
zì diǎn
  • dictionary;dict
字典 [zì diǎn]
  • [dictionary] 一种工具书,搜集单字,按某种检字法(如音序检字法、部首笔画检字法、四角号码检字法、上下形检字法)排列,并一一注明音、义、用法,有的还详注引证书籍,同义字与反义字等,而有的只注明音、义

字典[zì diǎn]
  1. 她是部活字典。

    She 's a walking dictionary .

  2. 他只好去查袖珍字典。

    He had to consult a pocket dictionary .

  3. 巧克力在大多数人的字典里等同于罪恶。

    Chocolate equals sin in most people 's lexicon .

  4. 这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。

    Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary .

  5. 如果我们拼错了一个字,就会被要求去查字典。

    If we got a spelling wrong we were forced to get a dictionary out .

  6. 我现在不需要这本字典。

    I don 't need the dictionary at present .

  7. 新字典下星期出版。

    The new dictionary will appear next week .

  8. 谁把我的字典抄走了?

    Who 's gone off with my dictionary ?

  9. 要是你对这个问题不清楚,请你查字典得了。

    If you have no idea about it , consult a dictionary , please .

  10. 他真是名副其实的“活字典”。

    He really lives up to his reputation as “ a walking dictionary ” .

  11. 作家时常参考字典。

    Writers often refer to a dictionary .

  12. 我不喜欢那本新字典,另外,它也太贵。

    I don 't like that new dictionary , besides , it 's too expensive .

  13. 你当然可以用我的字典了。

    You can certainly use my dictionary .

  14. 这本字典定价5元。

    The dictionary is priced five yuan .

  15. 中国清代的《康熙字典》是世界上最早、字数最多的字典。于康熙55年(公元1716年)发行,共收47035个字。

    The Kangxi Dictionary , completed in the Qing Dynasty ( 1644 A.D. - 1911 A.D. ) and released in the 55th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi ( 1716 A.D. ), was the world 's earliest and biggest dictionary with 47035 entries of Chinese characters .

  16. 他可以说是一部活字典。

    He is , as it were , a walking dictionary .

  17. 编辑一部好字典需要花费数年的艰苦工作。

    It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary .

  18. 字典解释词而百科全书解释事实。

    A dictionary explains words and an encyclopedia explains facts .

  19. 我不能美其名称它为字典。

    I wouldn 't glorify it with the name of a dictionary .

  20. 不要总是倚赖字典,先用你的头脑。

    Instead of always depending on the dictionary , use your head first .

  21. 有一本字典少了几页。

    There was a dictionary with several pages missing .

  22. 这本字典每一个词都很重要。

    Every word in this dictionary is important .

  23. 她渴望得到一本新字典。

    She expressed anxiety for a new dictionary .

  24. 这种字典销路很好。

    This dictionary is in great demand .

  25. 我可以借你的汉语字典吗?

    May I borrow your Chinese dictionary ?

  26. 我想尽办法来找一个合适的词,最后还是决定查查字典。

    After fishing for the right word , I decided to look up in the dictionary .

  27. 他查了字典。

    He consulted the dictionary .

  28. 在选择字典时,请查看它除了词汇定义之外的功能。

    In selecting a dictionary , check the features it offers besides vocabulary definitions .

  29. 这在一本最新的字典中有所反映。

    This is reflected in an up-to-date dictionary .

  30. 足本词典是指一本完整的字典。

    An unabridged dictionary is a complete dictionary .