
cún qián
  • save;deposit;deposit money
存钱[cún qián]
  1. 大多数人都打算存钱,但月末时就会发现已一文不剩。

    The majority of people intend to save , but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left

  2. 肯:多好的女孩啊!学会存钱和用钱对我们都很重要。

    Ken : What a kind girl ! Learning to save and use money are both important to us .

  3. 在任何一家分行都可以存钱。

    Deposits can be made at any branch .

  4. 我父亲从来不存钱,我可能正好相反。

    My father never saved and perhaps I reacted against that .

  5. 他们已经存钱并开始贮藏食物和汽油。

    They 've begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their money

  6. 她建议我可以开始定期存钱,我说我还不知道钱是不是够花呢。

    She suggested to me that I might like to start regular savings and I said Well , I don 't know whether I can stretch to that .

  7. 他们在存钱买彩色电视机。

    They are saving up to buy a colour TV set .

  8. 鲁本认为这不公平,他也不再存钱了。

    Ruben thought it was unfair and he stopped saving his money , too .

  9. 英国皇家铸币局(TheRoyalMint)每年都在发行数以千万枚的硬币,而这些硬币最后却只能被藏到存钱罐里或是抽屉的深处,英国政府认为这是不划算的。

    The Royal Mint has been issuing hundreds of millions of the coins every year , only for them to disappear into jars or the back of drawers , which the government believes isn 't cost-effective .

  10. 谈的话题是我们家早年的艰辛,走着去上班,在“新衣会”里存钱准备买衣裳。

    The conversation was of early struggles , walking to work and saving to be poor because we were such a big family .

  11. 更别忘了你还得为他们将来上大学存钱但是betterbaby只需要14.99哦

    Plus , you 'll have to save up for college . But better baby can be yours for just $ 14.99 .

  12. 今年Bob在努力存钱。

    Bob is trying to save a lot of money this year .

  13. 约翰看上了这张新CD,正在存钱准备买下。

    John has his eye on the new CD , and is saving money to buy it .

  14. 如此,这些客户就可以在家或办公室门口存钱,而无需在晚上带着现金去找ATM机。

    Rather than walking with the cash to a machine , often at night , customers will now be able to make a deposit from outside their home or office .

  15. 你可以利用这段时间存钱,因为我听说LASIK手术可能会花你一大笔钱,至少三万。

    You can use the time to save , because I 've heard that LASIK surgery could set you back over thirty thousand .

  16. 产权基金糟透了,即使是现金账户,这个曾被认为是最安全存钱地点的地方,也因为Icesave的崩溃经历了糟糕的一周。

    Property funds are doing badly and even cash accounts , which used to be regarded as the safest of safe places to put your money , have had a bad week with the collapse of Ice save .

  17. 我想我要开始为Ross的生日存钱了,我的菜单是在家里吃西北风。

    Joey : Well I guess I gotta start savin ' up for Ross 's birthday , so I guess I 'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies .

  18. 坏小子存钱罐(BadPiggyBank):Rovio公司正在测试的一项基于短信服务的支付系统,用户可以使用它支付游戏而无需注册或使用信用卡。

    Bad Piggy Bank & an SMS-based payment system the company is still testing that will make it possible for users to pay for games without the need to register or use a credit card .

  19. MichaelFerrari:“或许节日即将来临,或者你的生日即将来临,你的朋友和家人可能不送你礼物,而是向你的SmartyPig账户中存钱。”

    MICHAEL FERRARI : " Perhaps maybe a holiday is coming up or your birthday is coming up , and rather than getting a gift , your friends , your family can actually contribute to any of your SmartyPig goals . "

  20. 为小孩读大学存钱的家长中只有三分之一的使用纳税优惠的储蓄存款帐户,比如529计划或Coverdell教育储蓄帐户。

    Only a third of the college savers used a tax-advantaged savings account like a529 plan or Coverdell account .

  21. SurePayroll公司建议公司设一个“粗话存钱罐”,一旦有人说粗口就缴罚一美元,这些钱可以用于公司外出活动。

    SurePayroll recommends starting a swear jar , with $ 1 donated for every breach of decorum , money that can then be used for an office outing .

  22. 爸爸妈妈,你们也买了钱罐存钱吧。

    Daddy , Mummy , please buy a piggie for yourselves .

  23. 我得存钱买辆新的自行车。

    I have to save money to buy a new bike .

  24. 这些经历能使存钱成为终身的习惯。

    These experiences can help make saving money a lifetime habit .

  25. 你可以由此学会存钱的意义。

    You can learn the meaning of saving money this way .

  26. 最好的准备办法就是早点开始存钱。

    The best way to prepare is to start saving early .

  27. 我努力工作存钱来买新房子。

    I worked hard to save up for a new house .

  28. 人员:您经常存钱和取钱吗?

    Clerk : Do you often deposit money and draw money ?

  29. 基斯就开始存钱以备你上大学之需。

    Keith has been saving a fund for you for college .

  30. 在年轻时存钱的重要性怎么强调都不过分。

    The importance of saving money when young cannot be overstressed .