
  • 网络good-wife;GOOD WIFE
  1. 一个好太太当她是错的时候总是原谅她的丈夫。

    A good wife always forgives her husband when she 's wrong .

  2. 我很幸运有个好太太。

    I am fortunate to have a good wife .

  3. 我不是好太太、好母亲。

    I 've failed as a wife and a mother .

  4. 班奈特先生:你错怪了我,我的好太太。

    MR BENNET : You mistake me , my dear .

  5. 你真错怪了我,我的好太太。

    You mistake me , my dear .

  6. 好太太,丈夫回答道,我有两件事要求你帮帮忙。

    My dear , replied her husband , I have two small favours to request .

  7. 放心吧,我的好太太,等到有了二十个,我一定去一个个拜望到。

    Depend upon it , my dear , that when there are twenty I will visit them all .

  8. 我的好太太,别去想这些伤心事吧。我们不妨从好的方面去想。

    My dear , do not give way to such gloomy thoughts . Let us hope for better things .

  9. 不过那张脸也很重要,是好太太的一部份条件。

    But the face is also important , it is part of the criteria of being a good wife .

  10. 不过,她似乎是个非常热情、非常端庄的年轻女士,肯定会成为埃尔顿先生的好太太。

    However , she seems a very obliging , pretty-behaved young lady , and no doubt will make him a very good wife .

  11. 他没有任何缺点,只不过稍欠活泼;关于这一点,只要他结婚结得当心一些,娶个好太太,他也许会让她给教好的。

    he wants nothing but a little more liveliness , and that , if he marry prudently , his wife may teach him .

  12. 自从在约翰爵士家第一次认识布兰登上校以来,詹宁斯太太就急于想给他找个好太太。

    Mrs. Jennings had been anxious to see Colonel Brandon well married , ever since her connection with Sir John first brought him to her knowledge ;

  13. 他的见识,他的言论,我都很喜欢。他没有任何缺点,只不过稍欠活泼;关于这一点,只要他结婚结得当心一些,娶个好太太,他也许会让她给教好的。

    His understanding and opinions all please me ; he wants nothing but a little more liveliness , and that , if he marry prudently , his wife may teach him .

  14. 第二天吃过早饭的时候,班纳特先生对他的太太说:我的好太太,我希望你今天的午饭准备得好一些,因为我预料今天一定有客人来。

    I HOPE my dear , said Mr. Bennet to his wife as they were at breakfast the next morning , that you have ordered a good dinner today , because I have reason to expect an addition to our family party .

  15. 伊丽莎白读信的时候,班纳特先生对他太太说:“唔,好太太,要是你的女儿得了重病——万一她一病不起——倒也值得安慰呀,因为她是奉了你命令去追求彬格莱先生的。”

    Well , my dear , said Mr. Bennet , when Elizabeth had read the note aloud , if your daughter should have a dangerous fit of illness , if she should die , it would be a comfort to know that it was all in pursuit of Mr. Bingley , and under your orders . Oh !

  16. 你好邓菲太太你好迪兰

    Hey , Mrs. Dunphy . Oh , hey , Dylan .

  17. 你有这麽好的太太,真是幸运。

    It 's fortunate that you have such a good wife .

  18. “到底是什么啊,好西宾斯太太?”

    " What is it , good mistress hibbins ?"

  19. 早晨好,太太,您好!

    A : Good morning , Madam , and how do you do ?

  20. 美容师:上午好,太太。

    Hairdresser : Good morning , madam .

  21. 好谢谢凯莉太太

    Okay Thank you miss crawly

  22. “到底是什么啊,好西宾斯太太?”小珠儿急切地问着。“你见过吗?”

    " What is it , good mistress hibbins ?" eagerly asked little pearl . " hast thou seen it ?"

  23. 收银员说:“你好,太太,你今天过得好吗?”我环顾前后左右才意识到他是在与我打招呼。

    The cashier said , " Hello , ma'am , did you have a nice day ? " I looked around and behind before I realized that he was actually talking to me .

  24. 哦,你好,Huber太太。

    BREE : Oh , hello Mrs. Huber .

  25. 这可真不是聊天的好时间Dabney太太

    You know , this really isn 't a good time , Mrs. Dabney .

  26. 这厨房装备得很好,沃克太太。

    It 's a very well equipped kitchen , Mrs. Walker .

  27. 您好你好,阮太太

    Chao chi c'ung ! Chao chi c'ung , Mrs. Nguyen .

  28. 她是个好母亲和好太太。

    She was a good mother and a loving wife .

  29. 你得打发约翰送送这两位小姐才好,柯林斯太太。

    You must send John with the young ladies , Mrs. Collins .

  30. 有些事还是想象一下就好了赫德森太太

    Some things are best left to the imagination , Mrs Hudson .