
tài xī
  • heave a deep sigh;have a deep sign
太息 [tài xī]
  • (1) [have a deep sign] 即叹气。

  • (2) 生理现象。以呼气为主的深呼吸。正常人的呼吸中,一呼一吸称为一息,一息脉动四次,三息之后有一次深呼吸,脉五动,脉诊上称为闰以太息。病理情况下,若患者频频吸气,称为善太息,它是一个症状,可由肝胆郁结,肺气不宜引起

  • (3) 表示某种感情

  • 陈涉太息回。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 感动太息。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

太息[tài xī]
  1. 她默默地走进,走进,又投出,太息一样的眼光,她飘过

    A glance like a sigh ; Then she floats past

  2. 证明了该方是治疗善太息证的有效方剂,值得推广。

    Had proven this side is medicinal preparation , and is worth promoting .

  3. 非脂肪肝组出现的有意义阳性症状为畏寒、肢冷、疲倦乏力、太息、目下黑。

    In those without Fatty Liver included intolerance to cold , cold h and s and feet , lassitude , deep breathing ect .

  4. 肝郁证为:胸胁作胀或痛、精神抑郁、烦躁易怒、口苦、胸闷、善太息、脉弦;

    Syndrome of stagnation of liver-qi are in terms of fullness or distending pain in the hypochondrium , depression or irritability , bitter taste of mouth , chest distress , sighing frequently , wiry pulse ;

  5. 我一直走得两腿发软,躺下来,在某个地方死去,终于走到一个永恒的、享受安逸生活的环境,那里既无悲伤、亦无太息!

    And I shall go on till my legs give way under me and I lie down and die somewhere , and reach at last that quiet , eternal haven , where is neither sorrow nor sighing !

  6. 6天为一疗程,一般观察2-3个疗程。结果:临床观察证明,泻心疏肝汤治疗小心太息症(木郁火旺型)取得了较好的临床疗效。

    Days as a course of treatment generally observed 2-3.Result : Clinical observations show that careful treatment of Xie Xin Shu Gan Tang to child neurosis ( Mu Yu huo Wang type ) achieved good clinical efficacy .

  7. 可是,尽管这个画面是这样的恍如梦境,尽管这株松树把它的声声太息象落叶似的撒在牧羊人的头上,然而,除非那牧羊人的眼睛注视着他面前那道富有魔力的溪流,否则,这一切就都是白费的。

    But though the picture lies thus tranced , and though this pine-tree shakes down its sighs like leaves upon this shepherd 's head , yet all were vain , unless the shepherd 's eye were fixed upon the magic stream before him .

  8. 柔顺的葡萄酒口感中带有仿佛天鹅绒般的平衡单宁,回味冗长。“我给她编织过花冠、芬芳的腰带和手镯,她柔声地轻轻太息,仿佛是真心爱我。”

    A softly textured wine with fine clean tannins and a velvety long finish . " I set her on my pacing steed , And nothing else saw all day long ; For sideways would she lean , and sing A faery 's song . "