
  • 网络entertainment experience
  1. 我们很清楚,消费者总是要寻求更好、更丰富的娱乐体验,索尼公司首席执行官霍华德斯金格爵士(SirHowardStringer)表示。

    It is clear to us that consumers will always migrate to a better and richer entertainment experience , said Sir Howard Stringer , chief executive of Sony .

  2. 另外,公司倾力打造的SNS社区《经典世界》,结合网页游戏与社区养成的双重特性,为玩家带来最新的互动娱乐体验!

    In addition , the SNS community Classical World of this company , combined with dual characteristics of web games and community brings new interactive entertainment experience for players !

  3. 这表明,在美国上市的在线旅游公司携程(Ctrip)、去哪儿(Qunar)以及在开发购物中心方面重视娱乐体验的开发商大连万达(DalianWanda)等公司,很可能会获益于这股潮流。

    This suggests that companies such as US-listed online travel companies Ctrip and Qunar and mall developer Dalian Wanda - which emphasises entertainment in its shopping centres - stand to benefit .

  4. 移动电视市场具有巨大的长期的承诺作为新一代的信息娱乐体验。

    The mobile TV market has tremendous long-term promise as a next-generation infotainment experience .

  5. 手机移动电视将带来最新的移动娱乐体验

    TV on the Go-The Latest Mobile Entertainment Experience

  6. 提供更棒的娱乐体验。

    Offer a better entertainment experience .

  7. 横店影视总是以创新的精神与客户共同分享超值的娱乐体验。

    Hengdian World Studio is always willing to share with its customers through its innovative spirit .

  8. 其四:基于娱乐体验策划趣味参与的交通活动,即在交通过程中安排特色的交通娱乐活动,开发交通旅游产品。

    Planning interesting traffic activities refers to organize typical interesting activities and develop the traffic tourist product .

  9. 在提供给广大受众审美娱乐体验的同时,呈现出国产网络游戏自己的本土文化特色。

    These excellent domestic works provide entertainment and aesthetic experience to theaudience ; meanwhile show their characteristics of local culture .

  10. 拉埃斯说,免费游戏显然是一个极佳的价格点,它能让更多的消费者接触到我们的产品和娱乐体验。

    Free is obviously a great price point to get our product and entertainment experiences into the hands of more consumers , ' he said .

  11. 多样化体验的创造可以从基础体验、娱乐体验、科普体验、拓展体验与信息体验出发。

    You can create a diverse experience space from basic experience , entertainment experience , science experience , outdoor training experience and the information experience .

  12. 传统游戏是21世纪之前人们娱乐体验的重要内容,身体的在场参与是其重要特征。

    Traditional games , the main feature of which is the involvement of body , were an important component of entertainment before the 21st century .

  13. 但它并未触及原作中道德的复杂性,没有达到预期的高度,而沦为一次将争议问题一带而过的娱乐体验。

    While it fails to reach the height it aspires to - namely the novel 's moral complexity - it 's quite an entertaining experience with some timely issues on its mind .

  14. 第三部分农家乐的体验营销模式,分别介绍了娱乐体验、情感体验、生活方式体验、教育体验及审美体验五种农家乐体验营销模式。

    The third part of introduces the five modes of experience marketing in the rural tourism , including the entertainment experience , emotion experience , life style experience , education experience and esthetic experience .

  15. 按照体验经济的视角审视传媒的发展与经营,关注传媒产业在娱乐体验经济中的角色地位,本文做出一个假设&传媒即体验。

    With view of experience economy on media management and operation , focusing on the position and party of media industry in the experience economy , a hypothesis is produced : media is the experience .

  16. 随着蓝牙技术在音视频传输中的应用,一种可以增强用户娱乐体验的蓝牙音频流播放功能正逐步在车载信息娱乐系统中得到应用。

    With the application of Bluetooth technology being in audio and video transmission system , a kind of Bluetooth audio streaming player which is used to enhance the entertainment experience has been gradually applied in vehicle-mounted entertainment system .

  17. 通过南加州主题公园生态位的量化研究,透视其市场竞争策略,从而为中国主题公园在市场竞争格局、目标市场定位、文化主题形象、产品实现技术和娱乐体验模式5个方面提出发展策略。

    Fourthly , from the southern California theme parks niche research , tactics on market competition structure , target market location , theme identity , product technology and amusement pattern for Chinese theme parks are inspired by looking through their competitive strategies .

