
  • 网络Live Good;Mission Sex Control;Live a better life;Well Being
  1. 我们的婚姻有过一些问题,但现在我们俩都决心好好过日子。

    We 've had a few problems in our marriage , but we 're both determined to make a go of it .

  2. 我在试图认识到这些值得珍惜的时刻,而且好好过日子。

    I 'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them .

  3. 乔治一直努力要好好过日子。

    George had always tried to lead a good life .

  4. 我们对生活无能为力,惟有好好过日子。

    There 's nothing to do with a life but live it .

  5. 使你没法好好过日子

    And it 'll keep you from being able to live your life .

  6. 不能好好过日子,那些缺钱的日子里,我们只能靠卖烟为生。

    There 's no days , for broke days , we sell it , smoke pays .

  7. 自从我从牢房里出来,我一直在努力好好过日子。

    Ever since I got out of prison , I 've been trying to lead a better life .

  8. 有次,我当时20多岁的女儿宝拉给我说女权运动过时了,叫我好好过日子。

    Once , when my daughter Paula was in her twenties , she said to me that feminism was dated , that I should move on .

  9. 女人嫁给好男人,嫁的那刻,是下了决心跟男人好好过日子的。

    Woman married to a man , at the moment of marriage , she is already determined to love and live with this man for her life .

  10. 很多次我帮了你忙之后,你都对我说:“现在我们可以好好过日子了。”但是不久之后,我发现你又陷入同样的窘境中了。

    At the various times when I have helped you a little , you have said to me ," we can get along very well now ," but in a very short time I find you in the same difficulty again .

  11. 《夺金营救》连姆·尼森饰演的汤姆是一个已经退出江湖的银行抢劫犯,为了和他心爱的女人(凯特·沃什饰演)在一起好好过日子,他承诺归还不义之财来换取减刑。

    Honest Thief Liam Neeson plays Tom , a retired bank robber who promises to return his ill-gotten gains in exchange for a reduced prison sentence so that he can settle down with the woman he loves ( Kate Walsh ) .