
dà lǐ táng
  • auditorium;hall;great hall;assembly hall
大礼堂 [dà lǐ táng]
  • [great hall] 举行盛大典礼或开大会用的大厅

大礼堂[dà lǐ táng]
  1. 大礼堂里挤满了人。

    The great hall was overflowing with people

  2. 要召开这样的会议,我们应该租一个大礼堂。

    We should hire a hall to hold such a meeting .

  3. 穿着绿色军服的人星星点点地分布在整个大礼堂中。

    Men in green army uniforms are sprinkled throughout the huge auditorium .

  4. 而2015年她在O2大礼堂遇到的事真的挺囧。

    However , the incident at the O2 auditorium in 2015 was downright embarrassing .

  5. 村公所大礼堂是本地区的社交中心。

    The village hall was the social hub of the district .

  6. 大礼堂建得不错,可是却没空调。

    The auditorium is well built , but it lacks air-conditioning .

  7. 顺德大礼堂混凝土薄壳结构耐久性检测与评估

    Durability Examination and Assessment on Concrete Shell Structure of Shunde Auditorium

  8. 全校在大礼堂集合。

    The whole school was assembled in the main hall .

  9. 我们学校的大礼堂可以容纳1000人。

    Our school of auditorium can accommodate ( house ) 1000 students .

  10. 一个挤满了教授和学生的大礼堂的舞台上。

    Of a great hall crowded with professors and students .

  11. 全体学生获通知到大礼堂集。

    All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall .

  12. 我们的大礼堂多处起火。

    I got multiple fire alarms in the main auditorium .

  13. 广西大学大礼堂保护与改造设计

    Preservation and Rebuild Design of the Hall of Guangxi University

  14. 从早晨在大礼堂吃早饭起,境况就开始走下坡路了。

    Things started to go downhill from breakfast in the Great Hall .

  15. 学生和教职员把大礼堂挤得水泄不通。

    Students and faculty crowded every inch of the auditorium .

  16. 大礼堂有新潮、舒适的座位。

    The huge auditorium has modern , comfortable seating .

  17. 会议结束了,我们从大礼堂回到了教室。

    The meeting over , we returned to the classroom from the auditorium .

  18. 危旧大礼堂的控制爆破拆除

    Demolition of A Dangerous and Old Hall By blasting

  19. 还有猫头鹰捎来的信件、大礼堂里的宴会,

    the mail arriving by owl , eating banquets in the Great Hall ,

  20. 第十八届大学资讯日在中华公所大礼堂举行。

    The18th Annual Chinese-American College Information Program was being hosted in CCBA Auditorium .

  21. 还有一座大礼堂和一所医院。

    They have an assembly hall and a hospital .

  22. 汕头大学大礼堂的音质评价

    The Acoustical Appraisal of Assembly Hall of Shantou University

  23. 这个大礼堂是一个巨大的建筑物。

    The auditorium is a building of great magnitude .

  24. 我们的学校大礼堂坐得下1000学生。

    Our school auditorium seats one thousand pupils .

  25. 是啊,他们在布置大礼堂

    Yeah , they 're getting the assembly hall

  26. 8时,几屡金色的阳光洒进浙江省女子监狱的大礼堂,14个脚穿红舞鞋的妙龄女子在进行舞蹈训练。

    It was eight o'clock in the grand hall of Zhejiang Women 's Prison .

  27. 老建筑大礼堂空调系统的改造

    On Reform of Old Auditorium with A-C System

  28. 挤满;装满大礼堂里挤满了人。

    The great hall was overflowing with people .

  29. 学生们被召集在大礼堂。

    The pupils are gathered into the auditorium .

  30. 本校将在周六下午在学校大礼堂举行英语角。

    The school will hold an English corner in the auditorium on Saturday afternoon .