
That system will bring some risk to business operation .
Two Problems in The System of Rights-Transference of Entrusted Deputing
The corporate system of modern enterprise is in fact the principal-agent system .
State - run Assets Systems of Agency by Agreement
Optimum Control Relations of the Entrustment - agent System
But form the science of law , the merchant agent is a commission system .
The Accounting Principal-agent System in Rural Areas
The corporation system of modern enterprise is the agency-principal system based on the separation between ownership and managing right .
It elaborates the external conditions of running of agency of agreement of state property-rights by analysis in mechanism with defects of contracting system .
Comparison research believes , to our state-own insurance corporation , that the stock should be rebuilt , agent institution be perfected and the corporation be listed .
The first chapter is about the analysis of the origin and theoretic basis of corporate governance through principal and agent system , and the introduction of corporate governance theories .
First , there is the tension of Aristotelian " distribution justice " and " corrective justice " in the organization of company ; the socialization of ownership brings up the conflicts between ownership and managerial authority ;
It holds that the differentiation caused by the ownership and management right is the economic cause ; the differentiation of the accounting information is the objective environment and the misunderstanding about the accounting information supervision is the realistic base .
Under the current principal-agent system , the insurance agents are general civil agents . They are not insurance company employees and they do not have the legal status of workers . But the insurance companies implement employee-style management to them .
Internal control Economics Entrusted agency Institutional change ;
The key of reformation of state-owned enterprises should be the perfection of contract whose core is the setting and perfection of principal-agent system in firms .
First , our government must correct the wrong acquaintance of venture capital , then , innovating the system of organization , property right , consignment-agency and supports .
Thirdly , with the Modern Theory of Management , the paper proposes that based on highly asymmetric information in the VC market , the LP naturally suits special arrangement of the principal and agency relationship .
System Analysis of Trust and Agency Problems in China Departmental Budget
How the New Institutional Economics to Be Applied in Principal-Agency Business
The writer thinks the principal-agent theory and the innovation in system theory and the social welfare theory are its main theoretical foundation .
In the detailed statement , theories on institution demand and supply , property right and principal-agent theory and the institutional change theory in the new institutional economics are adopted in turn .
Given that the corporations are interested in the diversification , this paper obtains from the diversification motive , the main principal-agent theory and the institutional school theory will be carried on the theory discussion .
By define the enterprise structure of ownership , principal-agent chain , background and the interest to the people who conduct the economic activities in the organizations , property right institution influence the business activities directly .
Chapter Two analyses the effect of agency problem in investment fund .
Principal-Agent Relation in the Organization for Gratuitous Services The Comparison between Bailment and Bailing Await Trial
The theory of incentive regulation is the outcome of the incorporation of the principal-agent theory and mechanism design theory and information economics into regulatory economics .
In the paper , I has been engaging on the research on establishing of treasury management system of china , such aspects as public choice theory , thrust-agency theory , institutional evolution theory and so on .
This article analyzed several system arrangements for venture capital to avoid agency risk : decentralizing , adopting the investment strategy stage by stage , strengthening the control and monitor of enterprises , establishing effective incentive mechanism , improving fund market and manager market .
Systematic explanation and statement of the necessity , inevitability of the finance holding group and its internal relationship have been made in such new institutional economics theories as combined big enterprise theory , dealing cost theory , consign-agent theory , system variance theory , etc.