
  • 网络learning enterprise;learning organization
  1. 电信公司创建学习型企业的策略研究

    Research on the Strategy Constructing of Learning Organization of Telecom Company

  2. 创建学习型企业的原因及智障分析

    The Reasons of Learning Organization Establishment and Analysis on Learning Disability

  3. 严格筛选项目组成员,注重知识转移,构建学习型企业,重视产品培训,一级领导大力支持,可以帮助企业ERP顺利上线、规避风险、提高ERP的实施成功率。

    We come to the conclusion that selecting the right members of project group and transferring knowledge with much recognition can help the enterprise ERP run smooth and enhance the implementation success ratio .

  4. 从企业管理发展趋势的需要,加入WTO后的迫切要求,增强企业竞争力重要手段等方面,阐述了在新世纪新形势下建立学习型企业的必要性。

    For the sake of enterprise management development trend after China entered the WTO , as well as to strengthen enterprise competitiveness , the paper demonstrated the necessity to establish emulating enterprises under the new situation in the new century .

  5. 本论文系国家社会科学基金项目《我国学习型企业信息消费的满意度研究》课题(批准号:03BTQ022)的研究成果之一。

    This paper is within the research of national social science fund projects " The Research on the Satisfaction Degree of Learning Enterprise Information Expense in China " ( No. 03BTQ022 ) .

  6. 以人为本,创建学习型企业

    Constructing " Enterprise of Learning " Based on the Individual Development

  7. 基于陶瓷企业创新能力提高的学习型企业构建

    Founding study enterprise according to develop innovation ability of ceramic enterprise

  8. 华北石化公司学习型企业文化模式研究

    The Study about Learning Corporation Culture Mode of Huabei Petrochemical Company

  9. 知识经济下学习型企业的建立

    The Learning - type Enterprises in the Knowledge - based Economy

  10. 第四章,运用问卷调查法和访谈法等研究方法,对当前我国学习型企业展开调研。

    The fourth chapter with the questionnaire survey and interview technique .

  11. 对中国铁路学习型企业创建的策略与实施进行了分析与总结。

    Give the strategy and practice of developing Chinese learning enterprise .

  12. 学习型企业中个性化智能信息服务算法研究

    Research of individual intelligence information service algorithm in learning enterprises

  13. 学习型企业及其组织学习机制研究

    A Study on the Learning Enterprise and Its Mechanism of Organizational Learning

  14. 建立与“学习型企业”相适应的培训机制

    Setting up the training system to fit for " learned-trend enterprise "

  15. 浅谈油田企业如何开展创建学习型企业活动

    On how oilfield enterprise to develop activities of founding learning type enterprise

  16. 学习型企业人力资源投资决策分析

    The Human Resource Investment Decision Behavior Analysis of Learning Enterprise

  17. 学习型企业的经济指标评价体系研究

    The Evaluation System of Economic Indicators in a Learning-typed Enterprise

  18. 短期培训和创建学习型企业的关系

    The Relationship Between Short-term Training and the Establishment of the Research-style Enterprise

  19. 创建学习型企业需要注重解决的几个问题

    Several problems should be paid attention to when founding the learning enterprises

  20. 创建学习型企业若干问题的思考

    A Tentative Approach to the Problems Concerning the Establishment of Learning-based Enterprises

  21. 创建学习型企业起步阶段的初步探讨

    Discussion on the Stating Stage of Creating the Studying Enterprise

  22. 建立学习型企业:现代企业发展的必然选择

    Establishing Learning Enterprises is the Investable Choice of the Development of Modern Enterprises

  23. 关于创建学习型企业的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Building up Enterprises Typical for Study

  24. 学习型企业的组织学习与组织结构设计研究

    A Study on Organizational Learning and Design of Organization Structure in Learning Enterprises

  25. 第二部分,主要分析学习型企业建设理论。

    The second part analyzes the basic theory of building the learning enterprise .

  26. 企业技术创新实践与学习型企业文化建设

    The practice of corporation technology innovation and the development of learning-based corporation culture

  27. 学习型企业创建的探讨

    A Research on Constructing a Studying - type Enterprise

  28. 学习型企业建设的中西比较研究

    The Comparison on Building the Learning Enterprise between Chinese Companies and Western Companies

  29. 传统企业管理和学习型企业管理特点对比分析

    Comparative analysis on traditional business administration and business administration characterized by studying type

  30. 而学习型企业最重要的活动就是信息消费活动,构建学习型企业过程实质上也就是信息消费过程。

    And the most important activity of a learning enterprise is information consumption .