- 名Tai Lake

[Taihu] 中国第三大淡水湖。位于江苏省南部,正常水位时2250平方公里。周围河流水网密布,为著名游览区
The water level in Lake Taihu has reached record levels
On the Taihu Lake , mists and waves stretch far into the distance .
Preparation of Mitochondrial DNA From Neosalanx Taihuensis Chen
Distribution of soil organic matter , soil pH , available phosphorus and available potassium in soil of Taihu
Dissolved N_2O Concentrations and N_2O Emissions from Aquatic Systems of Lake and River in Taihu Lake Region
Thirdly , the development project , principle , requirement , functional architecture and interface design are discussed at large ;
Minimum Application Rates for High-Yielding Rice Production System in the Taihu Lake Region as a Field Measure for Controlling N and P Agricultural Loading
On the age and growth of the Chinese anchovy , coilia ectenes , from the Yangtze River
The author concentrates one aspect of acidic precipitation and proves the influence of acidic precipitation to the pH value of Tai Lake water body .
PCR-RFLP analysis of bacterial 16S rDNA from a typical garden soil in Taihu region
Study on effect of algae biomass on POPs in Taihu Lake by using multimedia environmental model
Application of ADCP in Plain Reaches of Tai Lake Area
Application of Silas system in the silt investigation of the Taihu Lake
Besed on the water-balance equation , hydraulic methods and hydrologic theory , a physics-based multi-regression model for Taihu Lake stage is framed simplifying Taihu Lake basin into m linear response sub-basins and n drainage channels .
Vertical Variation of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Phosphorus Forms in the Taihu Lake Sediment and the Relationship Between Them
ObjectiveTo investigate the level of microcystins ( MC ) in source and drinking water of a city along Lake Tiahu where toxic water blooms frequently occurred .
On the basis of X-ray diffraction , sedimental size and major elements analyses , we deduce the chemical weathering degree of sediments in Taihu Lake and illuminate the hydrodynamic condition and the source of sediments .
The activities of fluorescein diacetate ( FDA ) hydrolysis and soil enzymes of 12 high fertility paddy soils located in Taihu region were analyzed in this paper .
The paper explored some problems on water environment in Taihu by a serial of data obtained in field , and discussed the main social economic factors affecting water environment through Partial correlation analysis .
By the undisturbed soil sampling and soil particle size fractionating with ultrasonic separation , distribution of heavy metals in soil particle size fractions in major paddy soil type in the Tai Lake region , China was studied .
The analysis of variation characteristics of sunshine in the recent forty years in Wuxi region
Methods : Using ELISA which is built on anti-MC-LR antibody and HPLC at one time to detect the MC-LR in Taihu water gathered of deferent period and field .
The annual growth rate of GDP reached 11.6 % , the rate of urbanization increased 31 % and the gross output value of industry increased 13 times . However , the crop area and effectively irrigated area decreased year after year .
Thirdly , three water quality indexes , BOD_5 , COD and NH_3 & N , are selected to be the factors , and the average water quality in 2000 of the river network is evaluated .
Application of Subbottom Profiler to Ocean Engineering SURVEY OF THE SUBSTRATE OF TAI-LAKE USING GPY ACOUSTIC METER
Effect of phosphate on sorption-desorption of Cu ~ 2 + by a typical paddy soil from the Tai Lake region , China was studied by isothermal equilibrium sorption and desorption method using KCl solution .
Taihu Lake is the second largest lake in China , and also is an important fishery base . But report on fatty acids , PCBs and PBDEs in fish from this lake was limited .
According to the characteristics of sediment pollution in Taihu Lake , the appropriate depth of dredging is 40 & 50 ? cm , and the dredging should create necessary environmental condition for the following ecosystem restoration .
Using Loans from CDB to Protecting Water Environment of Tai Lake
Climatological Calculation and characteristic analysis of global radiation over Wuxi region