
  • 网络Langao County
  1. 陕西省岚皋县燃煤污染型氟中毒病区改炉灶效果分析皮层下单灶性卒中后的认知改变研究

    Analysis of Stove Improvement Effect in Endemic Area of Coal Burn Induced Fluorosis in Langao County of Shaanxi Province

  2. 岚皋县农村经济技术进步研究

    Research on Progress in Rural Economy and Technology of Nan'gao County

  3. 目标一:在陕西省西乡县及岚皋县共20所学校和部分社区层面开发“以儿童为中心减防灾教育项目”模块。

    Objective One : to develop a CCDRR teaching module for20 schools in Langao County and Xixiang County of Shaanxi Province at the community level .

  4. 通过对陕南岚皋、平利等县人工生漆低产林现状调查,发现使该区漆林低产的主要原因是栽培分散、规模小、科学管理技术落后、市场体系不完善等。

    Through the investigation of artifical lacquertree from Lan Gao county and Ping Li county , I founded out the main reasons of low output lacquer , such as culture disperse , small scale , backward manage technology and undeveloped market system .