
  1. 我的天阿,这是最高的款待规格。

    My god , you 're in for such a treat .

  2. 天阿,你要杀我!

    Oh , my god , he 's going to kill me !

  3. 天阿,可能在餐厅这顿饭看起来还能好点。

    Well , maybe it looked better at the restaurant .

  4. 喔我的天阿,你有看到那些豹纹的裤子吗?

    Oh my god , did you see those leopard print jeggings ?

  5. 哦天阿,无论如何我都不能及时到那里。

    Oh dear , that wouldn 't get me there in time anyway .

  6. “天阿!”她说着不禁格格地笑起来。

    " My goodness ," she said , dissolving into a gurgle of laughter .

  7. 阿,天阿,你分不清战斗机和轰炸机吗?

    Oh , boy . don 't you know the differences of fighter and a bomber ?

  8. 天阿,你看到她的裙摆了吗?六寸深的泥巴。

    My goodness , did you see her hem ? . six inches deep in mud .

  9. 你不知道那会污染环境吗?你会有犯罪感哦,天阿。

    ' Don 't you know that damages the environment ? 'And you feel so guilty ! Oh dear !

  10. 手术后30天依靠阿苯达唑进行辅助药物治疗。

    Adjuvant medical therapy with albendazole was administered for30 days after surgery .

  11. 一天,阿豺对他的儿子了说:“你们每人给我拿一支箭来。”

    One day A'cai said to them : " Each one of you bring me an arrow . "

  12. 一天,阿豺对他的儿子说

    One day A'cai said to them :

  13. 就在情人节的前一天,在阿谁非凡的时刻,门铃响了,门前依旧摆放着玫瑰花。

    Then , at that identical hour , as on Valentine 's Day before , the doorbell rang and there were red roses sitting by her door .

  14. 一天,牛顿的一个无神论的朋友去串门并自然天被阿谁模子吸引住了。

    One day , one of Newton 's atheistic friends came by for a visit and was naturally intrigued by the model .