
  • 网络Charter School
  1. EWStokes公立特许学校已经开始在3年级的数学和英语教学中涉及食物话题。

    The EW Stokes Public Charter School has started to include food topics in its third-grade math and English teaching .

  2. 我们看到里卡斯钠博士(Dr.TonyRecasner)的美国特质,这位校长在卡特里娜飓风的废墟中开办一所新的特许学校。

    We see America 's character in Dr. Tony Recasner , a principal who opened a new charter school from the ruins of Hurricane Katrina .

  3. 连锁特许学校渴望公立学校(AspirePublicSchools)的老师通过Tableau跟踪学生的表现和出勤率。

    Teachers at aspire public schools , a chain of charter schools , use tableau to monitor student performance and attendance .

  4. 他说,华盛顿EWStokes公立特许学校计划明年将农场到课桌项目扩大到其他年级。

    She says the EW Stokes Public Charter School in Washington plans to expand the Farm to Desk program to other grades next year .

  5. 在进入巴德之前曾在一所备受重视的特许学校就读的明星学生卡特里娜·安德森(KatrinaAnderson)被奥伯林(Oberlin)录取,并获得了四年的奖学金。

    The school 's star pupil , Katrina Anderson , who attended a well-regarded charter school before Bard , has been accepted on a four-year scholarship to Oberlin .

  6. 谷歌已公布了多家首批试点客户,其中包括美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)、罗技(Logitech)和KIPP(美国一个全国性的特许学校网络)等。

    For now , Google has announced a series of pilot customers including American Airlines ( AMR ) , Logitech ( logi ) , and Kipp ( a nationwide network of charter schools ) .

  7. 在之后的四年里,ICEF开办了它的第一个特许学校,从那以后学校发展得越来越强大。

    Within four years , ICEF had opened its first charter school and since has gone from strength to strength .

  8. 赖尔登同意并且指出和其他市内的特许学校比起来,ICEF的每所学校的支出超过40%。

    Riordan agrees and points out that ICEF has been spending " 40 % more per school than other charter schools " in the city .

  9. 所以在2000年,我和我所知道的最伟大的教育家&名为诺曼•阿特金斯的年轻人一起在BedfordStuyvesant为男生们开办了优秀特许学校。

    So in2000 , along with the greatest educator I knew , a young man named Norman Atkins , we started the Excellence Charter School in Bedford Stuyvesant for boys .

  10. 目前,作为在洛杉矶统一学校区域,特许学校的核心队员,赫德那特正在致力于那个许诺的过程中,并且希望可以在这个星期加入ICEF。

    Currently the charter schools point man for the Los Angeles Unified School District , Hudnut is in the process of winding down that commitment and hopes to join ICEF this week .

  11. 特别地,参加“知识就是力量项目”(KIPP)的特许学校早上7:30开始,下午5点结束,有时周六也上课,并在夏季也上几个星期的课。

    In particular , charter schools in the Knowledge is Power Programme ( KIPP ) start the school day at7.30am and end at5pm , hold classes on some Saturdays and teach for a couple of weeks in the summer .

  12. 吉姆麦克格雷斯是绿色特许学校网络网的总裁。

    Jim McGrath is president of the Green Charter Schools Network .

  13. 这就去好的,现在可以谈谈特许学校了吗

    Okay , so now can we talk about charter schools ?

  14. 完全独立的特许学校分数比较低。

    Fully independent charter schools had lower scores by comparison .

  15. 美国特许学校实际上是市场经济条件下的一种公共品生产形式,从其实践看,这种学校较好地使政府机制与市场机制进行了有效的结合。

    The school combines the government and the market effectively .

  16. 美国特许学校:尝试把教育作为真正的公共品

    American Charter School : An Attempt to Regard Education as Public Goods

  17. 听着,我们可以就特许学校的事继续兜圈子

    Look , we can talk ourselves in circles about charter schools ,

  18. 一个是,特许学校到底应拥有多大的自主权。

    One is about how much autonomy charter schools should really have .

  19. 三分之二的学生同时还在公立学校或政府特许学校就读。

    Two-thirds were also enrolled in public or charter schools .

  20. 特许学校津贴的事我会妥协

    I 'll come down on subsidies for charter schools .

  21. 找到企业资助特许学校,以替代政府办学。

    In place of government-run schools , find corporations to fund charter schools .

  22. 政府特许学校由私人运营,但是由公众提供资金。

    Charter schools are privately operated with public money .

  23. 同样,良好的意愿亦不足矣,否则更多的特许学校早就取得成功了。

    Nor are good intentions & or else more charter schools would succeed .

  24. 美国特许学校设立程序及其现实问题

    Establishment Procedure and Practical Problems of U.S. Charter School

  25. 拨给特许学校的款项根本微不足道

    The amount going to charter schools is negligible .

  26. 例如洛杉矶附近的环境特许学校的学生们学习保护环境的重要性。

    Students learn the importance of protecting the environment .

  27. 但我们已经将非特许学校的拨款增加了一成

    Yeah , but we 've already increased noncharter funding by 10 % .

  28. 特许学校的契约式管理及影响

    The Contractual Management and Influence of Chart Schools

  29. 美国新兴特许学校的现状研究

    Study on the State of American Charter Schools

  30. 针对美国特许学校的十项辩论

    Ten Pieces of Dispute about American Charter School