
  • 网络big government;strong government
  1. 根据edelman的信任度调查报告,无论在美国还是在英国,对“大政府”的不信任程度都高于对企业的不信任程度。

    And in both the US and UK there is a greater mistrust of big government , according to the Edelman trust barometer , than of business .

  2. 罗姆尼还是倾向于把一切责任都推给大政府。

    Mr Romney still tends to blame big government for everything .

  3. 这位美国众议院金融服务委员会(HouseFinancialServicesCommittee)主席素来持有大政府论调,他的这番乐观的言论对华尔街来说可不是什么好消息。

    For anyone on Wall Street , that cheery forecast from the proudly big-government chairman of the House Financial Services Committee was not good news .

  4. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)预计,到2012年全球交易所交易基金所持黄金总量将超过2700吨,超过全球第四大政府持有者意大利。

    Morgan Stanley expects global exchange-traded product holdings of gold to exceed 2700 tonnes by 2012 , more than Italy , the fourth-largest government holder .

  5. 曾俊华(JohnTsang)此前为行政长官办公室主任,在香港特首直接领导的三大政府高官中是唯一的新面孔。

    John Tsang was previously director of the chief executive 's office and is the only new face to join the triumvirate of senior officials who work directly under Hong Kong 's leader .

  6. ITER和NIF这两大政府机构则采取了更加“传统”的核聚变方案,也就是通过融合氢的同位素氘和氚和释放热量,从而驱动汽轮机发电。

    ITER and NIF , the government groups , are taking a more " conventional " fusion approach , aspiring to drive turbines with heat released by fusing isotopes of hydrogen .

  7. 这并不是因为我相信大政府,我不相信。

    Not because I believe in bigger government & I don 't.

  8. 然而,在现实世界中,美国的方式仍然是大政府。

    In practice , however , big government remains the American way .

  9. 相比一个大政府,他更喜欢一个大社会。

    He prefers a big society to a big state .

  10. 那批人想要抨击大政府,重塑个人自由。

    That lot wanted to bash big government and restore individual liberty .

  11. 本报十分不看好所谓的“大政府”;

    This newspaper has a strong dislike of big government ;

  12. 几乎没有人为大政府保守主义理论辩护。

    The theory of big-government conservatism has few defenders .

  13. 紧缩的答案不是大政府。

    The answer to austerity is not big government .

  14. 大政府、小社会的政治格局开始发生变化。

    The political pattern of strong government and weak society begins to change .

  15. 最明显的答案是:它们已达到大政府的极限。

    The obvious answer is that they have reached the limits of big government .

  16. 毕竟,黄金的价值并不依赖于大政府。

    After all , the value of gold does not depend on Big Government .

  17. 各大政府部门、大型企业,一般都具备自己的信息技术部门。

    All the government departments , large enterprises , have their own information departments .

  18. 你只是在选择减税或加税,小政府或大政府。

    You were for either tax cuts or tax hikes , small government or big government .

  19. 塞拉信奉高效率政府,而罗塞夫显然信奉大政府。

    Mr Serra believes in efficient government . MS Rousseff , apparently , believes in big government .

  20. 原因便是:理解政府优点者运行了“大政府”!

    And Big Government , run by people who understand its virtues , is the reason why .

  21. 他想在四年内凭借大政府令经济有起色从而再次当选吗?

    Does he want to get re-elected in four years by pumping up the economy with government largesse ?

  22. 如今美国政治陷入僵局,约翰逊的大政府自由主义无人问津。

    Today US politics is in a stalemate and the big government liberalism of Johnson is in retreat .

  23. 政府的回归一种大政府和大监管形式的回归是否近在咫尺?

    Is a comeback of the state in the offing , a return of big government and regulation ?

  24. 奥巴马政府早已备受做过头的攻击,他们对于给人以大政府印象的事情非常警惕。

    Already under fire for overreach , the Obama team is wary of anything that smacks of bigger government .

  25. 不过书中有趣之处并不是诺奎斯特仇视大政府,而是他对政治的分析。

    The interesting point about Mr Norquist is not his hostility to big government but his analysis of politics .

  26. 承诺重现旧日美国辉煌的民粹主义者的矛头,并不局限于他们眼里的“大政府”的弊端。

    The populist promise to reclaim the old America reaches beyond rage at the perceived evils of big government .

  27. 许多穿T恤衫的人支持不同的茶党组织,所谓茶党运动是指一项基层运动,它反对在非军事问题上保持一个大政府。

    Many had T-shirts supporting different tea party organizations , a grassroots movement which opposes big government in non-military matters .

  28. 两大政府所有的媒体公司——人民日报和新华报社也是如此。

    So do two other big government-run media outfits - the People 's Daily newspaper and the Xinhua news agency .

  29. 两大政府所有的媒体公司&人民日报和新华报社也是如此。

    So do two other big government-run media outfits & the People 's Daily newspaper and the Xinhua news agency .

  30. 其他人则认为,茶叶党活动积极分子是独立的思想家,他们反对任何他们认为支持大政府和大笔支出的政治家。

    Others say the activists are independent thinkers who will oppose any politician they supporting big government and big spending .