
  1. 喂,瞧,太阳出来了。

    Oh , look . The sun 's come out .

  2. 太阳出来了,把他后背晒得暖洋洋的。

    The sun had come out to warm his back

  3. 乌云散开,太阳出来了。

    The clouds fragmented and out came the sun

  4. 下了几天雨之后,太阳出来了。

    The sun came through after days of rain .

  5. 我们正要离开太阳出来了。

    We were about to leave when the sun came out .

  6. 暴风雨过去了,太阳出来了。

    The storm had blown over and the sun came out .

  7. 雨停后太阳出来了。

    come out The rain stopped and the sun came out .

  8. 12月10日太阳出来了,屋内却感到特别潮湿。

    Dec. 10 . Sunshine . Very damp in the room .

  9. 太阳出来了,你就能播种了。

    The sun comes out , and you can plant new seeds .

  10. 太阳出来了,实际上我们一起做吧。

    So the sun is coming out-well actually lets do them together .

  11. 太阳出来了,雨应该很快就停了。

    So the sun is coming out so the rain should stop soon .

  12. 太阳出来了。

    B : I can see the sun now .

  13. 在暴风雨停止后,太阳出来了。

    The sun came out after the storm ceased .

  14. 第二天一早,太阳出来了,她发现一些极美的东西。

    One day she noticed the clouds within herself .

  15. 你看,太阳出来了!

    See , the sun is out !

  16. 太阳出来了,你得把光圈稍微缩小一点。

    The sun 's just come out ; you 'll have to stop down a bit .

  17. 学生:如果太阳出来了,我就去遛狗。

    Student : If the sun is out I would take my dog for a walk .

  18. 在阿列恒讲述他的故事时,雨停了,太阳出来了。

    While Alehin was telling his story , the rain left off and the sun came out .

  19. 来是金色的阳光,中午太阳出来了,潮水般的金色阳光从他们敞开的窗户直泻进来。

    Out came the sun by noon , and poured a golden flood through their open windows .

  20. 那是个温暖的下午,风歇了,太阳出来了。

    It was a warm afternoon . The sun had come out and the wind had died down .

  21. 而且,反正太阳出来了以后,我就感觉舒服多了,至少我不必一直盯着它。

    Anyway I feel better with the sun and for once I do not have to look into it .

  22. 昨天早晨我沿海滨散步,这时太阳出来了,大海显得格外美丽。

    I walked along the beach yesterday morning when the sun came out and the sea looked so beautiful .

  23. 起初天下雨,可是后来太阳出来了,天气非常好。

    It rained to begin with , but then the sun came out , and we had a lovely day .

  24. 太阳出来了,公主还没醒;中午了,她仍然熟睡着。

    the sun came up , and she continued to sleep , and she was still asleep by broad daylight .

  25. 没有任何迹象表明天气会变好,但是到了下午天气转好了,太阳出来了。

    No sign of change could be found anywhere in the sky ; but it turns out good in the afternoon .

  26. 太阳出来了,他成功地给自己的罗盘定了定方位,虽然他知道自己已经迷路了。

    The sun came out , and he succeeded in locating the points of the compass , though he knew now that he was lost .

  27. 太阳出来了,在这个迷人的城市里纵情欢乐一夜后,成群结队的年轻学生在街道上徜徉。

    And as the sun came up this morning , throngs of the young students wandered through the streets of the charming city following the lavish bash .

  28. 其他故事还编写婴儿的他是如何微笑,还可以让雨和风暴停下来,太阳出来了;或者是可以治好疾病。

    Other stories chronicle how even as an infant his smile could make the rain or storms end and the sun shine , or could heal the sick .

  29. 学生:太阳出来了,太阳没出来,教授:啊,那些看到错误的,他们是对的。

    Student : the sun is out , the sun is not out Prof : ahhh , those of view who saw the error , that 's quite right .

  30. 前几天我在自己的车子里处理一些事情,太阳出来了,收音机播放着,我跟着里面唱起歌来。

    I was running a few errands in my car the other day . The sun was out , the radio was playing , and I was singing along .