
  • 网络women's health;Women’s Health;women health
  1. 日后延伸的开发项目:扶贫开放、社区综合发展、彝族乡村旅游项目、妇女健康项目、教育项目等。

    Direction of future projects : poverty relief , holistic community development , village tourism , women 's health initiatives , education , etc.

  2. 美国妇科及产科协会是由在产科学、妇科学和妇女健康学科中有国家突出学识的个人组成的。

    The AGOS is an organization composed of individuals attaining national prominence in scholarship in the discipline of Obstetrics , Gynecology and Women 's Health .

  3. 多因素Logistic回归分析发现,年龄、受教育水平、职业、是否获得过妇女健康知识等因素对经期卫生有影响。

    Much factors logistic back analysis show that age , educational level , occupation , if has woman health knowledge or not affect sanitary health .

  4. 背景:妊娠滋养细胞疾病(GestationalTrophoblastDisease,GTD)是一组严重危害育龄妇女健康的妇科疾病,我国是此类疾病的高发国度之一。

    Background Gestational Trophoblast Disease ( GTD ) is actually a group of several diseases that is harmful to woman 's health , it is high incidence in our country .

  5. 评论者指出,自从妇女健康研究的结果发布后,英国HRT使用率明显降低。

    The editorialist points out that HRT use has declined greatly in the United Kingdom and elsewhere since the report of the Women 's Health Initiatie .

  6. 一项资料显示了通过对妇女健康测验(WHI)研究。

    Data from the Women 's Health Initiative ( WHI ) trial was studied .

  7. 结论:绝经早期的妇女健康牙GCF中含有少量IL6。

    Conclusions : These findings suggest that there are lower IL-6 in GCF from healthy sites of early menopausal women ;

  8. 据妇女健康倡议协会的研究发现:钙剂加维生素D3的补充不能降低患糖尿病的风险。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) May02-Calcium plus vitamin D3 supplementation does not reduce the risk of diabetes , according to findings from the Women 's Health Initiative .

  9. 目的:通过分析比较FR和ML两种宫内节育器使用五年临床效果及其影响因素和宫内节育器对妇女健康状况的影响,为计划生育工作提供理论依据和实践指导。

    OBJECTIVES : From the analyze and comparing two different types of IUD of the 5-year clinic effect and its affection factors and the affection to women 's health , afford theory and practice base to control reproduction .

  10. 结果:1990年到2000年我国少数民族育龄妇女健康状况普遍提高,育龄妇女死亡率与人均GDP、初婚年龄、出生率、总和生育率等有相关性。

    Results : The female health of Chinese minorities has improved universally during 1990-2000 . The female health is correlative with the female mortality , the average GDP , the primary marriage age , the birthrate , the total fertility rate , et al .

  11. 为了进行分析,作者们只对妇女健康研究(WHI)中16718名试验前自己没有服用钙补充剂的女性进行观察。

    For this analysis , the authors looked only at the16,718 women in the WHI who had not been taking personal calcium supplements before entering the trial .

  12. NPR的朱莉·罗夫纳告诉我们,执政党反对国家法律禁止妇女健康组织接受资助这一条,计划生育补助基金主要向经济有困难的人提供生育健康服务,包括堕胎。

    NPR 's Julie Rovner tells us the ruling continues to block the first in the nation law that would prevent the women 's health organization from receiving funding for any health service not just abortion .

  13. 他们的理论依据是2002年妇女健康倡议(WHI)关于使用激素替代疗法可增加乳腺癌患病风险的研究。

    They based their view on the finding from the2002 Women 's Health Initiative ( WHI ) study that HRT use resulted in a slight increase in breast cancer risk .

  14. 乡镇企业污染对妇女健康的影响

    Effect of pollution from township enterprise on the health of women

  15. 口服避孕药对妇女健康及子代的影响

    Effects of oral contraceptive on woman 's health and her off-springs

  16. 中老年妇女健康保健存在的问题与对策

    Issues and Countermeasures of Health Care for Middle and Aged Women

  17. 贫困地区农村妇女健康教育模式研究

    The Health Education Model of the Country Women in the Poverty District

  18. 荔城社区更年期妇女健康教育知识需求调查分析

    Investigation of the knowledge demand of community climacteric women in health education

  19. 外来农村生殖道感染妇女健康教育效果观察

    Effect of Health Education on Migrating Rural Women with Reproductive Tract Infection

  20. 改善农牧区妇女健康的行动策略

    Action Tactics for Improving the Health of Women In Farming and Pastoral Areas

  21. 我们必须继续将妇女健康列为高度优先事项。

    We must continue to make the health of women a high priority .

  22. 中国少数民族育龄妇女健康状况分析

    An analysis on the female health of Chinese Minorities

  23. 城市老年妇女健康问题探究

    The Research on Female Senior Urbanites ' Health Problems

  24. 贫困山区育龄妇女健康状况调查分析

    An investigation of health condition of childbearing women living in impoverished mountain areas

  25. 广东地区围绝经期妇女健康状况和需求调查

    Survey of health status and healthcare service demand of perimenopausal women in Guangdong

  26. 成年妇女健康教育在湖沼型流行区血吸虫病防治中的作用

    Role of health education in schistosomiasis control among adult women in a lake region

  27. 人工流产对妇女健康的影响

    Effect of artificial abortion to woman 's health

  28. 产褥期妇女健康综合测评及影响因素分析

    Evaluation on puerperal women 's quality of life and analysis on its influence factors

  29. 坚持一法两纲提高妇女健康水平

    Adhere to " One Law , Two Programs " and Improve Women 's Health

  30. 目的:乳腺癌已经成为危害妇女健康的主要恶性肿瘤之一。

    Objective Breast cancer has been one of the most common malignancy among women .