
  1. FeCrMn(W,V)奥氏体钢的低温韧性

    Low temperature toughness of fe-cr-mn ( w , v ) austenitic steels

  2. 高氮奥氏体钢的Cr2N晶间析出研究

    Study on Cr_2 N-Phase Precipitation Along Intercrystalline of High Nitrogen Austenitic Steels

  3. Fe-Mn-Cr-N奥氏体钢在低温下形变组织具有严格的晶体学特征。

    Deformation microstructure in a Fe Mn Cr N austenitic steel shows strict crystallographic features .

  4. 含氮奥氏体钢时效析出Cr2N的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of Cr_2N age-precipitation for high nitrogen stainless steels

  5. 在低温奥氏体钢中,σ(0.2)~γ和Ms(Mεs)间并不存在线性关系。

    In cryogenic austenitic steels , there is no absolute linear relationship between Ms ( M ε s ) and σγ 0.2 | Ms.

  6. Nb、Ti和C含量对在超高临界压力下使用的高强度奥氏体钢持久断裂强度的影响

    Influences of nb , Ti and C contents on creep rupture strength of high strength austenitic steel used under super high critical pressure

  7. 低放射性Fe-Cr-Mn(W、V)奥氏体钢抗辐照损伤特性研究

    Behavious of resistance to irradiated damage in Fe Cr mn ( w 、 v ) alloys with

  8. 钇基重稀土合金变质团球γ+(Fe,Mn)3C共晶体增强奥氏体钢基自生复合材料

    In-Situ Austenite Steel Matrix Composites Reinforced by Granular γ + ( Fe , Mn ) _3C Eutectics Prepared with Y-Based Heavy RE Modifier

  9. 室温电阻率为105μΩ·cm,低温冷收缩率小于一般Fe-Cr-Ni奥氏体钢。

    Higher electric resistivity up to 105 μΩ· cm and lower cold contraction than conventional Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic steels .

  10. 本文通过在超低温下的V型缺口夏比冲击试验和SEM断口分析研究了高锰奥氏体钢的冲击韧性及其影响因素。

    The extra-cryogenic impact toughness and influence factors of the high-Mn austenitic steel are studied by means of the Charpy V-notch impact test and the SEM fractured appearance analysis .

  11. 时效对Ni-Cr奥氏体钢高温低周疲劳破坏的影响

    Effect of Ageing on Fatigue Failure in Ni-Cr Austenite Steel at High Temperature and Low Cycles

  12. 热时效和辐照环境下Fe-Cr-Mn奥氏体钢晶界溶质元素偏聚和相析出

    Radiation-Induced Segregation and Precipitate in Fe-Cr-Mn Austenitic Alloy in Thermal and Irradiation Environments

  13. 研究了高锰奥氏体钢在77K下的抗拉性能、形变组织和断裂特点。

    The tensile properties , deformed microstructure and fracture at 77K in high-Mn austenitic steels have been investigated .

  14. 高氮奥氏体钢的CVN低温冲击断裂研究

    Cryogenic CVN impact study of high nitrogen stainless steels

  15. 将计算机技术、信号处理技术与超声检测技术结合起来,研制成功检验奥氏体钢焊缝便携式超声波P扫描成象仪,该仪器具有缺陷分辨力高、定位精确、图象清晰及操作简便等优点。

    A portable ultrasonic P-scan imaging system for inspecting the weld in austenitic steel has been developed by combining computer and signal processing with ultrasonic nondestructive testing . The system has the advantages of high defect resolution , accurate positioning , clear image and easy operation .

  16. 32Mn-7Cr-1Mo-0.3N奥氏体钢的热变形激活能Q值为469.03kJ/mol,并获得热变形方程。

    The hot deformation activation energy Q is 469.03kJ/mol and the hot deformation equation is derived based on the experiments .

  17. 利用冲击磨粒磨损试验,结合X射线衍射,SEM和Mossbauer谱等分析手段,研究了锰含量为4%~13%的奥氏体钢耐磨性和磨面组织结构。

    The wear resistance and the microstructure of the worn surface of the steels containing 4 % ~ 13 % Mn were studied by means of abrasive wear test , XRD , SEM and Mossbauer spectroscopy .