  18. 论文在理解何谓娱乐体验的基础上,明确了电子游戏能唤起游戏玩家美好的回忆与生活体验,让游戏玩家在游戏过程中拥有美好的愉快感觉,产生值得回味的体验。

    On the basis of understanding what is meant by entertainment experience , clear of the electronic game players to arouse fond memories and life experience , let gamers in the course of the game have a better feeling , have a memorable experience .

  19. 在PC上或者与朋友和家人一起在家庭娱乐中心体验各种娱乐方式,让快乐时光在此传递!

    Enjoy it on your PC , or gather friends and family around your home entertainment center , and let the good times roll !

  20. 未来的人类需求将会向娱乐、体验等精神上的需求倾斜。

    Human demands are inclining to such spiritual demands as the amusement , experience , etc.

  21. 消费者在博客品牌文化消费中得到的纯粹是精神层面的娱乐和体验。

    What consumers got in the brand cultural consumption of the blog is amusement and experience of the spiritual aspect completely .

  22. 它们提供就业、娱乐和体验大自然的机会;它们是我们精神文化生活及我们的神话和民间故事的组成部分。

    They provide jobs , recreation and the experience of nature ; and they are part of our spiritual and cultural life , our myths and folktales .

  23. 近几年来,古村落作为一种内涵丰富、能较好满足当代人审美、教育、逃避、娱乐等体验需求的旅游资源,吸引了大批旅游者。

    In recent years , ancient village which is rich in connotation tourist resources attracted a large number of tourists . Because it can better meet the aesthetic , education , escape , and entertainment experience needs of contemporary people .

  24. 因此,对商业空间设计的认识,不能停留在服务商品流通需要的层次,而是要实现更广泛的传播目的,满足人们在商业空间中休闲娱乐、体验生活的需求。

    Therefore , understanding about the design of shopping space cannot remain in the service level for commodity circulation , but to achieve broader dissemination purposes , to meet the require of the commercial space , entertainment , and experience of life .

  25. 对于动机C量表5个测度(即社会认可、运动水平提高、娱乐、感性体验及努力取向)上的分数,分别做了性别×运动项目×运动水平的三因素方差分析。

    The results of ANOVA of gender × events × sport levels in the five subscales ( i.e. , social recognition , improvement of sports performance , recreation , sensational experience , and choice of effort ) of Motivation-C Inventory showed significant differences at three aspects .

  26. 游戏的娱乐性、体验感、互动性成为了广告最好的发布平台,使消费者在游戏中潜移默化地接受广告信息,达到广告传播效果。

    In-game advertising become the best communication platform because of entertainment , experience , interaction of video game , so consumers may receive advertising information and are affected imperceptibly by playing video game , and advertising will attain the communication result .

  27. 随着新兴媒介的崛起和发展,媒介文化的话语也逐渐从公共领域转向私人领域、从精英阶层转向普通大众、从严肃的道德教化转向娱乐的快感体验。

    As the new medium emerge and develop , the power of discourse of media culture is gradually switching from the public sectors to private sectors , from elite class to normal public and from seriously moralize education to lively entertaining experiences .

  28. 皇家加勒比号的高级管理人员称,对于全年在纽约地区出航来说,这艘船太完美了,因为它有各种各样的室内娱乐区和体验区,在正常天气下可以吸引乘客搭乘游玩。

    Royal Caribbean executives say the ship is perfect for year-round sailings out of the New York area , as it has a wide variety of indoor fun zones and experiences that will appeal to passengers on off-season sailings when it 's not quite bikini weather .

  29. 本文主要选择叶平编制的竞技动机量表来测量青少年篮球运动员的运动成就动机。本量表包括社会认知、运动水平提高、娱乐、感性体验和努力取向五个运动成就动机因素。

    In this paper , young basketball players achievement motivation had been measured by sports motivation scale that consist of social awareness , raise the level sport , entertainment , emotional experience and efforts of the five sports achievement motivation orientation factor which was drew up by Ye Ping .

  30. 青少年及儿童一站式购物、餐饮、娱乐、互动、体验空间。

    Youngsters and children 's one stop shopping , cantering , entertainment , inter-activity , experience space .