
ān lè yǐ
  • easy chair
安乐椅 [ān lè yǐ]
  • [easy chair;armchair;couch;duchesse] 一种有背的长椅,带扶手,可转动,坐着舒适,这在18世纪的法国,就已在民间通用

  • 等我们再进去的时候,便发现他在安乐椅上安静地睡着了--但已经是永远地睡着了。--恩格斯《在马克思墓前的讲话》

  1. 弗雷德优哉游哉地躺在安乐椅上。

    Fred lazed in an easy chair

  2. 我松了一口气,坐在安乐椅上睡着了。

    Relieved , I sat back in an easy chair and fell asleep .

  3. 这个孩子在又大又软的安乐椅中蜷着身子,手里拿着一本书。

    The boy curled himself up in the big soft armchair with a book .

  4. 不满者找不到安乐椅。&富兰克林

    The discontented man finds no easy chair . & Benjamin Franklin

  5. 没地方放安乐椅了。

    Jacob : There 's no room for the rocking chair .

  6. 他已为自己弄到了一把大的安乐椅。

    He had managed to get himself a large armchair .

  7. 祖母坐在她最喜欢的安乐椅里。

    Grandmother installed herself in her favorite easy - chair .

  8. 那只猫安睡在安乐椅上。

    The cat installed itself in the easy - chair .

  9. 西姆金坐在他办公室里那张很有气派的安乐椅上。

    Simkin , sitting in his office , occupied a grand Sykes chair .

  10. 他坐在最舒适的椅子上。她正坐在安乐椅上。

    He seated himself in the most comfortable chair .

  11. 节约是晚年的安乐椅。

    Economy is the easy choir of old age .

  12. 她正坐在安乐椅上。

    She is sitting on an easy chair .

  13. 噢,是的,安乐椅。

    Oh , yes , the easy chair .

  14. 好吧。那么安乐椅呢?

    Right . And then the easy chair ?

  15. 她在安乐椅上坐了下来。他慢吞吞地坐在椅子上。

    She seated herself in an easy chair .

  16. 安详的睡在安乐椅上。

    Calm and sleeping in the easy chair .

  17. 我想安乐椅可以放到客厅。

    Amy : Hmm. .. I guess the rocking chair can go into the guestroom .

  18. 我使他坐在安乐椅上。

    I seated him in the armchair .

  19. 退到安乐椅上

    retiring to the easy chair ,

  20. 不,我买了两把安乐椅,我要把它们放在窗户旁边。

    No , I 've bought two easy chairs and I 'm putting those by the windows .

  21. 沙发及安乐椅可能会被铺上厚厚的垫子,并运用不同空间组合的摆设,让坐的人可以轻松的谈话。

    Sofas and lounge chairs may be heavily padded and arranged in groupings conducive to relaxed conversation .

  22. 她是那样虚弱和疲劳,只得仰靠在安乐椅上。

    She was so weak and exhausted that she had to lie back in the easy chair .

  23. 这地方对于他有一种安闲之感。他悠闲地坐在安乐椅上。

    The place had a soothing influence on him . He settled himself comfortably in an easy chair .

  24. 埃维在埃斯旁边的安乐椅上坐下,将她穿着袜子的脚放在埃斯的腿上。

    Evey sat down in an easy chair beside Ace and rested her stocking feet on his knees .

  25. 好,呃,那么现在只剩下桌子和安乐椅了。

    Right . Erm , and then that just leaves us with the table and the easy chair .

  26. 老牧师在一张安乐椅中就坐之后,想把珠儿拉到他的膝间。

    The old minister seated himself in an arm-chair and made an effort to draw Pearl betwixt his knees .

  27. 在安乐椅里打瞌睡的老皮普钦太太时常变换成托克斯小姐或他的姑妈;

    Old Mrs Pipchin dozing in an easy chair , often changed to Miss Tox , or his aunt ;

  28. 他躺在安乐椅里,我则笨拙地拉完西班牙女郎和啤酒桶波尔卡。

    As he sat in his easy chair , I would fumble through Lady of Spain and Beer Barrel Polka .

  29. 他坐在安乐椅上,只听得呼啸的大风猛烈地冲击着他的屋子,大雨击打着屋外的街面。

    From his easy chair he hears the wind lash his house and the rain pound the street outside his home .

  30. 爸爸最好的书本也摆进了屋,还有妈妈的安乐椅、乔的书桌、艾美最好的素描。

    Father 's best books found their way there , Mother 's easy chair , Jo 's desk , Amy 's finest sketches .