
  • 网络Tongzi County
  1. 桐梓县是金佛山方竹自然分布中心之一,竹林遍及全县24个乡镇中的19个乡镇,面积达1.3万hm2。

    Tongzi with an area of 130 000 hm 2 is one of the distribution centers , It has a long history of the bamboo cultivation and utilization .

  2. 桐梓县不同海拔引种优良笋用竹初报

    Preliminary report on introduction of fine shoot bamboo species in different altitudes in Tongzi

  3. 贵州省桐梓县乡村旅游资源开发对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures of the Development of Rural Tourism Resources in Tongzi County , Guizhou Province

  4. 贵州喀斯特山区季节性干旱特征及对策:以桐梓县为例

    Seasonal Drought Characteristic of Guizhou Karst Mountainous Area and Its Countermeasures : Taking Tongzi county as the example

  5. 抗日战争时期,民国海军最重要的教育机构马尾海军学校自福建内迁至贵州省桐梓县。

    During the War of Resistance Against Japan , the most significant educational institute of the Navy of Republic of China Mawei Naval Academy was removed to the Tongzi county of Guizhou Province form FuJian Province .

  6. 桐梓县作为“黔北门户”,是革命老区、夜郎故地、方竹笋之乡,资源丰富、气候凉爽,素有天然“氧吧”之称。

    As a " Gateway of North Guizhou ", Tongzi County is the old revolutionary base areas , Yelang old haunt , rich in resources , and climate is cool and it has long been known as natural " oxygen bar " .

  7. 自2005年重庆游客大量涌入桐梓以后,桐梓县以避暑为目的的乡村旅游得到了长足的发展。

    As a consequence of the influx of tourists from Chongqing since 2005 , the rural tourism in Tongzi County for the purpose of summer vacation has developed considerably .