
cún kuǎn zhǔn bèi jīn
  • Deposit reserve;reserve against deposits;required reserve
  1. 他们还预计存款准备金率将进一步下调。和降息不同,存款准备金率的下调会直接向银行体系注入基础货币。

    They also expect further reductions to banks ' required reserve ratio , which , unlike rate cuts , directly inject base money into the banking system .

  2. 中金公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp)宏观经济分析师刘鎏表示:年初至今外汇流入为负,我们认为,当前制约货币政策有效放松的关键因素是存款准备金率仍处于高位,从而压低了货币乘数。

    From the start of this year , capital inflows have been negative . We believe the key factor now restricting effective monetary easing is that the required reserve ratio remains at a high level , said Liu Liu , macroeconomic analyst at China International Capital Corp.

  3. 10月23日,央行再次宣布下调存贷款基准利率和存款准备金率,旨在提振经济增速。

    The People 's Bank of China announced on Friday it was cutting both interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio again to boost the economy .

  4. 存款准备金率的上调,加之以其它宏观紧缩举措,将放缓2008年中国各银行的贷款发放速度,从而导致中国国内生产总值(GDP)增长减缓。

    Higher RRR levels , combined with other macro tightening measures , will slow lending by the country 's banks in 2008 , which will result in a moderation in GDP growth .

  5. 根据中国官方报纸《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)的报道,在今年年初的贷款热潮之后,一些中小型储蓄银行将需要提高存款准备金率。

    Some small - and medium - sized deposit-taking banks will need to keep more funds with the central bank following a lending binge at the start of the year , according to reports in the official China Securities Journal .

  6. 央行多次上调存款准备金率,对中等规模银行的影响尤为明显。去年,由于储户取出存款,以参与大型首次公开发行(IPO)的申购,这些银行还遇到了储蓄流失的问题。

    The repeated increases to reserve requirements disproportionately affect mid-tier banks , which last year also suffered a cash drain as depositors withdrew money to subscribe to huge initial public offerings .

  7. 选取的货币政策变量分别是:广义货币供应量M2的同比增长指数(M2)、金融机构的贷款规模(LL)、法定存款准备金率(RR)。

    Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .

  8. 随着银行缩减了存于欧洲央行(ecb)、高出存款准备金要求的资金额即过剩流动性,欧元银行间隔夜贷款利率已“恢复常态”。

    Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .

  9. 本周,中国央行(PBoC)下调商业银行存款准备金率,将会释放一定的流动性,导致市场利率可能发生了变化。

    The People 's Bank of China may have renewed interest in the market this week by cutting the amount of reserves banks must hold , which should free up liquidity .

  10. 表现为不断迅速增长的巨额的存贷差、M2与M1的持续背离、超额存款准备金的高企和货币市场利率的低位运行。

    The performances is that large variance growths rapidly between saves and loans . M2 and M1 continually deviation , excess reserve of banks has a high level and money market interest rate has a low level .

  11. 据德国商业银行(Commerzbank)表示,中国自2004年以来由于干预外汇而产生的流动性,一直密切追随通过发行票据和上调存款准备金率而被吸收的流动性。

    As Commerzbank notes , liquidity created through foreign exchange intervention since 2004 has tracked closely the liquidity absorbed via bill issuance and RRR rises .

  12. 一些分析师表示,央行提高部分银行的存款准备金率(rrr),是在向所有银行发出一个警告,即不会容忍过度的贷款增长。

    Some analysts said that by raising the required reserve ratio for some lenders , the central bank was warning all banks that excessive loan growth would not be tolerated .

  13. 中国人民银行(PBoC)去年将政策贷款利率调升135个基点,同时自2006年年中以来,15次上调银行存款准备金率,使之达到15.5%的创纪录水平。

    The central bank , the People 's Bank of China , raised policy lending rates by 135 basis points last year and it has lifted the bank reserve requirement 15 times since mid-2006 to a record 15.5 per cent .

  14. 我国以外汇为基础的货币发行机制决定了货币政策操作主要依靠存款准备金率调节以及公开市场操作,通过脉冲响应模型、协整检验和GRANGER因果检验证明这两项外汇对冲手段都存在局限性。

    Our foreign exchange-based currency issuance mechanism makes monetary policy operations mainly depend on the deposit reserve ratio adjustment and open market operations . Through the impulse response function , co integration test and GRANGER causality test they prove effectiveness of these two foreign exchange hedging instruments are limited .

  15. 事实上,中国央行(PBoC)上周将银行存款准备金率下调了100个基点,这是2008年以来最大幅度的单次下调。然而,经济增长放缓已成定局,今年内不太可能出现真正转机。

    Indeed last week the central bank cut the banking reserve requirement by 100 basis points , the largest single reduction since 2008 . But the slowdown in growth is ingrained , and no material change in this trajectory is likely in the rest of the year .

  16. 尽管过度繁荣的迹象近在咫尺,但中国央行迄今仍将收紧努力局限于存款准备金率(RRR),即银行必须押在央行的存款比例。

    In spite of evidence of over-exuberance right on its doorstep , the People 's Bank of China is still limiting tightening efforts to the reserve requirement ratio or the proportion of lenders ' deposits to be kept at the central bank .

  17. 接下来,中国可能也需要下调银行的存款准备金率。

    Reductions in banks ' reserve requirements may need to follow .

  18. 存款准备金与资本充足率监管的货币政策效应

    Monetary Policy Effect of Reserve Requirement and Capital Adequacy Ratio System

  19. 美联储对存款准备金率的使用次数少得惊人。

    The decline in the use of reserve requirements is startling .

  20. 扶优限劣影响不大&差别存款准备金率再次上调对银行业的影响

    Effects of Hike of Differentiated Deposit Reserve Ratio on Banks

  21. 电子货币对存款准备金政策作用机制的影响

    The Impact of Electronic Money on Action Mechanism of Deposit Reserve Policy

  22. 浅议我国的法定存款准备金制度

    An Analysis of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve System of China

  23. 主要内容摘要:中国人民银行上调存款准备金率0.5个百分点至16.5%。

    Policy Summary : PBOC lifts reserve ratio by0.5 percentage point to16.5 %

  24. 第二部分:存款准备金政策理论概述。

    Section 2 , an overview of deposit reserve system .

  25. 这些政策包括降低银行存款准备金率。

    These policies include reducing bank deposit reserve rate .

  26. 存款准备金制度改革应适时深化

    Reformation of Deposit Reserve System Should Be Deepened Timely

  27. 对中国存款准备金制度争议的几点思考

    Reflections on the Discussion about the System of China 's Reserve against Deposit

  28. 以往存款准备金的缴存范围仅包括常规的存款。

    Previously that requirement applied only to normal deposits .

  29. 应根据市场状况调整存款准备金和最低资本金要求。

    Margin and minimum capital requirements should be adjusted to suit market conditions .

  30. 因此,不应当取消存款准备金付息制度。

    Therefore , the interest system for deposit reserves should not be abolished .