
  • 网络sporozoa;Sporovoa;Sporozoea;Class Sporozoa
  1. 浙江省曹娥江鱼类寄生粘孢子虫三新种(孢子纲:粘孢子虫目)

    Three new species of parasitic myxosporidia from freshwater fishes of Cao'e river , Zhejiang Province ( sporozoa : myxosporidia )

  2. 中华血簇虫的生活史研究(复顶门:孢子纲)Ⅱ.中华血簇虫在中华鳖中的发育

    Studies on the life cycle of haemogregarina sinensis Chai et Chen ( apicomplexa : sporozoasida ) ii . observations on development of haemogregarina sinensis in a Chinese turtle , Trionyx sinensis

  3. 腥黑粉菌一科特点是简单先菌丝顶上丛生孢子。半知菌纲的一科其菌丝或分生孢子成暗黑色。

    A family of smut fungi having a simple promycelium bearing the spores in an apical cluster . family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia .

  4. 重庆淡水鱼寄生粘孢子虫二新种(粘孢子纲:双壳目)

    Two new species of parasitic myxosporidia of freshwater fishes in chongqing , China ( myxosporea : bivalvulida )