
  • 网络Buste de Femme
  1. 如今还有万千上万的妇女像这样生活着。

    Millions of women live like this today .

  2. 我们可以有把握地说,没有几个妇女像凯瑟琳·格拉罕对20世纪美国历史有这么大的影响的。

    It could safely be said of Katherine Graham that few women had a greater influence on20th-century American history .

  3. 妇女从未像现在这样获得如此多的法学学位。

    Never have so many women received law degrees as today .

  4. 就在平台上,四个角落的每个角都有一个精致的妇女半身像。

    Just above the platform , at either of the four corners is an exquisite female bust .

  5. 贞节的妇女大多像隐藏着的宝藏,只有在未被追求之时才算是安全。

    Most virtuous women are like hided treasure , safe only because they are not sought after .

  6. 一个中年妇女样子像是犹太人坐在船头上怀里抱着个三岁左右的小男孩。

    There was a middle-aged woman might have been a jewess sitting up in the bow with a little boy about three years old in her arms .

  7. 由于副作用或害怕副作用,很多妇女并没有像处方要求或推荐的摄入药物。

    Many women are not taking medications as prescribed or recommended because of side effects or fear of side effects .

  8. 他们认为假使妇女们也像男孩一样受过要独立要勇于解决问题这方面的训练,那么,妇女在科学和其他行业中也会像男孩一样取得成功的。

    They think women could be successful in science and industry if they were trained to be independent and problem-solving , as boys are .

  9. 对于1000多万妇女来说,像乳房扫描检查和生育控制之类的预防保健服务也因《平价医保法》成为免费项目了。

    And for tens of millions of women , preventive care like mammograms and birth control are free because of the Affordable Care Act .

  10. 翻译公司产业行为随广告和要创建的妇女应该看起来像什么奇怪的人工版本的主流媒体。我总是追求更接近真实的东西。

    The porn industry acts in tandem with advertising and the mainstream media to create a bizarre , artificial version of what women are supposed to look like .

  11. 在众多的敬老院和社会福利院服务的大都是妇女,她们像照顾自己的亲人一样照顾老人和孩子。

    Most of those who serve in old folks ' homes and social welfare institutions are women . They treat elders and youngsters like their own kith and kin .

  12. 妇女现在能够像她们的丈夫选择和她们离婚一样,同样拥有了选择和丈夫离婚的权利。并且和过去不同的是,今天夫妻的离婚,需要得到法庭的裁决。

    Women will now be able to divorce their husbands , rather than just the other way round , and unlike now , divorce will need a judge 's approval .

  13. 她现在终于如愿以偿了:在动物的栖息地工作;因她的研究成果而获得了博士学位;证明了妇女也能像男人一样在森林中生活。

    She has achieved everything she wanted to do : working with animals in their own environment , gaining a doctor 's degree for her studies , showing that women can live in the forest as men can .

  14. 而且,恰恰是因为村庄政治的存在,农村妇女才可以像男村民一样,通过日常交往去参与村庄的公共事务并得到村落社区的承认和肯定。

    It is precisely because of village politics that rural women may participate in public affairs in the same way as men do , through daily dealings , and may thus gain recognition and affirmation in the village community .

  15. 今天上午我看到了一位妇女,她很像你的阿姨。

    This morning I saw a woman who looked like your aunt .

  16. 这意味着妇女的生活更像男人的生活了。

    This means that women 's lives are becoming more similar to men 's.

  17. 史坦能(gloriasteinem)曾劝告妇女应努力变得像自己想嫁的男人。

    Famously , Gloria Steinem once advised women that they should strive to become like the men they had always wanted to marry .

  18. 在那段历史时期,大多数妇女作为货品,像儿童、工具和奴隶一般,他们几乎是属于男性的财产,他们基本的经济和意识形态价值在于是否具有能够为名门望族进行生育的能力。

    By this time in history , most women were chattel . Like children , livestock and slaves , they were literally possessions of men , and their primary economic and spiritual value lay in their ability to produce purebred offspring of known lineage .