation of system reliability .

  7. 本文首次定量地研究了表征石墨晶体结构完善程度的两个要素,即石墨化程度(μ)和石墨菱面体多型(Rh)含量。

    In this paper the two major elements & graphitization (μ) and the content of graphite rhombohedral polymorph ( R_h ) have been studied for the first time on the quantitative basis .

  8. 在低极性溶液中,去氧使波谱显著变窄及增强,~(14)N超精细三峰分裂的完善程度大大提高;

    In solvents with lower polarity , deoxygenation led to a marked narrowing and intensification of ESR spectra . And what is more , the degree of perfectness of the 14N hyperfine splitting became very conspicuously enhanced .

  9. 另外,DP-g-MAH也会对PA6相结晶的完善程度有一定影响。

    In addition , DP-g-MAH has some influences on perfection of crystallite size of PA6.4 .

  10. 该方法用潜在环境影响效率εPEI表示距离环境最为友好的反应过程的相对大小,也表示为实现具有环境友好的反应过程而采取的技术措施的完善程度;

    Potential environmental impact ( PEI ) efficiency ε _ ( PEI ) is used to represent the distance between an actual reaction process and the most environmental friendly one , and also denote perfection extent of technologies adopted to accomplish the ideal process .

  11. 而C-94切片的结晶速率较快,结晶能力较强,可结晶温度较窄,结晶完善程度较好。

    PET chip with C-94 catalyst has a higher crystallization rate , stronger crystallization ability , and narrower range of crystallization temperature than that with Sb 2O 3 .

  12. 通过应用JGN完井液,与相邻区的井对比,试验井采液强度提高了14.5%,注水压力降低了6%,表皮系数降低了0.74,地层完善程度提高了31.3%,取得了较好的保护油层效果。

    Comparing with adjacent wells of the same block , the fluid productivity was increased by 14.5 % , the water injection pressure was deceased by 6 % , the skin factor was lowered by 0.74 and the formation efficiency was increased by 31.3 % .

  13. 有色金属期货市场不完善程度定价模型及其验证

    Imperfect Degree Pricing Model and Demonstration of Nonferrous Metal Futures Market

  14. 基于居民需求的城市住区配套设施完善程度评定模型

    Performance Evaluation Model of Community Facilities Based on Inhabitant 's Requirement

  15. 第二,关注的指标与企业治理的完善程度相关。

    Second their preference is relative with the company governance .

  16. 实际上,尚未达到这样的完善程度。

    In practice , this degree of perfection has not yet been achieved .

  17. 这个矛盾的解决,将取决于国债市场的完善程度。

    How to solve this problem depends on a good national debt market .

  18. 法规体系完善程度不同;

    The different degrees of completeness of law system ;

  19. 优化射孔参数,提高油井完善程度;

    Optimum perforating parameters , increasing well perfecting extent ;

  20. 井网完善程度;

    The coverage degree of the well array ;

  21. 多背压凝汽器的优化所得结论对多背压凝汽器热力学完善程度的提高有一定意义。

    The conclusion is some significance to improve the extent of its thermodynamic perfection .

  22. 因此,银行监管法律制度的完善程度就决定着监管的有效性。

    Therefore , the supervision effectiveness is decided of the banking supervision law system .

  23. 根据需求分析建立的完善程度,进行正式的或非正式的需求评估。

    Perform a formal or informal needs-assessment depending on how well-established the requirements already are .

  24. 同时,聘任机制的有效性也是公司治理机制完善程度的重要反映。

    And the effectiveness of the employment system also reflects the improvement degree of governance .

  25. 消费者卷入水平与认知完善程度对广告信息加工模式的影响

    Effect of Consumer 's Involvement and Cognitive Perfection on the Mode of Information Processing of Advertising

  26. 市场经济的完善程度同个体主体的成熟程度相联系。

    This is a same process of the market economy and the forming of individuality subject .

  27. 住宅小区智能化管理系统性能的高低及完善程度,已经成为衡量房产价值的重要因素。

    The performance of the management system of the intelligent residence district has become the important factor .

  28. 但随坡度增大,两者的作用受到了抑制,使结皮形成的完善程度降低。

    But the function is also limited while slope degree increasing , the growth of crust is no good .

  29. 在与翅片传热效率比较后可定量地描述矩形散热翅片的热力学完善程度。

    By comparison with heat transfer efficiency the temperature field entropy on the wing surface can quantitatively describe it .

  30. 经济的发展决定著作权制度的产生,市场机制的发展制约着著作权制度的完善程度。

    The development of economy brings about copyright system , and the development of market mechanism restricts its improvement .