
  • 网络taiyuan university of technology;TUT;TYUT;tyut.edu.cn
  1. 太原理工大学

    Taiyuan University of Technology

  2. 介绍了太原理工大学教学质量保证系统的构成和实践。

    It explains the constitution of the teaching quality guarantee system and its practice in Taiyuan University of Technology .

  3. 太原理工大学男子篮球队参加CBA━CUBA青年赛技战术分析

    Technological Analysis on the Man 's Basketball Team in CBA-CUBA

  4. 基于ASP技术原理,依托《太原理工大学学报》Internet网站,结合学报网上审稿专家数据库,建立了学术期刊Internet网上审稿系统。

    Based on ASP technology and a specialist database , a internet manuscript examining system for scientific journals has been constructed in the web station of journal of TUT .

  5. 研究了太原理工大学开发的TGH-3Q型COS水解催化剂上的动力学行为。

    The kinetic behavior of TGH-3Q carbonyl sulfide ( COS ) hydrolysis catalyst was studied .

  6. 结果表明:气体扩太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文散电极在较大的pH值范围内能够吸附空气气泡中的氧气而使之还原为氏02。

    The result of experiment indicated the gas diffusion electrode was able to absorb oxygen in the air , which was reduced into hydrogen peroxide in biggish pH value extension ;

  7. 翻译网关架设在网络边界路由器上,对不同协议域的交互信息进行协议转换,包括IP、太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文工CMP以及传输层与应用层。

    The translation gateways are placed on the border routers , and translate protocols between the different realms , including IP , ICMP , TCP and application layer .

  8. 实太原理工大学硕士学位论文验结果表明MEC具有良好的性能,尤其是对于欺骗性强的函数,更现其优越性。

    Experimental results show that MEC has better performance , especially for strongly deceptive problems , superiority of MEC is pretty obvious .

  9. 说明COI坐标比同步坐标更为合理,并指出可太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文作双机等值动能校正以进一步改善精度。

    Then explains COI coordinates is more reasonable than synchronism coordinates , using double-machine kinetic energy adjustment can amend accuracy .

  10. 2对RTOS系统的结构,体系,细节进行了进一步的研究,具体涉及到资源,不可剥夺型内核,可重入性,优先级,太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文互斥,死锁等。

    Researching the RTOS 's construction architecture and details which including resource , Non-Preemptive Kernel , Reentrancy , priority , mutual exclusion , deadlock and so on .

  11. 通过对PKI理论、应用的研究和具体项目的设计,总结出太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文数字证书应用中的各种技术,推动PKI技术的发展,加强网络安全建设。

    Through the study of the principle , the application and the scheme design of PKI , techniques of digital certificates application are concluded , which impulses the development of PKI and network security .

  12. 通过对太原理工大学各层面调研结果分析,CUBA在提高学校知名度、以及增强学校团队精神和凝聚力两方面得到了相当充分的认可。

    Through the analyzing various levels research results to Taiyuan Technology University , CUBA has been both qui (?) ized both in " increasing school awareness ," and " enhance team (?) and cohesion of school " aspects . 4 .

  13. 总之,二种HTLcS催化剂太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文均表现出了较高的催化活性和高选择性。

    They both had higher catalytic activity and selectivity . The catalytic activity and selectivity of different catalyst has been studied extensively .

  14. 现代计算机网络通常使用动态路由算法,有两种动态算法,即距离矢量路由选择算法(RIP)和链路状态路由选择算法(也称SPF算法)是最常太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文见的。

    Modern network usually uses dynamic routing algorithm and there are two kinds of dynamic routing algorithms : distance vector routing algorithm ( RIP ) and link - state routing algorithm ( call SPF algorithm too ), which are most common .

  15. 太原理工大学主教学楼消防设计

    Fire-fighting design of main teaching building of Taiyuan university of technology

  16. 本论文也对珩太原理工大学研究生论文齿刀三维实体模型进行了研究。

    This paper also studies on three-dimensional solid model of honer .

  17. 太原理工大学体育馆音质设计

    Acoustical Design for the Gymnasium of Taiyuan University of Technology

  18. 发挥高校优势为山西经济建设服务&奋进中的太原理工大学机械工程学院

    To Exert University Advantages Serving for Shanxi Economic Construction

  19. 太原理工大学图书馆数字资源建设及其发展

    Construction and Development of Digital Resources of Taiyuan University of Technology 's Library

  20. 太原理工大学承担国家基金项目现状及对策

    The Status Quo and Countermeasure of National Fund Projects in Taiyuan University of Technology

  21. 此模型主要是针对电机定、转太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文子故障建造的。

    And this model is aimed at the fault of the stator and rotor ' s.

  22. 并且我们在税务信息太原理工大学硕士学位论文决策树生成系统系统中的数据上应用该系统也取得了比较满意的分类结果。

    We have applied them on the revenue information system and got some satisfied results .

  23. 进一步揭示了一维太原理工大学硕士学位论文弹性固体中非线性波的传播特性。并且在相平面上对这三类非线性方程进行了定性分析。

    All of these reveal the further properties of the wave propagating in one-dimensional elastic continuum .

  24. 太原理工大学高层住宅楼墙、板等构件采用清水混凝土施工工艺。

    The structure components of residence buildings of taiyuan university of technology adopt fair faced concrete construction crafts .

  25. 本论文课题研究来源于山西省太原市科技局技术创新与人才扶持计划项目,得到了太原理工大学国家级大学生创新实验项目的资助。

    Research on this paper is from technology innovation and personnel support project , in Taiyuan , Shanxi Province .

  26. 本文首先论述了平面分流组合模的模具设计原则,之后对平太原理工大学硕士学位论文面分流组合模进行了模具设计;

    Firstly , design principle of the porthole die is introduced , and the parameters of porthole die structure are calculated .

  27. 太原理工大学目前共有本科生2万余人,其中4511名全职硕士、博士生。

    At present , there are over20 000 undergraduates , 4 511 master 's degree and Ph. D. students studying at the university .

  28. 硬件设计包括输入信号处理电太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文路,输入输出接口电路,微机和进行数据采集的模数转换电路。

    Hardware design includes input signal processing circuit , input & output interface circuit , modulus transition circuit between microcomputer and data acquisition .

  29. 在此基础上,太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文对比分析了齿轮中心距和螺旋角对双圆弧齿轮的动态传动性能的影响,并给出了具体的补偿办法。

    On this condition , compared influence of Errors of the center distance and helix angle to dynamic performance of double circular arc gears .

  30. 通过对酸、碱、盐电解质中电化学强化浮选脱硫效果的考察发现,碱太原理工大学硕1:论文性介质中脱硫效果好于酸性和中性介质。

    Though making investigation into electrochemical desulfurization . We find that : desulfurization results in alkaline medium are better in acidity and neutral medium .