
  • 网络Zizhou County
  1. 陕北地区退耕还林草工程社会经济效益分析&以志丹县和子洲县为例

    Socio-economic Benefits of Returning Farmland to Forest Project in Northern Shaanxi Province & Taking Ansai County and Zizhou County as Examples

  2. 在阐述生态足迹分析法的基本原理、理论体系及分析方法的基础上,以陕西省子洲县为研究对象,对该县2002年生态足迹进行了实证的计算和分析。

    In this paper , the principle of ecological footprint is elaborated and also the ecological footprint of Zizhou County in Shaanxi Province in2002 is practiced and analyzed .

  3. 陕北子洲县典型淤地坝淤积过程和降雨关系的研究

    Depositing process of check dams on loess plateau in Northern Shaanxi Province

  4. 结果表明,子洲县2002年人均生态赤字为0.075hm2/人,反映出该县人类的生产生活强度已经超过了当地生态系统的承载能力,处于强度不可持续状态。

    Result showed that the ecological deficit of this county at 2002 is 0.075 ?