
yīng ér chuáng
  • crib;baby's cot;carrycot;play pen
  1. 爸爸妈妈送的漂亮婴儿床真舒服。

    The beautiful crib from Mom and Dad is so cuddly .

  2. 基于MSP430的智能婴儿床的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Intelligent Crib Based on MSP430

  3. 他们俩在婴儿床上酣睡着。

    They were both fast asleep in their cots

  4. 他肯定是从婴儿床里爬出来的。

    He must have climbed out of his cot

  5. 要在婴儿床里放一些玩具,以便他醒得早时可以自己玩。

    Put a selection of baby toys in his cot to amuse him if he wakes early .

  6. 所召回的婴儿床带有生产日期、产品订货号(PO)、商品号,以及颜色印在床脚板或床头板上所附的标签上。

    The recalled cribs have the production date , product order ( PO ) number , item number , and color printed on a label attached to the footboard or headboard .

  7. 故事里,当Llywelyn出外打猎回来后发现婴儿床被打翻了,婴儿也不见了,只见满嘴鲜血的格勒特。

    In the story , Llywelyn returns from hunting to find his baby 's cradle overturned , missing and the dog with blood around its mouth .

  8. 离婴儿床远点,我有武器!

    Step away from the crib , I have a weapon !

  9. 屋子中间放着一张婴儿床。

    In the middle of the room , was a crib .

  10. 这种可改装的婴儿床的侧面是织物和网眼纱的。

    The sides of the convertible crib are fabric and mesh .

  11. 看一下,几乎可以做婴儿床的候补了。

    Look at that , could be a candidate for cribs .

  12. 我可以在房间里多加一张额外的婴儿床吗?

    Can I have an extra baby cot in the room ?

  13. 你们有折叠床和婴儿床出租吗?

    Do you have any folding beds and cots for rent ?

  14. 我有把婴儿床弄好吧。

    I mean I did take care of the crib today .

  15. 当你走近婴儿床时,步子轻一点。

    Walk softly as you approach the baby 's crib .

  16. 为了您的推车、汽车座椅和大门婴儿床。

    For your stroller and car seat and big porta-crib .

  17. 这间客房可应要求添加一张婴儿床。

    This room can accommodate a baby cot upon request .

  18. 或许我可以把那个婴儿床重新再摆回来。

    Maybe I could put that crib back together again .

  19. 我们阻止不了汤姆爬出婴儿床。

    We can 't stop Tom climbing out of his cot.

  20. 而且,据称,睡婴儿床的宝宝的心脏要承受更大的压力。

    Their hearts were also under more stress , it was claimed .

  21. 有手把的婴孩可以在里面睡觉的箱形婴儿床。

    Box-shaped with handles for a baby to sleep in .

  22. 你第一次从婴儿床上抱起我。

    You leaned over my crib to make sure I was breathing .

  23. 我们还睡过同一张婴儿床呢不会吧

    We shared a crib together . You 're kidding .

  24. 什么类型的床垫,我应该使用在一个全尺寸的婴儿床?

    What type of mattress should I use in a full-size crib ?

  25. 我并不是摇篮和婴儿床都想要。

    I don 't want both the cradle and crib .

  26. 儿童同样也可能从婴儿床上跌落。

    A child can also fall out of the crib .

  27. 我曾想在婴儿床里把你掐死。

    I tried to strangle you in your crib .

  28. 四岁以前她一直睡的是婴儿床。

    Up to her fourth birthday , the baby slept in a crib .

  29. 那个空空的婴儿床被轻轻地放在最上面。

    The empty manger was placed gently on top .

  30. 或许我还可以把婴儿床拆了。

    Maybe I can even take apart the crib .