
  • 网络school leader
  1. 学校领导者应该将变革学校和帮助教师们应对变革很好的结合起来,达成双赢。

    School leaders should combine changing schools with helping teachers to cope with change well together to achieve win-win situation .

  2. 营造道德教化和行政道德氛围,提高学校领导者的道德修养,是防止学校领导者在运用职权时出现滥用权力、渎职、权力无为等失误行为的行之有效的管理措施。

    To build an environment of moral education and administrative morality ; and to improve the school leaders ' moral quality .

  3. 首先,本文总结了学校领导者当前对中年教师抗拒改革的应对方式,并对其有效性进行评估。

    First , the paper summarizes the current school leaders ' coping styles of middle-aged teachers resisting the reform and evaluating their effectiveness .

  4. 为有效实施这一职能,学校领导者就应注意缩短与教师的心理距离。从自身做起。

    In order to carry out this function , leaders of the university should pay attention to reducing the psychological distance from teachers .

  5. 在某些地区,学校领导者呼吁地方官员介入,把学生表现不佳归咎于缺乏男性榜样。

    In some districts , school officials have pressured local officials to intervene , saying students are underperforming because they lack male role models .

  6. 文章第四部分为领导者提出了改善中年教师对变革准备状态的根本途径,希望可以对学校领导者有所启示。

    The fourth part gives the fundamental methods to improve the readiness of middle-aged teachers and hopes to make a revelation for school leaders .

  7. 处在这样的历史时刻,深入思考应该建设一所什么样的现代民族大学,怎样建设现代民族大学,这既是时代的需要,也是学校领导者的职责。

    At this historic moment , how to run a modern university for the nationalities deserves urgent and careful thinking , which is both our historical mission and responsibility .

  8. 办学特色逐步成为评价我国高校办学水平和教学质量的重要参照系,培育和提炼本校的办学特色被提上学校领导者的议事日程。

    The school characteristic gradually becomes the important reference system of appraising universities in China . It has become the school leaders ' agenda that cultivate and refine school characteristic .

  9. 学校领导者要积极帮助教师预防心理挫折,为消除挫折创造良好的心理环境,教师主体要加强自身修养,注意受挫后的自我调节。

    School leaders should help teachers to prevent the occurrence of psychological setbacks or eliminate the frustration feeling , while teacher should take the subjective initiative in precaution or psychological elimination .

  10. 然后汲取经验教训,从学校领导者角度,提出七条激活中年教师的措施,分别是:第一,宣传变革理念,解冻平衡状态。

    And learning the lessons from the perspective of school leaders and putting forward seven measures to activate the middle-aged teachers . Firstly , public the change idea and unfreeze the balance .

  11. 初中生自主学习能力的培养是一个漫长的过程,并非一蹴而就,在这个过程中需要学校领导者的高度重视,需要教师们的艰苦努力和不懈追求,还需要家长的支持与合作。

    In this process , school leaders need to attach great importance , teachers need to work hard and pursuit relentlessly , and also we need the support of parents and their cooperation .

  12. 中小学校长作为学校领导者和管理者,全面负责学校工作。校长的工作水平和工作表现影响着整个学校的办学质量。

    The principals of primary and middle schools as a leader and administrator of school take charge of all the work in schools and their ability and behavior in work can affect directly the school - running quality as a whole .

  13. 他是学校的领导者和地区管理员。

    He has been a school-based leader and a district administrator .

  14. 国际视野中学校课程领导者的构成

    A Global View of Curricular Leaders

  15. 需要一个对未领导者的发展更为有效的整体政策,这是伦敦商业学校推出未来领导者研究团体(简称TLRG)的原因。

    A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed , which is why the London Business School has launch the Tomorrow 's Leaders Research Group ( TLRG ) .

  16. 校长是学校的核心领导者。

    The principal is the core of school leaders .

  17. 传统的教育观念中,学校管理只是少数领导者的事情,学生、教师、家长和社区各界人士通通被排除在管理门外。

    In traditional concepts of education , school management is only the business of a few school leaders . Students , teachers , parents and community people from all walks of life are all excluded from it .

  18. 学科带头人是普通高等学校学科建设的领导者和组织者,担负着学科建设、人才培养、制定学科建设规划、促进学科发展等重要任务。

    The subject-leaders in scientific research is leaders and organizers of discipline construction of regular institutions of higher education , taking charge of important tasks , such as discipline construction , personnel training , making the construction plan of discipline , bringing about an advance in discipline , etc.

  19. 学校领导行为是学校领导者在决策、计划、传播、创新等职能活动中的领导与管理行为,对学校管理活动产生着重要的影响作用。

    School leadership behavior is referred to as the leaders ' leading and administrating behaviors showed in the activities of decision , planning , transmission , creation and so on , which has an important effect on school administration .

  20. 学校领导是学校体育改革的领导者、策划者和指挥者。

    The school leader is the leader , planners and commanders of school physical education reform .

  21. 学校自主权的扩大,对学校领导者的素质也提出了更高的要求。

    With decision-making power expanding in schools , the school leaders ' quality are also demanded higher and higher .

  22. 教师管理是学校的基本管理工作,也是学校领导者的基本工作,教师管理的成败将直接影响到学校的整体效果和办学质量,影响到学校的存亡。

    The teachers ' management is the basic work of the school , which is related to the development of the school . The management of the teachers affects the level and the quality of the school ; even the school 's exiting .

  23. 道德领导理论是针对教育领导者加强道德素养的教育管理理论,它从批判传统的学校管理与领导模式出发,启示学校领导者应该以道德和价值观为领导原则和领导权威来进行领导实践。

    Moral leadership theory starts from the criticism on the traditional middle of school management and leadership . This inspires that the leaders in the school should base on the principle of moral and value and the leader authority when they doing practice .

  24. 面对迅速变化的社会,学校也必须进行相应的改革,这对学校领导者&校长提出较高要求,与此同时,校长管理体制也需要适应社会变革,时代呼唤校长职业化。

    With the rapid change of the society , schools must reform spontaneously , which will give the school principals more requests , meanwhile the principal management must accommodate with social reform .

  25. 自从学校作为制度化教育机构建立以来,校长作为学校的领导者、决策者和教育教学活动的组织者,一直发挥着重要作用。

    Since the schools as educational institutions establishment of institutionalized principals as a leader policy makers and educational activities of the organizers . He Has been playing an important role .