
cún zhù qì
  • memory;store;memory/storage device
  1. 用MISS实现静态随机存取存贮器的研究

    The study of the static random access memory realized by using miss

  2. Delta互连网有效存贮器带宽性能分析

    Performance Analysis of the Effective Memory Bandwidth of Delta Interconnection Networks

  3. 特别有意义的是16章所介绍的循环存贮器。

    A very interesting one appears in Chapter sixteen where the cyclomemory is described .

  4. CT机存贮器板故障器件的定位研究

    Position Finding Faulty Chips of BSP Memory Boards in X-CT scanner

  5. BD7503硅栅N沟道1024位MOS随机存贮器的研制

    The Development of the N-channel Silicon Gate 1024 Bit MOS RAM

  6. 本文用统计平均法导出了磁盘存贮器与CPU交换数据时CPU利用率的计算式。

    A formula for calculating CPU statistical average utilization is presented .

  7. 新型存贮器FLASH在保密通信中的应用

    Applications of New Storage FLASH in Secure Communications

  8. 论述了双μP共享存贮器的原理、实现方法及8031单片机控制的数据采集系统。

    We have discussed the principle of double up shared storage , its implemental method and data acquisition system controled by 8031 single chip computer .

  9. 专用电脑有后备存贮器、键盘、微型打印机及LED显示器。

    The whole system is controlled by a special computer system provided with back-up memory , key-board , micro-printer and LED display .

  10. 单管单元4096位MOS随机存贮器的设计

    A Design for One-Transistor Cell 4096 Bit MOS Random Access Memory

  11. 对于由p个处理机模块和b根全局总线组成的分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统,提出处理效率(PE)的张弛迭代公式。

    A relaxation iterative formula is proposed for performance evaluation of distributed common memory multi-bus multiprocessor systems composed of p processor modules and b global buses .

  12. 每PE内都包含一块3002位片、二块局部存贮器及其他随机逻辑。

    All PEs have the same structure and each one involves a 3002 bit-slice , two local memories and some random logic .

  13. 本文提出了一种用于LED显示屏设计中的帧存贮器读地址变换方法。

    Abstract A new method is proposed , which can be used to convert the read address for frame memory in designing of LED display screen .

  14. 经过MCP之后入射到荧光屏上的影像摄入图像数字化装置,将图像信息存储在计算机的存贮器中。

    The image of X-ray fluorescence through the MCP is digital .

  15. GaAs/AlGaAs光子平行存贮器的性能

    Characteristics of GaAs / AlGaAs Photonic Parallel Memory

  16. 分布共享存贮器型MPP系统原理和实现方法

    Principle and Implementing Method fot MPP System of Distributed Shared Memory

  17. 本文综述了CCD应用技术的最新水平,包括成象传感、存贮器和信号处理。

    A review of the present level of CCD and its applied technology is presented including in visible imaging , analog memory , and signal processing .

  18. 分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统性能评估的张弛法文电存贮器(MS)是X。


  19. 随机存取存储器。内存属于这种存储器。在本例中,256个地址的RAM占用了存贮器的最后256个单元。

    RAM Random Access Memory , In our example , the 256-location RAM will reside in the last 256 locations of the memory .

  20. 高速低耗BICMOS存贮器(Memory)的设计与仿真研究一种多模多频无线收发器前端SiGeBiCMOS低噪声放大器

    Design and Simulation of High-Speed , Low-Power BICMOS Memory ; SiGe BiCMOS LNA for Multi-mode and Multi-frequency Wireless Transceiver Front-end

  21. 用EPROM存贮器实现线性化的数字式电阻真空计

    Digital Resistance Vacuum Gage Linearised with EPROM Memory

  22. 作者在[2]中曾利用[1]的结果,对一种分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统提出了PE的迭代计算方法。

    Using the result in [ 1 ] , an iterative formula is proposed in [ 2 ] for the performance evaluation of a distributed common memory multiple hus architecture .

  23. 本文叙述氢原子束探针数据采集和处理系统,它由电压波形存贮器及APPLEⅡ微机组成。

    A data acquisition and processing system for hydrogen beam probes is described . It consists of a microcomputer , Apple - ⅱ, and a register for the variation of voltage with time .

  24. 在建立PCB的标准热像(SIP)后,通过计算机快速自动地比较分析被测板(UUT)热像和从存贮器中取得的该板的STP,从而检测出PCB上的热模式故障。

    Based on the Standard Thermal Profile of a PCB , the thermal fault on the board can be detected accordingly .

  25. 稳定可靠的8K字模块化磁心存贮器

    A stable and reliable 8 k-word modular magnetic core memory

  26. 该系统采用线阵CCD器件,对运动的图像采样,其输出信号经A/D变换后,在行同步逆程期间将数字信号逐行写入存贮器中去;

    After the output signals of moving image samples are transformed from analogue to digits , they are written into the storage line by line during the back stroke of line synchronization ;

  27. 以RISC技术和分层存贮器为主要特征的计算机系统在科学计算与交易处理领域获得了成功,但是新的应用需求和技术困难使得这种现有的体系结构不能适应未来的计算需要。

    The great success in scientific applications and transaction processing has been achieved by computer architecture based on RISC and hierarchical memory .

  28. 本文论述EPROM(可擦除可编程序只读存贮器)的机制和快写方法。

    This paper describes the mechanism of an EPROM ( erasible programmable read-only memory ) and the fast-writing mode .

  29. 本文使用的模型是单指令流多数据流共享存贮器并行计算机,允许多个处理机同时读存贮器的一个单元的内容但不允许同时写,称这种模型为CREWPRAM。

    The model for parallel computation we used is single-instruction stream mutiple-data stream shared memory computer , allowing concurrent read but only exclusive write , which is known as CREW PRAM .

  30. CPLD、数据存贮器共享、双总线控制等技术,使硬件系统结构简单,信号拟合点数多,波形平滑、失真度小。

    Based on the technology of CPLD , common memory and bi-bus control , the signal source has the characteristics of simple hardware , more signal smooth signal and low distortion , etc.