
tiān shuǐ
  • Tianshui;rain;a city in Gansu
  1. 成矿热液包括主期中-高温、低盐度流体,次期中-低温、低盐度流体,后期有天水加入。

    Hydrothermal fluid contain medium-high temperature and low salinity fluid in the main term , and medium-low temperature and low salinity fluid in the second term , with rain water joined in later period .

  2. 小船平稳地向着天水交接处驶去。

    The boat sailed serenely on towards the horizon .

  3. 我看见在天水交接处的轮船。

    I descry a sail on the horizon .

  4. 基于软交换的IP电话在天水广电多媒体信息网的应用

    The Applications Based on Soft Exchange IP Telephone in Tianshui Radio-TV Multimedia Information Network

  5. 天水地震区Q值结构


  6. 伏牛山区植物的多样性及其保护天水小陇山锐齿栎群落土壤全N分布特征及与生物多样性关系研究

    The Distribution of Soil Total Nitrogen and Its Correlation to the Plant Species Diversity in the Forest of Xiaolong Mountain of Tianshui , Gansu Province

  7. 该文将空间统计分析与GIS相结合,探讨天水市人口空间分布模式。

    In this paper , spatial statistical analysis and GIS are combined to analyze the patterns of spatial population distribution of Tianshui City in Gansu Province .

  8. 还用TGA-DTA热分析和SEM形貌扫描的方法对改性混凝土的7天水化机理进行了分析研究。

    TGA-DTA and SEM were used to analyze 7 days hydration mechanism of concrete modified with ASR .

  9. 利用GIS空间栅格叠加分析功能,采用三级模糊综合评判方法对天水城市环境工程地质质量现状进行了综合评价,编制了环境工程地质质量现状综合评价图。

    Using GIS spatial raster overlay function and the three-stage fuzzy logic , the present situation of the environmental engineering geology quality in Tianshui City is evaluated , and finally , the evaluation map is made by GIS .

  10. 其次对建设银行天水分行所处的竞争环境做了分析,从宏观和微观两个方面进行了分析,然后应用SWOT分析建行天水分行自身服务营销方面存在的优势、劣势及所面临机会和威胁。

    Secondly , the author makes a macro and micro analysis on the competition environment for Tianshui Branch of Construction Bank and then discusses the advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and threats it is facing by the means of SWOT analysis .

  11. 目前,B2P位于天水围的总站已经由天水围巿中心搬往天慈村。

    At present , the terminus of B2P in Tin Shui Wai was relocated in Tin Tsz .

  12. 长江上游地区18Ka以来的植被与气候渭河上游干旱特征与降水对天水市水资源的影响

    The Drought Character in Upper Area of Weihe River and Precipitation Influence on Water Resource in Tianshui

  13. 根据天水地震台SK地震仪近年来记录的338个震例的资料,用最小二乘法求出最大振幅面波与初至波到时差同震中距的关系式,并与JB表进行了对比。

    According to records of 338 earthquakes in recent years by SK seismograph of Tianshui seismic station , a formula of relationship between travel time difference of maximum surface wave from primary wave and epicentral distance is given by least squares method .

  14. 热液改造阶段,循环加热的天水或来自基底的流体经过处于构造软弱带中的煤层,SO2-4被还原,生成热液黄铁矿,同时沉淀出方解石,对于锗起到叠加富集的作用。

    During hydrothermal transformation , the heated natural water or deep fluid from basement encountered the coal layer within tectonic weak zone . SO2-4 was reduced by coal organic matter , and pyrite and calcite formed . Hydrothermal process may be significant to mineralization .

  15. 对天水市财源建设情况的调查分析

    On Survey and Analysis of Tianshui citys Construction of Financial Resources

  16. 天水市公共交通线网规划研究

    Research on Road Network Planning of Public Transport in Tianshui City

  17. 关中-天水经济区形成基础及空间结构优化

    Forming Bases and Its Spatial Structure Optimization of Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Region

  18. 天水生态型城市建设的开发研究

    The development and research of Ecological City in Tianshui , Gansu

  19. 天水台影区地震震相特征讨论

    Discussion on the seismic phase characteristics in shadow zone in Tianshui station

  20. 对天水市国有工业企业增长能力的财务分析

    Financial Analysis on Increasing Capability of State-owned Industrial Enterprises In Tianshui City

  21. 论中国古史传说时代与伏羲文化研究&兼论天水市弘扬伏羲文化的成就

    Research into the Legendary Times of Ancient Chinese History and Fuxi Culture

  22. 天水围预留区发展蓝图拟备研究

    Study on Preparation of Layout Plans for Tin Shui Wai Reserve Zone

  23. 农业气象灾害对甘肃天水苹果生产的影响

    Effects of agro-meteorological disasters on apple production in Tianshui , Gansu Province

  24. 科学评估天水的传统民居

    SCIENCE A Scientific Evaluation on the Traditional Residences of Tianshui

  25. 天水地区农村体育人口偏少的原因及研究对策

    Tianshui Area Countryside Sports Population few Reasons and Research Countermeasure

  26. 500公里范围内的5个省会城市及其他11个中等城市为天水提供了丰富的潜在客源市场。

    Five provincial cities and eleven mid-size cities provides abounding potential tourists .

  27. 我们正在乘搭火车冲从西安到天水。

    We are on the train from Xi'an to Tianshui .

  28. 后榆中、勇士二县改属天水郡。

    After Yuzhong , the Warriors are two counties to Tianshui County .

  29. 第二章主要介绍了天水方言中的构词法。

    The second chapter basically introduces the word formation in tianshui dialect .

  30. 天水地震区地壳浅层速度结构

    The velocity structure of shallow crust in Tianshui earthquake area