
  • 网络Antenna Efficiency;Radiation efficiency
  1. 用微计算机设计提高天线效率的成形副反射器

    Minicomputer Aided Design of The Shaped Subreflector for Rise in Antenna Efficiency

  2. 一个典型的双反射面天线效率大约与16个因子有关。本文从理论上分析了正馈和偏馈对天线效率影响的各种因素。

    The antenna efficiency is related to sixteen factors for a typical double reflector antenna .

  3. 乌站25m射电望远镜天线效率自动测量的软件实现

    The Software of Automatic Measurement of Urumqi 25m Radio Telescope Efficiency

  4. 给出了在满足电压驻波比的前提下,以提高天线效率为准则的优化设计方案。

    Optimizing design scheme is obtained in the premise of ensuring the given VSWR and improving efficiency .

  5. 高频地波雷达接收天线效率对回波信噪比的影响

    The Effect on SNR of Received Signal by the Efficiency of the Receiving Antenna of High Frequency Surface Wave Radar

  6. 本文将该滑动短路谐振腔结合运动控制部件、矢量网络分析仪等,建立了一套天线效率的测量系统。

    The sliding shorted cavity combined with movement controller and vector network analyzer is used to construct measure system for antenna efficiency .

  7. 在小型波导缝隙阵设计中,采用匹配缝隙是减少终端损失、提高天线效率的关键技术之一。

    One of the key techniques to reduce termination loss and enhance antenna efficiency in the design of small slotted waveguide arrays is to adopt matching slots .

  8. 从工程设计角度出发,根据天线效率和宽带阻抗匹配网络要求,在比较笼形和锥形两种天线的电气和结构性能之后,确定锥形天线为单元天线。

    According to requirements of engineering design , antenna efficiency and broadband impedance match network , conical antenna is defined as unit antenna after comparing the electric apparatus and element forms of cage antenna and conical antenna .

  9. 同时,为满足毫米波辐射计在金属目标探测和星载平台上使用的要求,对3mm和8mm天空亮温、水面亮温以及星载毫米波辐射计的天线辐射效率进行了研究。

    At the same time , in order to meet the needs of metal goal detection and spaceborne observation , some researches on 3mm & 8mm sky brightness temperature , smooth water surface brightness temperature , and the antenna radiation efficiency of spaceborne radiometer are carried out .

  10. 多波长星间激光通信中光学天线的效率分析

    Efficiency Analyse of Optical Antenna in Multi-wavelength Inter-satellites Laser Communication

  11. 空馈相控阵天线的效率

    The Efficiency of the Space Fed Array An Empty House

  12. 用微波辐射计测量天线辐射效率

    Measuring antenna radiation efficiency with microwave radiometer

  13. 变形反射面天线的效率

    Efficiency of distorted reflector antenna

  14. 抛物面天线的效率和增益完全取决于实现这些要求的程度。

    Efficiency and gain of a parabolic antenna directly depend on the degree of accomplishing of these demands .

  15. 分析了影响阵列天线口径效率的因素,通过三种途径优化了口径效率;

    Factor which affected the aperture efficiency is analyzed , and then the aperture efficiency using three approaches is optimized ;

  16. 其中导致片上天线辐射效率低的最主要原因是硅衬底的低电阻率。

    The most important reason that leads to the low radiation efficiency forthe antenna on chip is the low resistivity in silicon substrate .

  17. 为实现远距离测量,提高天线使用效率以及实现天线与声表面波传感器之间的阻抗匹配非常重要。

    Improving the service efficiency of an antenna and the matching between a small antenna and a SAW sensor is very important for remote measurement .

  18. 本文首先导出利用微波辐射计测量天线辐射效率时辐射效率的一般表示式,然后介绍了测量方法和实验结果。

    The mathematical expression of the antenna radiation efficiency which is measured using radiometer is derived , then the methods for measuring antenna radiation efficiency and the experimental results are presented .

  19. 利用时间反演算法的时&空聚焦特性,可解决无线传感器网络中节点无线定位问题,以提高整流天线的效率。

    The time-space focusing characteristic from time reversal algorithm can be utilized to solve wireless orientation problem for the nodes in wireless sensor network so as to enhancing efficiency of rectenna .

  20. 与传统的设计方法比较,它具有天线设计效率高、安装调整量少等明显优点,故是一种简便易行的新的设计方法。

    Compared to the traditional method of design , this method demonstrates the prominent advantages of high efficiency and less adjustment , so this is a new simple and easy method of design .

  21. 波导窄边缝隙阵列天线由于效率高、功率容量大、稳定性好及副瓣电平低等特性,在雷达体制上使用广泛。

    By use of the parametric analysis function of HFSS , the resonance configures of slots can be obtained and the wanted edge slot waveguide array antennas with low sidelobes can be designed easily .

  22. 通过深入研究,证明了这三项技术能够提高射频天线的效率,加速信号处理的速度,降低软件开发的成本。

    Through the deep research , it proves that these three techniques can increase the efficiency of the RF antenna , accelerate speed of signal process , and save the cost of the software development .

  23. 提出了三种提高天线工作效率的方法,分别是伞形延长法、介质加载法、螺旋结构替代法。

    Then three methods to improve the working efficiency of the miniaturized shortwave antenna are proposed , including the umbelliform prolong of the loading metal bar method , the dielectric loading method and the method of using helical structure to replace the metal bar .

  24. 采用高频方法一致性绕射理论(UTD)与电磁场计算软件HFSS相结合的方法,提高HFSS在计算电大尺寸导体上的天线时的效率和精度。

    The uniform geometrical theory of diffraction ( UTD ) is combined with the electromagnetic software HFSS to calculate the antenna on the electrically large conducting plane . Both the efficiency and the accuracy are improved .

  25. 毫米波反射面天线欧姆损耗效率的计算

    Calculation of ohm loss efficiency for millimeter wave reflector antennas

  26. 孔径型天线的天线效率

    Antenna efficiency of an aperture-type antenna

  27. 由于纳米管内电子运动固有的弹道输运效应,使得纳米管阵列天线具有辐射效率高的优点。

    The intrinsic ballistic transportation of electrons in nano-tube makes it possible for antennas consisting of nano-tube array to radiate with higher efficiency .

  28. 该天线具有辐射效率高、脉冲响应拖尾小、方向性好、重量轻、操作方便等优点。

    The antenna have a series of advantage of high radiant strength , little pulse tail , good direction , little weight and easy proc-ess .

  29. 由于圆极化天线具有接收效率高、抗多径反射、抗干扰等优点,在卫星导航系统中得到了广泛应用。

    Because the circular polarization antenna has some advantages such as high received efficiency , resistance to multipath reflection , and anti-interference , widely used in the satellite navigation system .

  30. 仿真结果表明,交织多址系统可以取得比直接序列扩频码分多址系统更高的频谱效率,单接收天线下频谱效率可以达到2.5b。

    Simulation results show that the IDMA spectral efficiency is higher than that of DS-CDMA ( direct spread-code division multiple access ) by up to 2.5 b · s ~ - 1 · Hz ~ - 1 in case of single receiver antenna .