
  1. 使用缝纫机时,建议戴安全防护眼镜。

    For your personal protection , we recommend that you wear safety glasses .

  2. 安全防护眼镜可以使用,但效果不如护目镜。安全防护眼镜仅用于极热并且湿气太大而导致护目镜无法正常使用的环境。

    Safety glasses have been included in the stock , they are not a good substitute for goggles and should only be used if extreme heat and humidity prevents goggles from being tolerated .

  3. 穿戴日常必需的劳保用品:工作服、安全鞋、安全头盔、防护眼镜和耳塞。

    Apparel usual necessary personal protective equipment : work clothes , protective shoes , crash helmet , protective glasses , and earplug .