  18. 本文对Fe-Ni-Mn-Cr奥氏体钢的应力&应变行为进行了分析。

    The behaviour of stress-strain in a Fe-Ni-Mn-Cr austenitic steel has been investigated .

  19. 在研究团球γ+(Fe,Mn)3C共晶体增强奥氏体钢基自生复合材料(EAMC)的力学与耐磨性能的基础上,分析了EAMC的强韧化及耐磨机理。

    The performance of granular γ + ( Fe , Mn ) 3C eutectics reinforced austenite steel matrix composites ( EAMC ) was studied , and the strengthening / toughness match and wear resistance were analyzed .

  20. 研究了电磁场对团球γ+(Fe,Mn)3C共晶体增强奥氏体钢基自生复合材料(EAMC)中C、Mn元素的偏析及凝固组织的作用。

    The results presented in this paper make a contribution to investigation of the effects of electromagnetic on the segregation of C and Mn elements and the microstructure of in-situ granular γ + ( Fe , Mn ) _3C eutectics reinforced steel matrix composites ( abbreviated EAMC ) .

  21. 论文观察分析了高锰奥氏体钢、304L钢和黄铜等面心立方金属中晶内无位错区(DFZ)的形成及特征。

    Detailed studies on formation and characteristics of dislocation-free zones ( DFZ ) in the high manganese austenitic steel , 304L steel and brass with face-center-cubic structure have been carried out .

  22. HR3C、NF709、Super304H等奥氏体钢的焊接问题是热裂纹、时效脆化和应力腐蚀。

    The problems of welding austenitic heat resistant steels ( HR3C 、 NF709 、 Super304H ) are hot cracks , embrittlement after aging and stress corrosion .

  23. 利用MPX-2000型主轴盘销式磨损实验机和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)研究了相对滑动速度对团球γ+(Fe,Mn)3C共晶体增强奥氏体钢基自生复合材料(EAMC)摩擦学性能的影响。

    The effect of sliding velocity on the friction behaviors of in situ granular 7 + ( Fe , Mn ) 3C eutectics reinforced austenite steel matrix composites ( EAMC ) has been investigated by the pin-on disc dry sliding tests and scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) observation .

  24. 本文具体研究工作及结果如下:1.采用钨极氩弧焊(GTAW)焊接工艺对T92与奥氏体钢HR3C,Super304H分别进行焊接,获得T92/HR3C,T92/Super304H异种钢焊接接头。

    The detailed research contents and results are summarized as follows : 1 . T92 / HR3C , T92 / Super304H dissimilar materials joints are obtained by gas tungsten arc welding ( GTAW ) process .

  25. HK-40为奥氏体钢,具有较高的含碳量和合金含量,焊接时易脆化、偏析,产生热裂纹,可焊性较差;

    HK-40 steel which is austenite has relatively high content of carbon and alloy . When welded , it is easy to cause embrittlement , segregation and heat cracking flaw . Therefore , its weldability is relatively poor .

  26. 与AISI300系Cr-Ni奥氏体钢比较,γ-Fe-Mn-Al合金的主要特点为在极低温区(如20&4K)兼具稳定的奥氏体与极低磁化率,是一种潜在的超导磁体用结构合金。

    In comparison with AISI 300 Cr-Ni austenitic stainless steels , the γ - Fe-Mn-Al alloy is characterized by both stable austenite and quite low magnetic susceptibility within temperature range down from 20 to 4 K. It seems to be a potential constructional material for superconducting magnet applications .

  27. 一种Ni&Cr奥氏体钢蠕变裂纹扩展抗力的研究

    Study On Creep Crack Growth Resistance of a Ni-Cr Austenitic Steel

  28. 高锰奥氏体钢抗磨损机理及应用环境

    Wear resistance mechanism and working environment of austenite manganese steel

  29. 铬镍奥氏体钢焊缝凝固裂纹断口研究

    Fractographic study of solidification cracking of chromium-nickel austenitic stainless steel weld metal

  30. 奥氏体钢层错能与ε马氏体相变

    Stacking - Fault Energy and ε - Martensite Transformation of Austenitic Steels