
  1. 在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和饭馆。

    There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof .

  2. 大火导致那栋大楼里的东西严重损毁。

    Fire has caused severe damage to the contents of the building .

  3. 有些示威者用链子把自己锁在法院大楼里的栏杆上。

    Some demonstrators chained themselves to railings inside the court building

  4. 音乐从海滨区一栋古老的大楼里响起。

    Music struck up in one of the big old buildings along the seafront

  5. 大楼里进行了人员疏散,并叫来了拆弹小组。

    The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called

  6. 你在大楼里遇到谁了么?

    Did you encounter anyone in the building ?

  7. 大楼里所有的人都热情地来给我送行。

    All the people in the buildings came to give me a rousing send-off .

  8. 我个人更喜欢现代化的大楼里舒适的高层公寓。

    My own tastes run to a comfortable apartment , somewhere high in a modern building .

  9. 大楼里有个人冲了出来。

    Someone inside the building rushed out

  10. 这些公司想一起开在同一栋大楼里,或者彼此紧挨着开在大型购物中心里。

    The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls

  11. 据说他花费巨资在大楼里安装了一台电梯。

    It was said that he went to great expense to install a lift in the building .

  12. 被困于倒塌大楼里的人们的哭喊声令人心碎。

    The cries of those imprisoned in the fallen buildings were heart-rending .

  13. 她被从着火的大楼里救了出来。

    She was rescued from a burning building .

  14. 浓烟从燃烧的大楼里滚滚涌出。

    Smoke surged from the burning building .

  15. 在这幢大楼里有消防水管吗?

    Are there any fire hoses in the building ?

  16. "他是这座大楼里最受爱戴的人,"一位阅读老师洛里·吉拉斯说。

    " He 's the most loved one in this building , " said Lori Gilreath , a reading teacher .

  17. 应用范围很广,可以从车道里使用一个光传感器来控制LED聚光灯,到商业办公大楼里使用传感器来降低能源成本。

    Applications can range from using a photo sensor to control an LED spotlight in your driveway to using an occupancy sensor to reduce energy costs in commercial office buildings .

  18. 如果说午餐有什么不同的话,那就是更方便一些:在同一幢大楼里有一个被称为“FunBox”的自动售卖机,消费者可以在售卖机自取通过APP预订并付费的午餐。

    Lunch is , if anything , even easier : in the bowels of the same building is a vending machine called the Fun Box dispensing app-ordered meals paid for by smartphone .

  19. 他们到新加坡出差,结果却从印度达卡(Dhaka,India)的孟加拉国民议会大楼里走出来。

    On a business trip to Singapore they ended up checking out the Louis Kahn National Assembly Building of Bangladesh in Dhaka , India .

  20. 一旦录像增多,她在这大楼里就有眼线了,Samaritan可看不到。

    Once the feeds populate , she 'll have eyes in the building , but Samaritan will be blind .

  21. 在这个新大楼里,Gehry重新起用了在许多纽约的老建筑里能看到的飘窗。

    In his new tower , Gehry resurrected the bay window seen in many old New York buildings .

  22. 在香港湾仔区一栋大楼里发现了两具女尸之后,警方上周六拘留了这位前美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)员工。湾仔区是个居民区,那里的夜生活享有盛名,吸引了很多银行业人士。

    Police detained the former Bank of America Merrill Lynch employee on Saturday after the bodies were found in a complex in Hong Kong 's Wan Chai district , a residential area known for its nightlife and popular among bankers .

  23. 受人尊敬的法国水晶公司巴卡拉(Baccarat)首次进军酒店业,在曼哈顿中城现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)对面的一座玻璃大楼里开设了纽约巴卡拉酒店及公寓(BaccaratHotel&ResidencesNewYork)。

    The venerable French crystal company Baccarat is venturing into hotel business for the first time with the Baccarat Hotel & Residences New York in a glass tower in Midtown Manhattan across the street from the Museum of Modern Art .

  24. 几十年来,雕像后面的大楼里断断续续的居住了一个名叫aist(雏鸟)的小饭馆。

    For decades , the building behind the statue has intermittently housed an eatery named AIST ( stork ) .

  25. 正如时代华纳中心前公管公寓管理者鲁迪·陶舍尔(RudyTauscher)所说:“大楼里的工作人员不知道钱是从哪来的,我们也不感兴趣。”

    As Rudy Tauscher , a former manager of the condos at Time Warner , said : " The building doesn 't know where the money is coming from . We 're not interested . "

  26. 如今这些秘而不宣的做法仅仅过去了一代人(30年)时间,Foyles就在离老店原址几步之遥的新大楼里重新开张。

    Today , a generation away from those arcane practices , the bookshop is reopening in a huge new building a couple of doors away from its historic home .

  27. 私人组织Jericho项目为纽约无家可归者提供永久性住宿,在这座大楼里,有56个单元供无家男女住宿,每单元都有厨房,床,起居室,衣柜和浴室。

    Jericho Project A private group called the Jericho Project provides permanent housing for the homeless in New York . One building houses 56 units for men and women . Each has a kitchen , bed and sitting room , closet space and bathroom .

  28. 这个350平方米面积的明亮画廊上周四开业,与PhillipsdePury拍卖行(目前由一家俄罗斯奢侈品巨头所有)位于同一幢大楼里,但两家的业务明显没有什么联系。

    The light-filled , 350 sq m gallery , which opened on Thursday , is in the same huge complex as the auction house Phillips de Pury , which now belongs to a Russian luxury goods tycoon . But there is apparently no connection between the two operations .

  29. 正确示例:你现在可以在大楼里使用无线网了。

    Right : You can now use wireless in this building .

  30. 科学博物馆位于星型的五层大楼里。我大概到星期五能把它看完。

    The Science Museum is housed in a star-shaped five-story building .